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Signal and Design Integrity April 2002

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1 Signal and Design Integrity April 2002

2 Technical issues in Deep Sub-Micron Design
Manufacturability (Chip can’t be built) Antenna rules Minimum area rules for stacked vias CMP (Chemical Mechanical Polishing) area fill rules Signal Integrity (failure to meet Performance targets) Crosstalk induced errors Timing dependence on crosstalk IR Drop on power supplies Substrate coupled noise Design Integrity (reliability failures in the field) Electromigration on power supplies Hot electron effects on devices Wire self heat effects on clocks and signals As we progress into DSM design (0.25µ and below) There are two major categories of problems. The first type is detectable during design or testing by failing on test vectors or missing the speed target. I will walk through each of these problems in detail in the following slides, but from an overview the issues here are: Crosstalk induced errors, Timing dependence on crosstalk and IR drop in power supplies. The second type are characterized by failures in the field.. They are the result of Electromigration, hot electron effects, and wire self-heat. All of these phenomena have existed in the past, but at 0.25µ they are becoming PROBLEMS that you must address, or your chips will fail. The good news is that we don’t expect any new problems to appear until well below 0.1 micron.

3 Why now? Finer geometries More metal layers Lower supply voltages
These effects have always existed, but become worse at deep sub-micron sizes because of: Finer geometries Greater wire and via resistance Higher electric fields (if supply voltage not scaled) More metal layers Higher ratio of cross coupling to grounded capacitance Lower supply voltages More current for a given power Lower device thresholds Smaller noise margins Good news: Same solutions that work at 150 nm and 130 nm will work for next few technology generations until << 100 nm

4 Crosstalk induced errors
Transition on an adjoining signal causes unintended logic transition Symptom - chip fails (repeatably) on certain logic operations Aggressor net Coupling C Victim net Crosstalk induced errors are caused by an aggressor net pulling an adjacent (or victim) net high (or pulling it low) when it switches. The coupling capacitance causes a glitch to be propagated forward. The chip repeatedly fails on certain logic operations. Wire R Drive R Grounded C Input Noise Tolerance

5 Timing Dependence on Crosstalk
Timing depends on behavior of adjoining signals Symptom - Timing predictions inaccurate compared to silicon. Effect can be large: 3:1 on individual nets. Delay here and here depends on the behavior of other nets The timing dependence on crosstalk is a more subtle and complicated issue. The delay across the first gate and through the interconnect depends on the behavior of other nets. Thus you no longer have a single delay value for interconnect: you have a minimum and a maximum delay value. AND the delay can vary from one cycle to the next, depending on the switching characteristics (time windows) of the signals. In this example, if the other net is switching the same direction as the “victim” net, then the coupling is zero. If it is switching the opposite direction then it is doubled. You can imagine a bus where a signal is surrounded on both sides, and the signals are switching at the same time. In this case there is a 3:1 effect on it. Our existing cross talk solution in SE/GE DSM made worst case assumptions on switching during its analysis phase. It was primarily used at 0.5µ and 0.35µ where a few long lines were the only offenders. This type of pessimism worked fine in these cases. At 0.25µ, less conservative analysis must be done. Wire R Grounded C Coupling C (multiplied by Miller effect) Other logic net(s)

6 Effect of Crosstalk on Delay
Thresholds min nom max nominal friendly unfriendly

7 Electromigration Power supply lines fail due to excessive current
Symptom: Chip eventually fails in the field when the wire breaks Currents depend on driver type, loads, and how often cell is switched Currents depend on currents of other cells Power supply network consists of wires of varying sizes; they must be big enough, but too big wastes area Pad Current limit depends on wire size

8 IR Drop Voltage drop in supply lines from currents drawn by cells
Symptom: chip malfunctions on certain vectors Biggest problem - what’s the worst case vector? Currents depend on driver type, loads, and how often cell is switched Voltages depend on currents of other cells Allowable voltage drop at pin Power supply network consists of wires of varying sizes; they must be big enough, but too big wastes area Pad

