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Innovating Packaging Solutions for Fresh Fish
Marit Kvalvåg Pettersen, Anlaug Ådland Hansen, Nofima Food, Matforsk, Norway Innovating packaging solutions for fresh fish - Marit Kvalvåg Pettersen
Innovating Packaging solutions for fresh fish
Outline: Packaging in general and the foods requirements for packaging Packaging of fresh fish Nanotechnology and Packaging materials Biomaterials Innovating packaging solutions for fresh fish - Marit Kvalvåg Pettersen
Packaging in general Function of packaging: Protect Preserve Practical
Containment Communication Information Marketing Innovating packaging solutions for fresh fish - Marit Kvalvåg Pettersen
IT IS A SERVICE!! Packaging in general Rationalise distribution
Packaging is not a product…. IT IS A SERVICE!! Rationalise distribution Inform/market the product Protect/Preserve the content O2 and CO2 light water vapour aroma mechanical impact. Innovating packaging solutions for fresh fish - Marit Kvalvåg Pettersen
Requirements to food packaging: Many parameters to consider!
Safety of food packaging materials - migration Taste and smell neutral Barrier to light Barrier to oxygen Barrier to water vapour Barrier to CO2 Barrier to aroma Temperature at filling, storage and distribution Machinability and sealing properties Reuse- recycling Price Innovating packaging solutions for fresh fish - Marit Kvalvåg Pettersen
Requirements to food packaging: Many parameters to consider!
Safety of food packaging materials - migration Taste and smell neutral Barrier to light Barrier to oxygen Barrier to water vapour Barrier to CO2 Barrier to aroma Temperature at filling, storage and distribution Machinability and sealing properties Reuse- recycling Price Bologna Ham Pink Grey Innovating packaging solutions for fresh fish - Marit Kvalvåg Pettersen
Requirements to food packaging: Many parameters to consider!
Safety of food packaging materials - migration Taste and smell neutral Barrier to light Barrier to oxygen Barrier to water vapour Barrier to CO2 Barrier to aroma Temperature at filling, storage and distribution Machinability and sealing properties Reuse- recycling Price Oxidation - Rancid Bacterial growth Mould Innovating packaging solutions for fresh fish - Marit Kvalvåg Pettersen
Requirements to food packaging: Many parameters to consider!
Safety of food packaging materials - migration Taste and smell neutral Barrier to light Barrier to oxygen Barrier to water vapour Barrier to CO2 Barrier to aroma Temperature at filling, storage and distribution Machinability and sealing properties Reuse- recycling Price Innovating packaging solutions for fresh fish - Marit Kvalvåg Pettersen
The golden triangle of packaging!
Product Raw material Process Hygiene. Packaging- material and -machine Barrier Runability Sealability Design Hygiene. Distribution: Time Temperature Light Mechanical impact Logistics Environment Consumer. Packaged product Innovating packaging solutions for fresh fish - Marit Kvalvåg Pettersen
The foods requirement for packaging and storage stability
Type of food product Perishability or stability of the food product: chemical, biological and physical nature of the product- initial quality Storage conditions and environmental factors Oxygen : accelerate the growth of many microorganisms lead to lipid oxidation, pigment changes, loss of protein quality and destructions of vitamins. Light: may initiate or accelerate deteriorative changes Temperature increases the rate of many chemical reactions and accelerates bacterial growth humidity Innovating packaging solutions for fresh fish - Marit Kvalvåg Pettersen
Packaging of fresh fish
Packaging materials Packaging methods Packaging solutions – innovating packaging solutions Atlantic Salmon Lobster Cod Mackerel Innovating packaging solutions for fresh fish - Marit Kvalvåg Pettersen
Fresh fish Great diversity Fishing ground Wild caught and farmed fish
Herring Great diversity Fishing ground Wild caught and farmed fish Season Fat content Fish parts Atlantic Salmon Redfish Wolffish Blue Mussel Innovating packaging solutions for fresh fish - Marit Kvalvåg Pettersen
