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SAT HOT WORDS #17 English 3 CP. 1. Immutable  My father’s immutable optimism can be traced back to the pleasant atmosphere in my grandmother’s home.

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Presentation on theme: "SAT HOT WORDS #17 English 3 CP. 1. Immutable  My father’s immutable optimism can be traced back to the pleasant atmosphere in my grandmother’s home."— Presentation transcript:

1 SAT HOT WORDS #17 English 3 CP

2 1. Immutable  My father’s immutable optimism can be traced back to the pleasant atmosphere in my grandmother’s home.  Princess Charlotte is an immutable hedonist, forever yachting and partying with the rich and the famous.  Recognizing that Cabot was an immutable heretic, we didn’t try to convert him.

3 1. Immutable  adj  Never changing  Syn: enduring; inflexible; unalterable  Ant: changeable; variable

4 2. Impartial  An impartial attorney was asked to serve as a judge in the dispute.  The decision was apparently an impartial one, and we couldn’t quarrel with it.  A baseball umpire has to be completely impartial.

5 2. Impartial  Adj.  Fair; just; showing no favoritism  Syn: unbiased; equitable  Ant: biased; prejudiced; unjust

6 3. Impassive  Good poker players are supposed to maintain impassive appearances.  It was hard to remain impassive as we listened to the speaker’s flagrant hyperbole.  Spartans were admired for their impassive demeanor even in the face of pain.

7  Adj.  Without feeling or emotion; insensible  Syn: apathetic; indifferent  Ant: emotional; sensitive Impassive

8 4. Imperturbable  We couldn’t believe that Rafael would be that imperturbable in the midst of a riot.  People frequently compliment our calm manager for being imperturbable.  When the imperturbable student realized that his graduation was imminent, he finally showed some emotion.

9 4. Imperturbable  Adj.  Not easily excited or disturbed  Syn: complacent; nonchalant; unaffected  Ant: excitable; irritable

10 5. Implausible  The hypothetical case which Dan presented was so implausible that we refused to deal with it.  Only the most gullible member of our club would accept the implausible alibi.  It’s implausible that with a homogeneous group we should get such heterogeneous results.

11 5. Implausible  Adj.  Not having the appearance of truth or reason  Syn: doubtful, dubious; inconceivable  Ant: likely; plausible; reasonable; believable

12 6. Inadvertent  I regarded the inadvertent comment as immaterial, but it proved to be significant.  An inadvertent technical error almost impaired the entire status of the space program.  Harlan demanded that the inadvertent slip be expunged from the official transcript.

13 6. Inadvertent  Adj.  Not done on purpose; careless  Syn: thoughtless; unintentional  Ant: deliberate; planned

14 7. Incipient  Dr. Hollinger, who is quite articulate, was able to describe the incipient ulcer in great detail.  The rookie’s flagrant error spelled doom for his incipient career.  Economic realities forced the incipient enterprise to capitulate and close its doors.

15 7. Incipient  Adj.  In an early stage  Syn: basic; fundamental; beginning  Ant: developed; mature

16 8. Incisive  Incisive criticism by the newspaper’s film reviewer led us to a renewed appreciation of the movie.  Following Huntley’s incisive analysis, the bond traders were immediately galvanized into a frenzy of selling.  Cheryl’s incisive coverage of City Hall affairs made her a formidable candidate for a Pulitzer Prize.

17 8. Incisive  Adj  Keen; penetrating  Syn: intelligent; bright  Ant: incompetent

18 9. Incongruous  Seeing the little boy in a room filled with basketball giants struck me as totally incongruous.  We make an incongruous couple because I’m talkative and my wife is shy.  The Rembrandt painting seemed incongruous on a wall filled with modern art.

19 9. Incongruous  Adj.  Inappropriate; out of place  Syn: contradictory; incompatible  Ant: consistent; harmonious

20 10. Incontrovertible  It’s incontrovertible that a settlement of the bitter strike is imminent.  Ryan offered incontrovertible evidence to show that his former partner was embroiled in a crass extortion scheme.  The Los Angeles Lakers offer incontrovertible proof that team play in basketball is a criterion for success.

21 10. Incontrovertible  Adj.  Not able to be disputed or denied  Syn: accurate; authentic; irrefutable  Ant: questionable; uncertain

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