9 Hot Electron Effects May also be called short channel effect
Caused by extremely high electric fields in the channel Occurs when voltages are not scaled as fast as dimensions Effect becomes worse as devices are turned on harder Symptom: Thresholds shift over time until chip fails Oxide and/or interface is damaged here Gate The Hot Electron or Short channel effect happens when high voltage between the source and drain, the electric field is high, and the electrons pick up speed in the channel. The fastest electrons actually damage the oxide and interface near the drain and the transistor threshold (and mobility) changes slightly.. Because in an N-transistor the gate is always positive the shift is always in the same direction. Thus, as you continue to run the device, it eventually moves the threshold to a point where the device fails. This has become a problem, because as technologies have scaled, the device sizes (lengths, widths, etc) are scaling faster in proportion to the voltage. Thus the devices have higher field strengths compared to earlier technologies. +++ +++ N+ diffusion Electrons pick up speed in channel; ‘hot’ electrons are the fastest of a statistically fast bunch Impact ionization occurs here

10 Hot Electron Effect (cont)
Contours of constant hot electron flux Depends on how hard device is driven (input slew rate) And on the size of the load Vgs Let’s look at one transistor in an inverter. The vertical axis represents Voltage from gate to source and the horizontal axis represents voltage from drain to source. [Point to lower right] During the transition shown here the voltage across the gate falls [move hand along X-axis to ZERO (y-axis) and the voltage at the gate rises [move hand up at Y-axis]. The path it takes depends on how hard the device is driven, i.e. the input slew and output load on the device. A small Capacitance and slow input causes a path (concave) that drops Vds quickly while Vgs rises slowly. This is safe. A large C with a fast input causes the other path (convex) where Vgs rises quickly while Vds has not dropped much. This can put us in the danger region where damage can occur. A new design rule is needed as descsribed by this curve: If large load no fast transitions. A small load, or a big load with a slow transition is ok. See the next page for a picture of this. Trajectory with large C, fast Tin Trajectory with small C, slow Tin Vds

11 Wire Self Heat May also be called signal wire electromigration
Wire heats above oxide temperature as pulses go through Symptom: Chip eventually fails when wire breaks Depends on metal composition, signal frequency, wire sizes, slew rates, and amount of capacitance driven Requires different data/formulas from power supply EM Wire self-heat, sometimes called signal line electromigration, is a mechanical failure in the wire due to thermal conditions varying frequently. The wire heats above the oxide temperature as the pulses go through it. This is due to the difference in the thermal constants between the oxide and the wire. Eventually, after enough thermal stress, the wire fails. This is something that happens in the field. It is very hard (or impossible) to test for this in the lab. The design rule is dependent on the type of design (its projected lifestyle). For a video game this may not be a problem, but for a pace surely is. Oxide Metal

12 Substrate Noise Currents injected by high speed switching of digital devices Supply currents injected via substrate contacts Package

13 Analog Noise in Custom Digital ICs
Crosstalk Gnd2 Supply Noise Vdd2 Gnd1 Vdd1 Propagated Noise Overshoot (TDDB) CLK “0” Charge Sharing Leakage Undershoot (TDDB)

14 What can tools do about these problems?
Accurate Analysis Make sure real problems are caught Avoid fixing problems that aren’t really there For analog issues, such as substrate noise, this is about all we can do. The user must decide how to fix the problem Tools can try to prevent or avoid errors Tools can try to fix errors once they have been found Can view two ways For a given problem (ie. crosstalk) what can each tool do? For a given tool (ie. synthesis), which problems can be alleviated? Following slides have a mixture of these analyses.