Chemical composition In general: 66-84% water 15-24% protein
0,1-22% fat 1-3% carbohydrates 0,8-2% minerals Fat fish: more than 5% fat stored in the muscle (triglyceride) Lean fish: fat stock in the liver and only 0,5-1,5% fat in the muscular tissue Different chemical composition in different parts of the fillet (salmon and trout) Mackerel Cod Trout Salmon Innovating packaging solutions for fresh fish - Marit Kvalvåg Pettersen
Fresh fish - microbiology
The dominating flora in fish (temperate seawater): Psykrotrophe aerobe/facultative anaerobe gram-negative: e.g. Pseudomonos, Shewanella, Photobacterium sp. Gram-positive bacteria: Lactobacillus, Bacillus, Micrococcus, Clostridium, Corynebacterium Innovating packaging solutions for fresh fish - Marit Kvalvåg Pettersen
Fresh fish – Contamination and packaging methods
Contamination depends on habitat, e.g. sea water, fresh water, pelagic or at the bottom Perishability or stability of the food product: chemical, biological and physical nature of the product- initial quality Internal factors: Water activity (aw) pH Red-Ox potensial (Eh) Nutritive substances Storage conditions and environmental factors Oxygen Light Temperature Humidity Storage time Innovating packaging solutions for fresh fish - Marit Kvalvåg Pettersen
Fish and packaging materials
Type of food product Perishability or stability of the food product: chemical, biological and physical nature of the product- initial quality Storage conditions and environmental factors Oxygen Light Temperature Humidity Storage time Innovating packaging solutions for fresh fish - Marit Kvalvåg Pettersen
Fish and packaging methods
Air/Open with ice Vacuum packaging Modified atmosphere packaging Superchilled packaging Innovating packaging solutions for fresh fish - Marit Kvalvåg Pettersen
Comparison of MAP, air and vacuum packaging: Shelf life (sensory evaluation)
MAP Air Vacuum Storage temp CO2/N2/O2 Cod (G. morhua) fillets 17 6 16 8 0/100/0 Catfish (filets) 13 75/25/0 Salmon (S.salar 11 2 60/40/0 Shrimp, spotted (Pandalus platyceros) 14 7 100/0/0 Swordfish (Xiphias gladius) steaks 22 Sivertsvik, M., Jeksrud, W.K., Rosnes, T., International Journal of Food Science and Technology 2002, 37, 107±127 Innovating packaging solutions for fresh fish - Marit Kvalvåg Pettersen
Fish and packaging methods- Modified atmosphere packaging
Gas composition Effect of CO2 Solubility of CO2 Gas/product ratio MAP: the enclosure of a food product in a package (material with gas barrier), in which the gaseous environment has been changed or modified Modified atmosphere packaging Gas composition N2, CO2, O2 Effect of CO2 CO2Dissolved in the product Antimicrobial effect – Gram-negative organisms with aerobic metabolisms Absorption and Solubility of CO2 Absorption increases with increased CO2 concentration Packaging conditions : g/p ratio, concentration of CO2, initial microbial content, type and content of fat, pH, water activity, temperature Gas/product ratio Optimal g/p ratio 3:1 Economically and environmentally unfriendly Innovating packaging solutions for fresh fish - Marit Kvalvåg Pettersen
Modified atmosphere packaging
Gas composition N2, CO2, O2 Effect of CO2 CO2Dissolved in the product Antimicrobial effect – Gram-negative organisms with aerobic metabolisms Absorption and Solubility of CO2 Absorption increases with increased CO2 concentration Packaging conditions : g/p ratio, concentration of CO2, initial microbial content, type and content of fat, pH, water activity, temperature Gas/product ratio Optimal g/p ratio 3:1 Economically and environmentally unfriendly CO2-emitter Production of CO2 after sealing Proven effect Innovating packaging solutions for fresh fish - Marit Kvalvåg Pettersen
Innovative packaging solutions- active packaging
Modified atmosphere packaging Gas/product ratio Optimal g/p ratio 3:1 Economically and environmentally unfriendly CO2-emitter Production of CO2 after sealing Reduction of g/p ratio Proven effect Wolffish Effect of CO2 CO2Dissolved in the product Antimicrobial effect – Gram-negative organisms with aerobic metabolisms Absorption and Solubility of CO2 Absorption increases with increased CO2 concentration Packaging conditions : g/p ratio, concentration of CO2, initial microbial content, type and content of fat, pH, water activity, temperature Gas/product ratio Optimal g/p ratio 3:1 Economically and environmentally unfriendly CO2-emitter Production of CO2 after sealing Proven effect Innovating packaging solutions for fresh fish - Marit Kvalvåg Pettersen
