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ASAS STRATEGI KOMUNIKASI Universiti Putra Malaysia.

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Presentation on theme: "ASAS STRATEGI KOMUNIKASI Universiti Putra Malaysia."— Presentation transcript:

1 ASAS STRATEGI KOMUNIKASI Universiti Putra Malaysia

2 CONTENTS UNITS: I: Introduction to Comm in Organ II: Basic Comm Skills III: ITP Comm Strategies IV: Group Comm Strategies V: Public Presentation Strategies

3 Unit I

4 DETAILS OF UNIT I Introduction to Comm in Organ Ch1: Comm in Organizations Ch2: Model of Strategic Comm Behavior Ch3: Diversity in Biz & the Professions

5 INTRO TO COMM IN ORGAN: Chapter 1 Ch1: Comm in Organizations “Provides an overview of comm in biz & professional settings. Explains the role of comm in achieving goals & the challenges posed by the new tech., diversification of work force, & the globalization of the marketplace”

6 Seven components of comm skills Creative insight Sensitivity Vision Versatility Focus Patience Globalism –global attitude

7 Basic Communication Elements Source Message Channel Receiver Others: Noise, Feedback, Encoding, Decoding

8 7 Reasons for Comm Failure Inadequate info Info overload Poor-quality info Poor timing Lack of feedback Problems with channels Cultural barriers

9 Elements of Organizational Culture Values Norms Heroes Climate Rites & rituals Communications Stories, myths & legends

10 INTRO TO COMM IN ORGAN: Chapter 2 Ch 2: Model of Strategic Comm Behavior “Familiarizing the strategic comm skills, as well as understanding how values and ethics influencing comm activity”

11 Areas of Strategic Comm Goal setting Situational knowledge Comm competence Anxiety management

12 Values & Ethics in Strategic Comm Values are found in: Primacy of customer Honesty & integrity Respect for other workers Importance of every person Maintenance of high professional standards Fair treatment; Quality service Innovative thinking; Creativity Reliance on ethical standards

13 Values & Ethics in Strategic Comm Ethical guidelines are: Maintain candor -truth, honest & frank in comm Keep message accurate Avoid deception Keep confidences Timeliness of comm Confronting unethical behavior Maintain consistent behavior Cultivate empathic listening

14 Setting A Communication Goal The process: i.)Identify the challenge/problem ii.)Map out a strategy iii.)Set a performance goal iv.)Identify resources v.)Recognize contingency vi.)Obtain feedback

15 Goal setting process Map out strategy Identify resources Set a performance goal Recognize contingency Identify challenge Obtain feedback

16 ‘Understanding’ an organization The importance: ‘A general who possesses the strength of arms will have an equal chance of winning & losing in any battle.. However, a general who possesses the strength of arms and the knowledge of his enemy will have an absolute chance of winning in every battle! (by: ???)

17 ‘Understanding’ an organization Among other ways are: Adaptive learning Understanding organizational values Developing specific k’ledge of the organization Observing successes and failures

18 Political Strategies in Comm Trading favors Controlling the meeting agenda Associating with the ‘right’ people Building coalitions of ‘friendly’ people Assuming seating with powerful people Appearing at official functions & meetings Sensitive to dress codes – ‘dress makes a man!’ Adhering to favorable policies of powerful people

19 5 Dimensions of An Ideal Comm Climate Supportiveness Participative decision makings Trust, confidence, & credibility Openness & candor (frankness) High performance goals

20 Ensuring The Competency of Your Messages Be specific Be accurate Be honest Be logical Be complete Be succinct – brief Be relevant Be timely Ask for feedbacks Within the time frames

21 Organizational Comm in General Generally, there are only 2 types: Internal Downward communication Upward communication Horizontal communication Informal ‘networks’ External

22 Organizational Comm in General: Internal Communication Messages that are sent and received within an organizational boundaries of a company are called ‘internal communication’.

23 Organizational Comm in General: Internal Communication Downward (superior to subordinate): Job instructions – be specific! Job rationale –always explain why… Procedures & practices – fair & just Feedbacks – always acknowledge efforts Goals’ indoctrination – make it obvious; print them out and hang them up on the walls!

24 Organizational Comm in General: Internal Communication Upward (subordinate to superior): Msgs reflect’g employee performance. Msgs reveal’g infos about other employees. Msgs report’g on activities & tasks associated with goal accomplishment. Msgs communicating attitudes & understand’g of organizational practices and policies.

25 Organizational Comm in General: Internal Communication Horizontal (same hierarchical level): Facilitating problem solving. Information sharing. Coordinating tasks. Enhancing morale – sympathy / empathy. Concerted conflict solving The challenges are: (1) Territoriality (2) Specialization (3) Lack of Motivation

26 Organizational Comm in General: Internal Communication Informal ‘networks’ (known as grapevine): Travels fast Travels by clusters Carries much information Common channel for rumors Generally accurate information Occurs on every hierarchical level Indication of attitudes & sentiments

27 Organizational Comm in General: External Communication Messages that are exchanged beyond an organizational boundaries of a company are called ‘external communication’.

28 Organizational Comm in General: External Communication Among others are: Newsletters Annual reports Advertisements Acknowledgements Notices, Tenders, etc.

29 Organizational Comm in General: External Communication Guidelines for selecting channel: Speed Accuracy Feedback Selectivity Appropriateness Cost and price Accountability Acceptability – risky jokes are not for superior! [end of Ch. 2]

30 INTRO TO COMM IN ORGAN: Chapter 3 Ch 3: Diversity in Biz & the Professions “Your ability in understanding and managing differences among people.”

31 Sources of Diversity Genders Age gaps Ethnicities Physical abilities Intellectual abilities Religious beliefs Sexual orientations

32 Managing Diversity Non-judgmental attitudes Respect for yourself & others Practice flexibility; tolerance of ambiguity Low ethnocentrism – (excessive belief in the superiority of own culture) Competent understanding upon matters of procedures, restrictions, rules, regulations, legalities, acts, constitutional, etc.

33 Wassalamualaikum & Terima kasih

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