15 Signal Integrity Flow- Full Chip Design
Floor Planning Place & Route Chip Assembly All Tools Verification Design global wiring Build Blocks Do global routing Re-verify Re-verify Sign-off -Signal nets correct by construction -Push budgets into blocks -Place blocks -Place cells with Optimization - Re-check loads, drives, timing -implement wiring strategy -Route with variable width, spacing, shielding -Re-extract routing parasitics -Re-check loads, drives, timing -Re-extract routing parasitics - Re-check loads, drives, timing Signal Integrity Correction and Checking: Early and Often throughout the design flow Fewer Signal Integrity issues at the end of the design flow

16 Signal Integrity Flow- Block Design
Signal Integrity issues fixed at each step in the Design Flow: Logical Simulation Floor Planning Placement & Optimization Clock Tree Routing Parasitic Extraction Timing Delay Calc Signal Hot Electron Wire/Clk Self Heat Crosstalk Parasitics New Library Data Power: EM & IR Drop Prevention Signal Clk Clk Hot Power Driven Automatic Repeater Insertion -PGP -EM -IR Drop Shielded Post-Route Crosstalk Fixing

17 Controlling crosstalk
Use timing windows Use a sensitivity-based noise check to minimize false failures Need fast analysis with SPICE-like distributed models Based on reduced order models Automatically fix functional noise failures via ECOs to P&R Support mixed flat and hierarchical analysis Special commands for fixing post-route crosstalk Needed for good flow convergence

18 Timing Windows for Crosstalk
Only consider signals that can change at the same time Data comes from static timing analysis One clock cycle B D STA Timing Windows A C Crosstalk Magnitudes Worst case occurs here, does not include signals A or D.

19 Glitch Rejection Calculates the sensitivity of each receiver to noise at its input Accounts for the inherent glitch rejection of each receiver Depends on input waveform, input circuitry, and output load IN 0UT Noise sensitivity is dependent on input waveform shape and output loading To determine if noise will cause a functional failure, CeltIC calculates the sensitivity of each receiver to the worst case noise. CeltIC uses simulation based sensitivity analysis that accounts for the transient nature of noise and the output loading on each receiver. Sensitivity is calculated as the change in output voltage over the change in input voltage. (dvout/dvin)

20 DC Noise Peak Vs Noise Immunity
Here are some runtimes in hours from a collection of different customer benchmarks. Using Sensitivity analysis (such as CeltIC) implies less rework!

21 Crosstalk Analysis – Accuracy Measurement
Can reduced order models give accurate results? Worked through this with customers – it’s very difficult To determine error budget, need to understand each portion separately Need to get LEF, TLF, and SPICE to exactly agree Need to run, and measure, SPICE simulations Slopes, normally a second order effect, are first order for crosstalk checking Even SPICE analysis has ambiguities: Simultaneous Switching (SS) vs. Worst Case Alignment (WCA)

22 Simultaneous switching is not worst delay
Thresholds min nom max nominal friendly unfriendly

23 Crosstalk results – lumped vs distributed
Glitch Noise Lumped analysis was about (-10%, +70%) for noise peak. CeltIC (distributed analysis) was (-9%, +4%) for noise peak Since most signals fail by only a few millivolts, using distributed analysis results in many fewer reported errors.

24 Glitch size with lumped model

25 Celtic (distributed) Noise Errors (note scale change)

26 Better prevention helps flow convergence
Crosstalk prevention in synthesis Upgrade drivers of slow transition signals even if not needed for timing Global slew limits Clock tree generator should include EM prevention for clocks Crosstalk prevention in routing Long parallel line avoidance Longer term, track assignment does even better Takes advantage of ‘free’ shielding by power supply grid Crosstalk timing prevention in synthesis (forward prediction)

27 Fixing errors after routing
Fixing crosstalk errors after routing requires care Rip-up-and-reroute may change neighbors Making victims stronger makes them better aggressors Specific post-route heuristics are required for best convergence Insert/change components with minimal routing changes Change some marginal components preemptively to avoid iterations These commands are also useful for other post route changes ECOs

28 Strategy for Crosstalk Fixing
From Post Route Analysis Create repair files for Post Route Crosstalk Fixing Apply repair file Buffer insertion Wide Space Routing Shielded Routing Wide Space Routing Buffer Insertion Shielded Routing

29 Timing Convergence Extremely few timing problems from crosstalk glitch fixing (none in large examples at 0.15 and 0.13 micron) If flow is timing driven, critical path has strong drivers, short nets and good slopes -> few crosstalk problems Conversely, nets with problems tend to be long nets with weak drivers, and buffer insertion helps these. Wire fixes (extra spacing/shielding) increase performance if anything

