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Opto Electronics Devices And Their Applications In Power Electronics Presented by Khoi Tran Application Engineer Fairchild Semiconductor.

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Presentation on theme: "Opto Electronics Devices And Their Applications In Power Electronics Presented by Khoi Tran Application Engineer Fairchild Semiconductor."— Presentation transcript:

1 Opto Electronics Devices And Their Applications In Power Electronics Presented by Khoi Tran Application Engineer Fairchild Semiconductor

2 Agenda What are Optocouplers ? Where are they used ? What are their Characteristics?

3 What are Optocoupler? An optocoupler consists of a light source and a photosensitive detector The light source is an infrared LED that is used to convert current to light. The photosensitive detector is a silicon photodiode which converts the light back to current.

4 The Phototransistor Optocoupler Elements LED Source Package Phototransistor 3 5 6 7 8 2 4 1

5 Co-planar Construction

6 Double Molded Construction

7 What are the KEY Characteristics ? Collector Base Current Transfer ratio CTRcb = Icb/IF Transistor Current Gain HFE = Ice / Icb Current Transfer Ratio - CTRce CTRce = Ice/IF CTRce = CTRcb * HFE

8 Ice vs. IF

9 CTRcb vs LED Current

10 Saturated Ice vs LED Current

11 Icb vs IF

12 Non Saturated CTR vs LED Current

13 Saturated CTR vs Collector Current

14 Non Saturated CTR vs Collector Current

15 HFE vs Base Current, Ib

16 HFE vs Collector Current

17 Turn-OFF Time

18 Why are they Used? To Protects Against : –Electromagnetic Interference –High tension power lines –Noise conducted through the power lines –Electrostatic Discharge, Lightning –Digital Data Crosstalk To Communicate Digital Data –Compatible with Logic Family or Load

19 KEY Characteristics of the Isolator Electro-mechanical –Relay –Switch Electro-Optical –Optical Fiber –Emitter to Detector –Optocoupler Capacitive –Single ended –Differential Electro-Magnetic –Magneto resistive –Hall Effect –Transformer Acoustic Surface waves Transducer - Receiver Radio Frequency Remote control Microwave

20 Optocouplers Solve the NOISE Problem

21 “Systems” & “Approvals” Couplers must fulfill Safety Standards : Fairchild Couplers are classified in “Systems”. A System represents the same Technology, Material e.t.c. and is indicated with a Capital The System is the Indicator for Approvals Approvals for Safety Requirements: Double Protection & Reinforced Insulation

22 Where are they used ? Applications Industrial Control Power Supply Telecommunications Instrumentation

23 Insulation and Isolation in a Switch Mode Power Supply Switching Control Circuit

24 Optical Coupled Precision Voltage Reference

25 Feedback Amplifier FOD2741 Composition The FOD2741/2 consists of adjustable precision zener diode and a phototransistor optocoupler. Typical Current gain, CTR, is 60% for an IF = 1mA, and Vce = 0.5V. The device offers a 2.5V +- 1% bandgap reference, a 60dB (OLG) 1 MHz(BWP) differential amplifier Vin FOD2741 Comp LED Vref Comp Vin Vref Comp Vin DC Isolation Amplifier Error Amplifier

26 Feedback Amplifier Interconnection Values of resistors and capacitors are used in the demo board supporting the KA5M0365 FOD2741 R6 680 R3 470 R4,3K C2,.1uF C1.033uF R2 3.3K R5, 1K R1,1K 4 uA0.9 mA 2.5R R + – Vfb 5V 12V 0.5V Voffset 2.5V KA5M0365

27 Industrial Control Interface Sensors Temperature Flow Level Motion Systems Pumps Mixers Valves Communications Local Remote

28 Applications Process Controller - Interfaces Interfaces –Data –Motion –Sensor –Valves & Actuators

29 Controller Input I / O Interface Board Signal Conditioning Multiplexer Level Detector Logic Interface Signal Conditioning Isolation Barrier 1 - 4 5 - 8Level Detector Logic Interface ILQ620 To µController SFH6700

30 Process Control I/O: AC/DC Signal Measurement Parallel A / D Data A / D Converter Control 16 Isolation CNY17 ILQ621 Barrier Signal Conditioning 1 DC / DC Converter

31 Process Control I/O: AC/DC Signal Measurement AC / DC Measurement Card Signal Conditioning Isolation Barrier Data Out Control DC/DC Converter µController SAB80C5XX SAB80C16X Serial I/O MUX A/D Converter SFH6700 1 16

32 Applications Industrial Data Communications Isolate and Communicate –Device Net –CAN BUS –PROFI BUS –Genius Bus –Fieldbus –Modbus –10Base-T –RS - 232 –RS - 422 –RS - 485

33 Application Motion Control Motor Control High Speed Couplers TRIAC Drivers Sensor Feedback High Speed Couplers

34 Process Controller - Outputs Boards or Module Loads Logic SFH67XX Analog 4-20 mA High Power DC SFH6345 TRIAC AC Switch—SSR IL410 MOSFET BUZ XX AC / DC Switch IL300 Controller LH1485 IGBT—BUP XX Motors, relays, solenoids Large motors Digital interfaces Sensor feedback Motors, relays, solenoids, lamps, heaters

35 Can I determine the Switching Characteristics of a Phototransistor ? YES… –By using a SPICE Simulation –By Modeling the LED to Phototransistor GAIN & Timing performance –By Modeling the Transistor Gain and Its Charge Storage Characteristics

36 Phototransistor SPICE Model

37 MOC207 Phototransistor SPICE Model.SUBCKT OPMOC20712567 *ANODE INPUT=1,CATHODE = 2;EMITTER OUTPUT=5 +;COLLECTOR OUTPUT=6;base input=6 VM112DC0 D1 122 LED R11011250 C1110200PF H1100VM2.7E-3 G1571101.0 Q1675QNPN.MODELLEDD(IS=25E-13RS=.55CJO=35P N=2.0).MODELQNPNNPN(IS=3.33E-11 NF=1.35 CJC=12P CJE=35P TF=1.0N + TR=500N BF=778 BR=10 IKF=.1 VAF=100).ENDS OPMOC207

38 MOC207 Phototransistor SPICE Program X110039OPMOC207 IIN01DC.001AC.1PULSE0 +10E-3100NS100NS100NS10US40US RL731000 VCC705 RB90100e3.DCIIN0.01.0005.PLOTDCV(3)I(VCC).PRINTDCV(3)V(1)I(VCC).TRAN25NS 40US.PRINT TRANV(3)I(IIN).PLOT TRANV(3)I(IIN).OP.END

39 MOC207 Phototransistor Interface Schematic CTRcb = 0.0027 HFE = 788 Rb, 100K RL,1K R2 GND1 Output 3 5 6 7 8 MOC207 2 4 1 Vcc GND2 I(IIN)

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