■ MAP 1:1 emitter MAP 2 :1 MAP 1:1
Innovating packaging solutions for fresh fish - Marit Kvalvåg Pettersen
Bacterial growth in Salmon - TVC
MAP 3:1 ■ MAP 1:1 emitter Vacuum Salmon stored at 1°C with 60% CO2 / 40% N2 Innovating packaging solutions for fresh fish - Marit Kvalvåg Pettersen
Summary – Packaging materials and fresh fish
Type of product - perishability Storage conditions Shelf life Selection of packaging materials and packaging method Innovating packaging solutions for fresh fish - Marit Kvalvåg Pettersen
Nanotechnology and food packaging
Marit Kvalvåg Pettersen, Nofima Food, Matforsk, Norway Innovating packaging solutions for fresh fish - Marit Kvalvåg Pettersen
Nanotechnology and Packaging materials
What is nanotechnology? Properties of packaging materials with nanoparticles What’s on the market? Active and intelligent packaging solutions Innovating packaging solutions for fresh fish - Marit Kvalvåg Pettersen
Nanotechnology What is nanotechnology?
Technology that deals with materials/particles in nano-size Nano = 10-9 1 Nanometre = 1/ millimetre Human hair nm thickness red blood corpuscle: nm in width Nanotechnology is multi disciplinary Physics, chemistry, biology, engineering….. Innovating packaging solutions for fresh fish - Marit Kvalvåg Pettersen
Nanotechnology Nano-size means atom level
Percent surface area in propotion to total volume is changed compared to materials in bulk Use Cars/motors, aircrafts, energy, electronic equipment, paint, cosmethics, medicine, packaging etc. Innovating packaging solutions for fresh fish - Marit Kvalvåg Pettersen
Nano-scaled additives in polymers; Potential increased performance
Mechanical strength Dimentional stability Thermal stability Chemical resistance Flame retardancy Electrical conductivity Optical properties Transparency UV resistance Barrier properties NFR Seminar 29. June 2007 NFR Seminar 29. June 2007 Innovating packaging solutions for fresh fish - Marit Kvalvåg Pettersen
Nanotechnology and plastic materials – some examples
Inorganic/organic hybrid polymers Clay Cellulose microfibrils 4 concepts were evaluated in this project: Nor-X compound Inorganic/organic hybrid polymers Clay (this is a area much work have been done internationally in connection with packaging material Cellulose microfibrils In this presentation I will focus on some of the results obtained in this project Innovating packaging solutions for fresh fish - Marit Kvalvåg Pettersen
Polymer-Clay composites
Virkelige nanokompositter må nanolagene være uniformtdispergert (exfoliated) i polymer matriksen, i motsetning til intercalated. Så fort nanolayer exfoliation er blitt oppnådd, er egenskapene endret Avhengig av naturen til komponenten som benyttes (lagdelt silikat, organisk kation og polymer matriks) og preparerings metode er det tre hovedtyper av kompositter man kan oppnå når lagdelt leire er kombinert med en polymer. Når polymeren ikke kan intercaleres mellom silikat lagene, oppnår man fase-separert kompositt, men egenskaper som er i området med tradisjonelle microkompositter Interkalerte struktur er når en enkel (og ofte mer enn en) extended polymerkjede er interkalert mellom silikatlagene, som resulterer i en vel-ordent multilags morfologi som er bygget opp med alternerende polymerisk og uorganiske lag. Når silikat-lagene er fullstendig og uniformt dispergert ii en kontinuerlig matrix oppnår man ecfoliert eller delaminert struktur Fig. 4, Alexandre & Dubois, Mater. Sci. Eng.. 28(2000) 1-63 Innovating packaging solutions for fresh fish - Marit Kvalvåg Pettersen
Nanotechnology and packaging materials
Not a new type of material (e.g. a new polymer like PP ) Additives in nanosize The materialer obtains new and alterated properties Easier to measure, manipulate, build …….with nanotechnology Tailored properties (active and intelligent packaging) Innovating packaging solutions for fresh fish - Marit Kvalvåg Pettersen