30 Handling Timing Impact of Crosstalk
Correct treatment of coupling has an effect even if there is no noise! Need accurate analysis of effect Lumped models have large errors Distributed analysis is needed Reduced order models give good results Would like to avoid the need to iterate around timing windows

31 Even without noise, coupling is important
What existing timing verifiers see. Real circuit on silicon in victim Logic 0 Solid 0 in victim True timing is about 15% faster

32 Crosstalk results – lumped vs distributed
Analysis of crosstalk induced delay Lumped analysis was about (-20%, +450%) on delay Spice has simultaneous switching; Lumped analysis used Worst Case Alignment The delay measurement was interconnect delay – not stage delay A distributed analysis with reduced order models (CeltIC) was (-16%, +10%) for delay

33 Lumped crosstalk delay

34 Distributed (CeltIC) Delay Errors

35 Noise Aware-Timing CeltIC Noise Aware Timer STA Internal iteration
Start CeltIC TW TW SDF SDF SDF Noise Aware Timer STA End

36 Detailed Crosstalk Delay
Noise Aware Timing Static Timing Analysis Avoids iteration between tools Detailed Crosstalk Delay Calculation

37 Signal Integrity (SI) in Synthesis
Synthesis with placement can help SI issues Crosstalk and EM prevention in placement/sizing Interface to detailed crosstalk analysis Generate timing windows, constraints, and clocks Generate maximum frequency for reliability checks Wire self heat and hot electron Post routing crosstalk correction Add buffers Size drivers Decision based on routing and cell congestion Includes post route timing corrections Integrated clock tree generation supports EM prevention

38 Signal Integrity Avoidance in Synthesis
Other possible prevention options Global slew limit (can limit length as a function of driver size) Global length limits (per layer). Some customers have requested this for manufacturability, but it can also be used for SI. Better correction options Decide bigger driver, inserted buffer, or extra spacing on a net by net basis after routing.

39 Controlling Wire Self Heat (also called Signal Line Electromigration or Joule Heating)
Need a maximum frequency for each net Timing analysis and/or synthesis can provide this Generated by propagating clocks forward to data signals Maximum frequency, times load, gives maximum possible current Clock nets are a particular concern Highest frequency operation, long wires, big loads Worst spot on net may not be at driver Vias may have tighter limits Specialized clock drivers may only have pins on the high metal layers, leading to a good initial clock route, but…. Router may change layers during rip-up and re-route Nets must be tapered (to reach pins), but only at input pins

40 All wiring segments, vias, and cell I/O pins must be checked
Frequency dependent Cload and/or Slew are calculated and checked. EM current density change on a wire path are measured and checked. OK 4M No Good Buffer Buffer OK

41 Signal Line Electromigration
New Placement and Routing features Router must taper correctly (No taper at driver) Analysis must check correctly Tapered (input) pins are not checked All segments on net are checked All vias on the net are checked. Layers and vias that are in the routing rule, but not used, are not checked.

42 Extract Improvements Needed for SI
Accuracy for cross coupling Capacity Coupling capacitance reduction

43 Extraction for Cross Coupling
Fully distributed coupling reflects physical reality Files are huge (3GB for 100K instances) -> 300GB for 10M cells Need a reduction that reduces network size with an acceptable degradation of accuracy. We believe a good compromise is possible here. When combined with delay calculation, can potentially regain ~15% timing margin associated with assuming coupling Cs are truly grounded.

