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CCT356: Online Advertising and Marketing Class 7: Video SEO/ Intro to Social Media Marketing.

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1 CCT356: Online Advertising and Marketing Class 7: Video SEO/ Intro to Social Media Marketing

2 Administration First assignments = to be marked by next class Online ad design questions? Reading week next week – final groups for project should be formed by Feb 28 class A proposal is a really good idea – put up some notes and we’ll give suggestions Reminder – final project involves a real client – we will ask for contact info in final presentation

3 Administration (2) Google Online Marketing Challenge Competition! Register a team and the business you’re supporting in your project Professor’s email: Write a pre-campaign report – on submission, $250 in Google Adwords credit is yours to use for client Optional, but a good way to help structure your project and provide value to your client More info at above site

4 Private Hosting or Service? Hosted on own site – complete control over look/feel, advertising, links to related content Service (e.g., YouTube/Vimeo/etc.) – quick access to large network of viewers, more exposure, easy analytics integration – but can be prone to embedded ads, interstitial/preview ads, etc.

5 Google/YouTube History YouTube – very recent history (2005) to acquisition in late 2006 Why did Google buy YouTube for $1.65B? Now: Obvious point of integration for advertising content, but some unique challenges (examples?)

6 SEO and video Keyword searching = great for text, less obviously effective for images/video What is searched in Google Images? Video?

7 Meta information in YouTube Titles Descriptions Tags Channel integration Ratings/Flagging Comments Views Shares/Embeds Age of video

8 Optimization for VSEO Descriptive Titles Long descriptions Effective keywords (order matters) Encourage sharing, embeds, ratings, comments (usually – where might you not want to do this?) Make thumbnail descriptive and engaging Annotations to link to other video properties Building channel content

9 Analytics YouTube – simplified Google analytics on all YouTube uploads Shows views, locations, general demographics, pathways to video, etc. More on analytics later…

10 Old Spice Guy

11 Built on success of Super Bowl spot Summer 2010 – nearly 200 video responses Built recognition of initial video Built follower list on YouTube, Facebook, Twitter Made old brand attractive to new generation – significant sales jump Made Isaiah Mustafa a star in own right

12 Why successful? Leveraged and extended mass exposure Brilliant writing and acting, with compelling film methods (single take filming) Short, simple and consistent message Potential for personalization during Twitter response days – good mix of celebrity and regular responses (celebrity tweets here: shirtless-old-spice-guy-videos-celebrity-edition/)

13 The social media turn

14 Early history Links very old, but emergence of search engines vs. browsing gave them power Sharing services emerged out of bust (late 90s/early 2000s) – a reorientation from straight publication/ecommerce to social media Personal publishing not new, but blogging/microblogging (e.g., Twitter) platforms made it accessible for all Social networking grew in popularity from niche audiences to broad acceptance and big business (e.g., Facebook’s pending IPO)

15 Four general forms Bookmarking/Aggregating Content Creation/Sharing Social networking Location-based social networking

16 Bookmarking & Aggregation Creating links, collections and connections with ease Embedded buttons (like/share/digg/reddit/RSS/etc.) increasingly default in most CMSs, allowing for easy sharing by readers

17 Delicious Personal bookmarking with a social focus Bookmarks reside on server, can be public to show interests of individual/group Was on the ropes after purpose/lack of integration with Yahoo! – still sticking around though Marketing implications?

18 Reddit/Digg User-submitted content with up/down voting by user population Quick scan of what’s trending/hot on Internet Reddit gaining in popularity at present – partially due to nature of historical audience Marketing implications?

19 StumbleUpon A mix of aggregation and social sharing “Stumble” button scrolls through categories of sites based on user preferences and like/dislike ratings of stumblers Marketing implications?

20 Next week Jason Kemp – social media marketing manager at TeamBuy (thanks to Mehria for contact!) What’s not covered from Ch. 14/15 or by Jason will be approached at later classes (still a lot of ground to cover!)

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