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© 2009 Delmar, Cengage Learning Chapter 4 Tissues and Membranes.

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1 © 2009 Delmar, Cengage Learning Chapter 4 Tissues and Membranes

2 © 2009 Delmar, Cengage Learning Tissues Tissues are groups of cells (four main types) Epithelial tissue Connective tissue Muscle tissue Nervous tissue Edited by Dr. Ryan Lambert- Bellacov

3 © 2009 Delmar, Cengage Learning Epithelial Tissue 1. Covering and Lining Squamous epithelial cells Cuboidal epithelial cells Columnar epithelial cells

4 © 2009 Delmar, Cengage Learning Epithelial Tissue Glandular and Secretory Endocrine gland cells Exocrine gland cells

5 © 2009 Delmar, Cengage Learning Animation – Exocrine and Endocrine Glands Click Here to play Exocrine and Endocrine animation

6 © 2009 Delmar, Cengage Learning Connective Tissue 1. Adipose= Fat Stores lipid Acts as filler tissue Cushions, supports, and insulates the body

7 © 2009 Delmar, Cengage Learning Connective Tissue Areolar (Loose) Elastin tissue Collagen

8 © 2009 Delmar, Cengage Learning Connective Tissue 2.Dense Fibrous Ligaments Tendons Aponeuroses Fasciae

9 © 2009 Delmar, Cengage Learning Connective Tissue Supportive Osseous (bone) tissue Cartilage –Hyaline –Fibrocartilage –Elastic cartilage

10 © 2009 Delmar, Cengage Learning Connective Tissue Vascular (liquid blood tissue) Blood Lymph

11 © 2009 Delmar, Cengage Learning Muscle Tissue (3 types) Cardiac Skeletal (striated voluntary) Smooth (nonstriated involuntary)

12 © 2009 Delmar, Cengage Learning Nervous Tissue Conductivity

13 © 2009 Delmar, Cengage Learning Effects of Aging on Tissue Cells become larger and less able to divide and reproduce Increase in pigments and lipids inside cell Waste products accumulate in the tissue –Cell membranes change and carbon dioxide and wastes have difficulty getting out –Many tissues lose mass and atrophy

14 © 2009 Delmar, Cengage Learning Membranes Two thin layers of tissue together form a membrane Either Epithelial membranes Connective membranes

15 © 2009 Delmar, Cengage Learning Epithelial Membranes- subdivided two Mucous membranes leads to outside –Respiratory mucosa –Gastric mucosa Serous membranes (parietal and visceral) –Pleural membrane –Pericardial membrane –Peritoneal membrane (abdominal) Cutaneous membranes skin

16 © 2009 Delmar, Cengage Learning Connective Membranes Synovial membrane –Two layers of connective tissue Lines joint cavities Secrete synovial fluid which prevents friction inside the joint cavity

17 © 2009 Delmar, Cengage Learning Organs An organ is tissues grouped together to form a specific function Organs coordinate their activities to form a complete functional organism Organ system –Group of organs that act together to perform a specific, related function

18 © 2009 Delmar, Cengage Learning Organ Systems Skeletal Muscular Digestive Respiratory Circulatory

19 © 2009 Delmar, Cengage Learning Organ Systems Excretory Nervous Endocrine Reproductive Integumentary

20 © 2009 Delmar, Cengage Learning Tissue and Organ Transplant Blood transfusions are an example of a tissue transplant All transplants (tissue and organs) must be cross-matched so recipient’s immune system won’t attack the donated organ Rejection is main problem in organ transplants

21 © 2009 Delmar, Cengage Learning Disease and Injury to Tissue Infection Inflammation Trauma Abnormal growth of cells Birth defects

22 © 2009 Delmar, Cengage Learning Tissue Repair Primary repair clean wound Secondary repair –Large tissue loss –Granulation occurs creating area for healing

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