44 Intelligent Network Reduction
A very small example 6 shapes 9 inter-shape couplings SPICE/DSPF require even more components No native element for distributed RC 12 Rs, 9 Cs for T model, 6 Rs, 16Cs for Pi model Net result: huge files

45 Network Reduction (continued)
Reduce number of components Preserve important properties Preserve moments (Elmore delay and higher order) Preserve cross-coupling properties

46 Hot Electron Degradation
Most customers are designing their libraries such that the CAD tools don’t need to check this. If needed, can be fixed by a combination of timing analysis and placement, and pre-characterization of cells Timing analyzer computes input slope and max frequency Placement tool computes output load, then consults pre-characterized table If load is too high for specified chip lifetime, upsizes driver or inserts isolation buffer

47 Power Supply Analysis IR drop analysis
Static (uses average current) Dynamic (worst case stimulus) Most users use static analysis since worst case vectors are unknown. This is an active research problem Important to do this early in the flow since widening the power supplies later causes huge routing problems.

48 Power Calculation Flow
Average Design -LEF, DEF Power Characterization Supply Voltages RSPF parasitics VCD file or freq +activity Triplet Power Calc Vectors PWL Power Spec File

49 Rail Analysis Flow Extract Power network
Design: LEF, DEF Extract Power network Calculate IR Drop and EM through wire segments Display on physical design SEDSM Rail Analysis Wire Seg File Cell Seg File

50 Rail Analysis

51 Power supply analysis improvements
Improve existing features Multi-Vcc -> Map to cell supply voltage Peak IR drop – try to make easier to use Hierarchical analysis Top down, enter estimates for uncompleted blocks Bottom up, analyze block and it builds a model for top analysis. Model has a current source per pin, and a matrix of pin interconnection Rs. Similar to paper of Blaauw in DAC 2000. Better run times and higher capacity New matrix size reduction techniques can help

52 Model for Cell Power Supply Network
Model is exact for a linear system –works for transient response too 1 3 Z13 Z14 Z12 Z34 Z23 4 2 Z24

53 Flow analysis/testing:
There are many interactions within a place and route flow Must verify (for example) that fixing one violation does not cause others (at least on the average) Crosstalk (for example) can be fixed in many places Aggressive sizing in synthesis/placement Post track assignment analysis Post detail routing analysis Which of these has minimum impact on chip performance and/or time to market?

54 90nm and Beyond – Subwavelength Effects
What you draw is not what you Image! Widths and spacings affected by neighboring geometries OPC (Optical Proximity Correction) tries to fix this, but will not succeed completely at small process sizes. Eventually will impact manufacturability and routing, and possibly placement User draws Without OPC Mask w/OPC Silicon fabbed What about beyond 90nm? Well, we think subwavelength effects will cause another stage of retooling. Basically at very small geometries, optical interference patterns from the polygons produce structures which don’t match your masks, and the nature of these mismatches is very sensitive to exactly what the polygon shapes are and how close they are to each other. Optical Proximity Correction can repair some of this, but eventually extraction and routing are going to have to build this into their core algorithms. Not sure exactly when; could be 90nm, 70nm, 50 nm … Not only will this cause changes in nominal chip performance, but the high sensitivity of subwavelength effects to exact shapes and spacing suggests that a whole host of yield and design-for-manufacturability issues will come along too. Overall, a significant retooling. Our hope is we can build all this into SOC Encounter. But more data needed.

55 90nm and Beyond – Inductance
Inductance is required in some cases Package models, PC boards, MCMs, Flip-chip packages For on-chip wires, it is sometimes (rarely) required “Short” wires (compared to their rise time) are equipotential “Long” wires have an R that dominates their L In both these cases L is not needed*. Most nets meet one of these rules A physical prototype allows our analysis to determine on a net by net basis whether L is needed. If not, we don’t extract it. For the remaining nets the extraction and timing infrastructure must support inductance Result: accurate analysis without a serious time penalty Inductance is another factor likely to show up around 90nm or so. Fortunately we believe this will be a manageable issue and our prototype-based architecture gives us some advantages in handling it. * “Figures of Merit to Characterize the Importance of On-Chip Inductance”, by Ismail, Friedman, and Neves, IEEE Transactions on VLSI Systems, December 1999

56 Summary Lots of activity in the area of Signal Integrity!
Better analysis of all kinds of effects SI prevention features in synthesis Improvements to extraction Improved SI prevention in placement and routing Improved power supply analysis New problems coming at 90 nm and below! Will provide job security for years to come!

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