What’s on the market? More than 400 actors within science, development and production is using nanotechnology and molcular knowledge in food, food production and packaging More than 300 nano-food products is available on the market. Innovating packaging solutions for fresh fish - Marit Kvalvåg Pettersen
Polymers with nanocomposites
Research in many areas and materials both thermosetings and thermoplastic For thermoplastic materials e.g.: PA PS PP PET EVOH + + + Innovating packaging solutions for fresh fish - Marit Kvalvåg Pettersen
Nanotechnology and intelligent food packaging materials
Freshness indicator The packaging gives information about the freshness of the products by the use of nanoparticles that change the colour due to oxidation The packaging gives information about tampering Oxygen-intelligent printing ink / oxygen indicator Alteration of the properties or shape of the packaging Innovating packaging solutions for fresh fish - Marit Kvalvåg Pettersen
Nanotechnology and active food packaging materials
Nanocomposite coating on the packaging material Designed for interaction/reaction with the food Reduction of the oxygen level in the packaging Preserving agent or addition of flavourings Anti-microbial packaging Nanoparticles irreversible bound to certain bacteria and prevent them to affect the product Innovating packaging solutions for fresh fish - Marit Kvalvåg Pettersen
Nanotechnology – Disandvanteges ?
Few disadvantages is associated with the incorporation of nanoparticles Impact resistance and toughness Price Nanocomposites is more expensive - but this is changing Ethics? Not fully control over the consequences of nanoparticles on the environment and human Innovating packaging solutions for fresh fish - Marit Kvalvåg Pettersen
Summary - Nanomaterials
Materials with nanoparticles is available on the market The effect of nanocomposites: Longer shelf life: Improved barrier properties Absorbing/reacting compounds Thinner/lighter packaging materials Functionality: anti-microbial, freshness indicatior, preserving, sensors (temperature, humidity, light, deterioration) Innovating packaging solutions for fresh fish - Marit Kvalvåg Pettersen
Marit Kvalvåg Pettersen, Nofima Food, Matforsk, Norway
Biomaterials Marit Kvalvåg Pettersen, Nofima Food, Matforsk, Norway Innovating packaging solutions for fresh fish - Marit Kvalvåg Pettersen
Biomaterials and Packaging
Definitions Types of Biomaterials Suitability for fresh fish Innovating packaging solutions for fresh fish - Marit Kvalvåg Pettersen
Biomaterials - Definitions
Biopolymer, Bioplastic, bio-based polymer, biomaterial , biodegradable Organic material where source of the carbon is from biological resources (not-fossil resources) Example Cellulose, Biodegradable : Biodegradable polymers with approved biodegradability (according to EN 13432) Compostable packaging Defintion by European Bioplastics: Biodegradable biopolymer Innovating packaging solutions for fresh fish - Marit Kvalvåg Pettersen
Raw materials Properties Fossile source Renewable source - biomass
Biodegradable Non- biodegradable ”Traditional” Plastics: E.g. PE, PP, PS, PET, PA, PVC Many Cellulos derivates E.g. sugar based PE Starch based materials, Cellofan, PLA, PHA, Chitosan PCL, PBAT, PBS PCL = Poly (e-caprolacton) PBAT= Poly(butylene adipate-co-terephthalate) PBS = Polybutylen succinat PE = Polyetylen PP = Polypropylen PS = Polystyren PET = Polyetylentereftalat PA = Polyamid PVC = Polyvinylklorid PLA= Polylactic Acid (Polylaktat) PHA = Polyhydroksyalkanoat Innovating packaging solutions for fresh fish - Marit Kvalvåg Pettersen
Carbon cycle Biopolymere pakkematerialer kommer fra fornybare kilder som bidrar positivt til livssyklus-regnskapet sammenlignet med materialer som stammer fra fossile kilder Innovating packaging solutions for fresh fish - Marit Kvalvåg Pettersen
Biomass – Biobased raw materials
