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By promoting trade as Europeans in the crusades still wanted the middle east goods in Europe To cut out the middle man and make money Cultural diffusion,

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Presentation on theme: "By promoting trade as Europeans in the crusades still wanted the middle east goods in Europe To cut out the middle man and make money Cultural diffusion,"— Presentation transcript:

1 By promoting trade as Europeans in the crusades still wanted the middle east goods in Europe To cut out the middle man and make money Cultural diffusion, end to China’s isolation Disease, robberies The Silk Road Bellringer What trade route connected China and the Middle East? Name one positive and one negative aspect of trade along the Silk Road. Why did the Europeans wants to find direct trade routes to India and China? How did the crusades contribute to the Age of Exploration?

2 Age of Exploration Review

3 Crusades The crusades were a series of holy wars between the Europeans and Muslims. Fighting occurred mostly in the Middle East, near the Holy city of Jerusalem. The crusaders were exposed to many riches and luxuries, and when they returned home they created demand for more products. Christians in Europe had to trade or by-pass Muslim merchants to get the goods they desired What is one challenge preventing Europeans from getting a direct trade route?

4 Motives The trade of Europe was dominated by Italian and Muslim merchants at this time. As a good passed from merchant to merchant its price increased drastically. This prompted the Europeans to find their own trade routes and get the items for much less. Spice trader Muslim merchant to Italy Italian Merchant to Europe Bought by European

5 As technology improved the Europeans were able to make longer sea voyages Technology Improves Cartographers Mapmakers created more accurate maps and sea charts Astrolabe Used to measure angles of the sun to find latitude Caravel New sail design that allowed for sailing into the wind Beats hand over hand method

6 Notable Explorers Explorer Achievements Dias -Found the Cape of Good Hope; a sea passage to the South of Africa De Gama -Rounded the Cape of Good Hope and landed in India. Brought back tons of spices and sold for huge profit Columbus -Established the first lasting trade between the Old world and the New World when he found the Caribbean Magellan First to circumnavigate the world Zheng He Chinese explorer throughout the Indian Ocean. Believed China was superior= ethnocentric Columbus sailed the ocean blue in 1492

7 Treaty of Tordesillas The pope set up boundaries for the New World, awarding Africa to Portugal and the Americas to Spain. The Treaty of Tordesillas set up the boundaries

8 Columbian Exchange PositivesNegatives -New foods thrived in Europe and created a surplus of food (increase population) -permanent contact between the East and West established -disease spread from Europe to the New world -Natives were slaves under Encomienda

9 Spanish Imperialism The Spanish took control quickly for 3 reasons: 1)Better weapons, armor and horses 2)Allied with bitter conquered natives 3)Diseases such as small pox killed natives

10 Natives and African (slaves) New world Slaves The Spanish took over the new world and established the Encomienda system to create a labor force Peninsulares- Spanish Born Creoles- American born Spanish Mestizos- Spanish and Native American Mulattoes- Spanish and African Most Social systems in history are based on socio-economic status, such as occupation. What is the Encomienda system based on? Race

11 African Slaves As Encomienda slave labor decreased due to deaths from over work and disease, the Spanish turned to Africa for slaves The slaves travelled along the Middle Passage

12 Mercantilism Europeans looked at colonies as existing to provide raw materials and new markets. Mercantilism- economic policy where a nation tries to export more than it imports to build wealth

13 Vortex

14 Columbian Exchange Review The Columbian Exchange established the first global exchange system between Europe and the Americas. 6:00

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