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Turnitin UK: Electronic Plagiarism Detection By Catherine Ogilvie Department for the Enhancement of Teaching, Learning and Assessment (DELTA)

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Presentation on theme: "Turnitin UK: Electronic Plagiarism Detection By Catherine Ogilvie Department for the Enhancement of Teaching, Learning and Assessment (DELTA)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Turnitin UK: Electronic Plagiarism Detection By Catherine Ogilvie Department for the Enhancement of Teaching, Learning and Assessment (DELTA)

2 What is plagiarism? plagiarize or plagiarise verb (plagiarized, plagiarizing) tr & intr to copy (ideas, passages of text, etc) from someone else's work and use them as if they were one's own. CHAMBERS HARRAP PUBLISHER LTD, 2005. Chambers reference online. [online] Edinburgh: Chambers Harrap Publishers Ltd. Available from: uery=plagiarise&title=21st [Accessed 19 September 2005] uery=plagiarise&title=21st

3 Video clip rtsp:// info/academic_misconduct.rm

4 Turnitin UK: Electronic Plagiarism Detection Electronic comparison on student’s work against electronic sources Over 80% of UK universities Database of previously submitted work Internet sources, books, newspapers and journals 8 billion web pages Web-based system Cannot solve plagiarism Produces an ‘Originality Report’

5 What does the system compare against? Database of previously submitted material Over 8 billion web sites Essays from cheat sites Several databases including GALE InfoTrac, OneFile database ( ) Emerald Publishing Data and the Gutenburg Collection of Literary Works

6 Why are we using it? Self diagnostic tool Avoid inadvertent plagiarism Raise awareness of plagiarism Trying to prevent the occurrence of plagiarism (as opposed to detecting) Take corrective action where necessary A tool for the students own benefit Queries or concerns contact your tutor

7 The Tutors Create an account Log onto the service Create a ‘class’ Create an assignment Check submissions electronically

8 The Students Create an account Log onto the service Join the class (set up by the tutor) Upload the relevant documentation to the assignment area Receive a digital receipt View the originality report

9 Originality report Produced in a few minutes (though may take up to 24 hrs) Colour coded and/or numbered to indicate any matching text Ability to exclude quotations/bibliography Demonstration


11 Review Raising awareness Tutors register details online Students register details online Tutors then create ‘classes’ Assignments are attached to ‘classes’ Students then submit assignment online

12 Additional Information Enrol in more than one class To be used as a diagnostic tool If any problems contact your course tutor

13 Additional Information Plagiarism Leaflet Collusion Video Instructors & Students Guides FAQs JISC Plagiarism Detection Service ( Turnitin Plagiarism Detection Training Videos ( php) php Jude Carroll’s Good Practice Guide Virtual Campus My Modules, Plagiarism Detection Service, Released Topics


15 Demonstration



18 References Rowell, G. An introduction to TurnitinUK® plagiarism detection software. [online] JISCPAS. Available from: [Accessed Sept 2007]

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