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Introduction to PSpice Simulation Software. The Origins of SPICE In the 1960’s, simulation software begins –CANCER Computer Analysis of Nonlinear Circuits,

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Presentation on theme: "Introduction to PSpice Simulation Software. The Origins of SPICE In the 1960’s, simulation software begins –CANCER Computer Analysis of Nonlinear Circuits,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Introduction to PSpice Simulation Software

2 The Origins of SPICE In the 1960’s, simulation software begins –CANCER Computer Analysis of Nonlinear Circuits, Excluding Radiation Developed at the University of California, Berkley Funded by United States public funds

3 The Origins of SPICE From CANCER to SPICE –SPICE developed in the 1970’s Simulation Program with Integrated Circuit Emphasis –Developed to save money Simulation of circuits, not physically building Transistor sizes –Microprocessors vs. 2N2222

4 The Origins of SPICE From SPICE to SPICE2 –SPICE 2 was in response to the wonderful acceptance of SPICE Comments, questions, and complaints found their way back to UC-Berkley –SPICE 2 was released into the public domain This means its free to use in the United States –Commercial versions that offer much more support and features

5 That Was Then The original way of entering circuit information –A text file with syntax specific to the simulator Easy to remember commands and syntax –R – Resistor –C – Capacitor –L – Inductor –{Element} {node1} {node2} {value} Entered into any text editor with proper syntax

6 That Was Then The circuit above is shown in the text file to the right

7 That Was Then

8 This Is Now New user interface Graphical circuit diagrams Variation of simulation parameters with a few clicks

9 First Look at Capture First window you will see when you open Capture Create a new Project –File  New  Project This will open a new window

10 Select a project name –PSpice Lab Simulation Select a project location –C:\PSpice\{YourName} Select what type of project –Analog or Mixed A/D Click OK New Project Window

11 Create PSpice Project This window will open Select the bottom option –Create a blank project Click OK

12 The Project Windows The Main Project Window Two other information windows –Session Log Window –Project File Window Our main window –Schematic 1: Page 1

13 Place Parts Place the 5 resistors –Using Place  Part –Type ‘R’ in Part Field Place the Voltage Source –Using Place  Part –Type ‘Vdc’ in Part Field Right click and choose “End Mode”

14 Rotate and Move Resistors Click on the resistor –Use ‘Ctrl+R’ to rotate –Repeat for 4 resistors Move and place the resistors in parallel Change the values –Double Click on the ‘1k’ and enter ‘4k’ of the parallel resistors

15 Change the Voltage and Wire Change DC Voltage –Double Click on ‘0Vdc’ and enter ’16Vdc’ Now wire the circuit –Using Place  Wire –Click on one node, and ‘draw’ to the other and click again Right click and select “End Mode”

16 Placing the Ground Every PSpice circuit must have a ground Use the icons on the right –9 th icon down This opens the “Place Ground” window Select the ‘0/Source’ Click OK

17 The Completed Circuit

18 Simulation Profile Need to create a simulation profile –PSpice  New Simulation Profile Name the profile –DC Solution Click OK

19 Edit the Simulation Profile Go to the Analysis Tab Under the Analysis type, choose Bias Point –This is to find the DC solution Click OK Ready to Simulate

20 Running the Simulation The last step is to RUN the simulation –Do this by selecting PSpice  Run After running the simulation a new window will open –Close this window and return to the Schematic 1: Page 1 window Use the “V” and “I” (and maybe “W”) icons on the top of the screen –For finding voltages and currents (and power)

21 Now You Know With this basic underlying knowledge –Can change Resistor values Voltage supply values Resistor configuration –Can learn More simulation parameters More components for simulation Time for Lab – Good Luck

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