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4 th Grade Decoding/Word Attack Lesson 14- Unaccented Syllables: Schwa + n.

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Presentation on theme: "4 th Grade Decoding/Word Attack Lesson 14- Unaccented Syllables: Schwa + n."— Presentation transcript:

1 4 th Grade Decoding/Word Attack Lesson 14- Unaccented Syllables: Schwa + n

2 Listen to me read this word. As I read, listen closely to which syllable is spoken with more stress mountain Did you notice that the first syllable /moun/ was spoken with more stress? The vowel sound in the second, unstressed syllable is called the schwa sound. Turn and tell your partner which letters in the 2 nd syllable stand for the / әn/ sound.

3 Listen to me read this word. As I read, listen closely to which syllable is spoken with more stress organ Did you notice that the first syllable /or/ was spoken with more stress? The vowel sound in the second, unstressed syllable is called the schwa sound. Turn and tell your partner which letters in the 2 nd syllable stand for the / әn/ sound. Notice that the sound / әn/ can be spelled in different ways (like ain in mountain, and an in organ).

4 Let’s try it together When you see the word, read it with your partner then identify the number of syllables in the word and which syllable has the / әn/ sound. fountain canyon cardigan horizon foun/tain can/yon car/di/gan ho/ri/zon

5 Try it on your own With your partner look in your reading book, independent choice book or social studies book and find 5 words with the /әn/ sound. List the words that you find and circle the letters that form the /әn/ syllable pattern. Exchange lists with another pair and take turns reading the words aloud.

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