Based on agricultural and forest products, and marine resources Different routes to produce biopolymers for packaging Directly by extraction from natural occurring biopolymers in plants: E.g. lipids, proteins, polysaccharides (e.g. starch) Chemical processes: E.g. hydrolysis of biomass where bio-monomers is produced, which in turn is the building blocks in the biopolymer like polyesters and polylactate Polymers produced by organisms, polymerisation by microorganism: E.g. bacterial cellulose and polyhydroksyalkanoates Innovating packaging solutions for fresh fish - Marit Kvalvåg Pettersen
Biomass – Biobased raw materials
Based on agricultural and forest products, and marine resources Different routes to produce biopolymers for packaging 1. Directly by extraction from natural occurring biopolymers in plants: E.g. lipids, proteins, polysaccharides (e.g. starch) 2. Chemical processes: E.g. hydrolysis of biomass where bio-monomers is produced, which in turn is the building blocks in the biopolymer like polyesters and polylactate 3. Polymers produced by organisms, polymerisation by microorganism: E.g. bacterial cellulose and polyhydroksyalkanoates Three main biopolymers constitute> 90 % of the biopolymer market (2008) Starch/starch blends PLA Cellulose Innovating packaging solutions for fresh fish - Marit Kvalvåg Pettersen
Biopolymers and Market
Three main biopolymers constitute> 90 % of the biopolymer market (2008) Starch/starch blends PLA Cellulose Three main biopolymers constitute> 90 % of the biopolymer market (2008) Starch/starch blends PLA Cellulose Innovating packaging solutions for fresh fish - Marit Kvalvåg Pettersen
Starch Directly extracted from bio-mass Natural occurring polymer in plants
Starch based biopolymers dominates the market (75-80% in 2002) Economical competitive to petrochemical materials Feedstock: Maize, potatoes, wheat, rice Properties Hydrophilic Brittle Mechanical properties are inferior to petrochemical polymers Relatively easy to process Vulnerable to degradation Low resistance to solvents and oils Enhanced porperties Addition of plasticisers (e.g. glycerine) Blending with biodegradable copolyester Starch = polysakkarid major storage carbohydrates in higher plasnts composed of glucose units Amylose (20-30%) and amylopectin (70-80%) Starch based biopolymers dominates the market (75-80% in 2002). Estimated world capacity in 2010: kt/y Economical competitive to petrochemical materials – The density of starch polymers are higher than most conventional polymers, and also higher than most bio-based polymers. This decreases its price competitivenes on a volume basis Sources: Maize, potatoes, wheat, rice Propoerties Hydrophilic Brittle Mechanical properties are inferior to petrochemical polymers Relatively easy to process Vulnerable to degradation Low resistance to solvents and oils Ulempe: sprø struktur Motvirkes ved innblanding med f.eks. glyserol Danner et termoplastisk materiale under ekstrudering. Kommersielt tilgjengelig : Mater-Bi Major companies: Novamont, Rodenburg Innovating packaging solutions for fresh fish - Marit Kvalvåg Pettersen
PLA – Poly(lactic acid) Synthesised from bio-derived monomers - Monomers from bio renewable source
Polymerised lactic acid produced by fermentation of carbohydrates extraction of e.g. starch hydrolysis to sugar- fermentation of sugar to lactic acid - purification of monomer (lactide- polymerisation to PLA (polyester)) Source : maize, (cellulose, agricultural waste) Energy requiring process Stort potensial for matemballasje Likner konvensjonelle petrokjemiske masse-plaster som PE og PP Kan prosesseres på enkelt standard utstyr som allerede eksisterer for produksjon av konvensjonelle plaster Mange anvendelser: filmblåsing, sprøytestøping, termoforming Egenskapene kan skreddersys til ulike anvendelser. Worldwide capacity 150 ktonnes/y (2007) Producers: Natureworks (+ small producers Hycail, BASF, Biomer, Mitsui-Toatsu Innovating packaging solutions for fresh fish - Marit Kvalvåg Pettersen
PLA – Poly(lactic acid) Synthesised from bio-derived monomers - Monomers from bio renewable source
