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Prestation at CNSSs Assembly In Newcastle the 9th June 2011 Anders Fasth (KD) Region of Västra Götaland.

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Presentation on theme: "Prestation at CNSSs Assembly In Newcastle the 9th June 2011 Anders Fasth (KD) Region of Västra Götaland."— Presentation transcript:

1 Prestation at CNSSs Assembly In Newcastle the 9th June 2011 Anders Fasth (KD) Region of Västra Götaland


3 North Sea Commission and Priorities for a North Sea Region 2020 NSC Secretariat Telemark fylkeskommune Fylkeshuset. 3706 Skien, Norway

4 Members of NSC. 8 Countries; Sweden, Denmark, Germany, The Netherlands, France, England, Scotland, Norway Representing 36 Member Regions

5 What is The North Sea Commission? The North Sea Commission was founded in 1989 to facilitate and enhance partnerships between regions which manage the challenges and opportunities presented by the North Sea. Furthermore, to promote the North Sea Basin as a major economic entity within Europe, by encouraging joint development initiatives and political lobbying at European Union level.

6 The organisation of NSC. Annual Business Meeting, for all members Executive Committee Culture & Tourism Group Innovation & Education Group Marine Resources Group Sustainable Development Group Transport Group Strategic Committee Time limited Political Ad-Hoc Group(s) President Gunn Marit Helgesen Vice-President Rinske Krusingar Vice-President Sandy Cluness NSC-BSC coop Annlie Stark 11 members; 8 national representatives and 3 presidents Thematic groups: 1 Chair, 2 Vice- Chairs and 1 Adviser

7 How do we work? Political influence Conferences and Resolutions/Statements on important policy areas e.g.; Maritime Policy Interreg/Territorial Co-operation Fishery Energy North Sea Region 2020


9 Priorities for a Sustainable North Sea and a North Sea Region 2020

10 Background The focus round the Baltic Sea Strategy and other Macro-regions, makes the North Sea region to discuss our own priorities/ challenges for the future. EU is using expressions supporting the idea of Macro- regional strategies. Fight for EU funding past 2013. Will we have an Interreg in the next periode?

11 Key Challenges for a Sustainable North Sea Managing Maritime Space Increasing Accessibility and Attractiveness Tackling Climate Change Promoting innovation and excellence Sustaining communities

12 Key Challenges for a Sustainable North Sea Managing Maritime Space; The North Sea is a very complex and open marine ecosystem, providing a nursery for fish and a migratory and wintering area for many species of birds. It is also one of the most heavily-used seas, supporting fishing, shipping, trade, energy, sand mining, defense and recreation. Increasing economic activity in the sea, such as growing shipping traffic and the development of offshore wind farms, is leading to more and more competition between users of the sea.

13 Conclosion NSR is an Engine in Europe EU needs the NSR NSRs have responsebility and needs a common vision/strategi, a NSR 2020 Regions together is a base for influence on Regions, States and on EU-level This is a opportunity, a challange. Use it !!!


15 Thank you!

16 Key Challenges for a Sustainable North Sea Increasing Accessibility and Attractiveness; North Sea ports are important hubs for the export/import of goods and provide access to business locations and Europe’s hinterland, stimulating economic development in our region. Further globalization of the economy and an increase in the global population is likely to increase traffic. It is essential to ensure free passage in the North Sea and a good flow to the hinterland.

17 Key Challenges for a Sustainable North Sea Tackling Climate Change; One of the main challenges facing the North Sea Region is climate change, with adaptation and mitigation measures required. Increased precipitation and flooding in the North, coupled with increased temperatures and aridity in the South will cause significant changes to both physical and human geography in Europe. Exhaustion of fossil fuels and the resulting increase in fuel prices will be another challenge for the region.

18 Key Challenges for a Sustainable North Sea Promoting innovation and excellence; The North Sea Region is a European stronghold in relation to other regions when it comes to innovation capacity and performance. The progression towards a knowledge based society and a strong research base have enabled excellence in sectors such as ICT, renewable energies, marine technologies and creative industries. The future challenges in this context will be to capitalise on the regions excellence and to promote and maintain innovation in existing and upcoming sectors.

19 Key Challenges for a Sustainable North Sea Sustaining communities; The North Sea area is a diverse region offering both attractive natural and urban environments. The changing population structure brings with it a shift in demands which impacts upon the vitality and sustainability of communities. One challenge will be to continue to support and enhance the strengths of urban and rural areas and their mutual links on the macro regional level. In this way economic growth and attractiveness of the regions communities need to be promoted to sustain liveability.


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