Polymerised lactic acid produced by fermentation of carbohydrates Feedstock : maize, (cellulose, agricultural waste) High potential for substitution of petrochemicals like PE, PP, PS and PET due to physical and chemical properties Hardness, stiffness, impact strength and elasticity comparable to PET Processed on existing equipments: film blowing, thermoforming, injection moulding Properites: High transparency, high gloss and low haze Temperature sensitive: Glass transition temp 60°C (degrades quickly above this temperature) Low Vicat softening point (Less suitable for filling at elevated temperatures) Low heat deflection temperature (HDT) and high heat seal strength (good performance in film sealing) Energy requiring process Require industrial composting conditions Polymerised lactic acid produced by fermentation of carbohydrates extraction of e.g. starch hydrolysis to sugar- fermentation of sugar to lactic acid - purification of monomer (lactide- polymerisation to PLA (polyester)) High transparency, high gloss and low haze Haze is also use to describe turbidity in clear glass or plastic High temperature sensitive: Glass transition temp 60C (degrades quickly above this temperature) Low Vicat softening point (Less suitable for filling at elevated temperatures) Vicat softening point is the determination of the softening point for materials such as polyethylene, which have no definite melting point. It is taken as the temperature at which the specimen is penetrated to a depth of 1 mm by a flat-ended needle with a 1 sq. mm circular or square cross-section Low heat deflection temperature (HDT) and high heat seal strength (good performance in film sealing) The heat deflection temperature or heat distortion temperature (HDT or HDTUL) is the temperature at which a polymer or plastic sample deforms under a specified load Energy rquiring process Require industrial composting conditions Worldwide capacity 150 ktonnes/y (2007) Producers: Natureworks (+ small producers Hycail, BASF, Biomer, Mitsui-Toatsu Innovating packaging solutions for fresh fish - Marit Kvalvåg Pettersen
PHA – Poly(hydroxyalkanoates) Polymers produced in microorganisms
A familiy of aliphatic polyesters Feedstock: carbohydrates from maize, sugar, alcohols, lipids Produced by microbial fermentation of sugar or lipids High production costs; not entered the market Wide range of molecular weight and structure; affects a number of properties PHA films are translucent, and moulded articles have high gloss Most common PHB (Poly (3-hydroksybutyrat) A polyester comparable (in melting characteristics and mechanical properties) to petroleumbased PP Low water vapour transmission rate (like LDPE) Drawback: ageing/Maturing (Can be avoided by curing ) Promising material! Source: carbohydrates from corn, sugar, alcoholes, lipids Produced by microbial fermentation of sugar or lipids High production costs have not yet entered the marked Commersial producers : Metabolix(Mirel plasics) and Tianan (Enmat) Akkumuleres som A familiy of aliphatic polyesters - most common PHB (Poly (3-hydroksybutyrat) Er en polyester som karakteristisk sett er lik petrokjemisk PP krystallinsk termoplast Langkjedete PHA’er: mindre krystallinske Lav vanndampgjennomgang (som LDPE) Ligner PP i smelteegenskaper og mekaniske egenskaper Ulempe: aldring. Kan hindres ved herding Egenskapene kan endres ved ulike tilsettinger Kommersielt produkt: Biopol Lovende materiale! Innovating packaging solutions for fresh fish - Marit Kvalvåg Pettersen
PHA – Poly(hydroxyalkanoates) Polymers produced in microorganisms
A familiy of aliphatic polyesters - most common PHB (Poly (3-hydroksybutyrat) A polyester comparable (in characteristics) to petroleumbased PP crystallinic thermoplast Low water vapour transmission rate (like LDPE) Similar to PP i melting characteristics and mechanical properties Drawback: ageing/Maturing (Can be avoided by curing Promising material! Source: carbohydrates from corn, sugar, alcoholes, lipids Produced by microbial fermentation of sugar or lipids High production costs have not yet entered the marked Commersial producers : Metabolix(Mirel plasics) and Tianan (Enmat) Akkumuleres som A familiy of aliphatic polyesters - most common PHB (Poly (3-hydroksybutyrat) Er en polyester som karakteristisk sett er lik petrokjemisk PP krystallinsk termoplast Langkjedete PHA’er: mindre krystallinske Lav vanndampgjennomgang (som LDPE) Ligner PP i smelteegenskaper og mekaniske egenskaper Ulempe: aldring. Kan hindres ved herding Egenskapene kan endres ved ulike tilsettinger Kommersielt produkt: Biopol Lovende materiale! Innovating packaging solutions for fresh fish - Marit Kvalvåg Pettersen
Cellulose Directly extracted from bio-mass- Natural occurring polymer in plants
Cellophane: Hydrophilic /water vapour sensitive film Good mechanical properties (in dry state) Not thermoplastic or sealable Good oxygen barrier (in dry state) Coating with nitrocellulose-wax or PVDC Potential for product and process improvement Celluloseacetat Bakery and vegetables Poor water vapour and gas barrier properties Innovating packaging solutions for fresh fish - Marit Kvalvåg Pettersen
Green PE (Bio-PE) • Feedstock: Suger cane
Braskem S.A: The world’s first certified green polyethylene (100 % bio-based) • Feedstock: Suger cane • Polymerisation in standard factory • Standard catalytic polymerisation process • Same properties and applications • Green PE and petro-based PE are both: Recyclable (mechanical/incineration) and renewable, not biodegradable Braskem S.A: The world’s first certified green polyethylene (100 % bio-based) • Plant start-up in June 2007 • Feedstock: Suger cane • Capacity: 200 kt/y (2009) • Dow/Crystalsev: • 350 kt (2011) • After factory gate: Same as for petro-based PE • Polymerisation in standard factory • Standard catalytic polymerisation process • Same properties and applications • Green PE and petro-based PE are both: Recyclable (mechanical/incineration) and renewable, not biodegradable Sugar cane Bio-ethanol Bio-ethane Green PE Innovating packaging solutions for fresh fish - Marit Kvalvåg Pettersen
Reduced emission of CO2 Accelerated deforestation Food production area Energy and water consumption in production of biomaterials Gen Modification (GMO) Recycling /reuse Price Pr. i dag er biopolymere pakkematerialer dyrere enn andre pakkematerialer p.g.a. begrenset produksjonskapasitet. Denne prisforskjellen antas å minske ved økende effektivisering av produksjonen. Innovating packaging solutions for fresh fish - Marit Kvalvåg Pettersen
Oxygen transmission rate
Biomaterials and fresh fish Oxygen transmission rate Innovating packaging solutions for fresh fish - Marit Kvalvåg Pettersen
Water vapour transmission rate
Innovating packaging solutions for fresh fish - Marit Kvalvåg Pettersen
Summary - Biomaterials
Several products available on the market Positive contribution to life cycle assessment and carbon handling compared to materials from petrochemical/fossil sources Promising materials with satisfactory properties, but some are hydrophobic Traditional processing equipment can be used Price: Bio based materials are more expensive due to e.g. limited production capacity. Several products available on the market Finnes en rekke materialer på markedet basert på biomasse Positive contribution life cycle assesment and carbon handeling compared to materials from petochemical/fossil sources Promising materials with satifactory properties, but some is hydrophobic Tradisional processing equipment can be used Price: Biobased materials are moe expensive due to e.g. limited production capacity. dyrere enn andre pakkematerialer p.g.a. begrenset produksjonskapasitet. Denne prisforskjellen antas å minske ved økende effektivisering av produksjonen. Innovating packaging solutions for fresh fish - Marit Kvalvåg Pettersen
Thank you for your attention!
Several products available on the market Finnes en rekke materialer på markedet basert på biomasse Positive contribution life cycle assesment and carbon handeling compared to materials from petochemical/fossil sources Promising materials with satifactory properties, but some is hydrophobic Tradisional processing equipment can be used Price: Biobased materials are moe expensive due to e.g. limited production capacity. dyrere enn andre pakkematerialer p.g.a. begrenset produksjonskapasitet. Denne prisforskjellen antas å minske ved økende effektivisering av produksjonen. Innovating packaging solutions for fresh fish - Marit Kvalvåg Pettersen
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