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Unit 4: Conquest and Colonization 4 th Grade Puerto Rican History Prof. R. Fonseca.

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1 Unit 4: Conquest and Colonization 4 th Grade Puerto Rican History Prof. R. Fonseca

2 Review Chapter 12: The Discovery of Puerto Rico  The Discovery of Puerto Rico: Christopher Columbus Catholic Monarchs Capitulations of Santa Fe Ships October 12, 1492 November 19, 1493 Old World / New World Boriquén / San Juan Bautista Henry the Navigator Vasco da Gama Important sailors

3 Review Chapter 13: The Founding of Caparra  Christianize  Colonization  The Indies  Juan Ponce de León  Colonies  Nicolás de Ovando  Agüeybaná  Caparra

4 Unit 4: Conquest and Colonization Chapter 13: The Founding of Caparra Vocabulary Words 1. Christianize = to teach the Christian faith 2. Colonization = to take total control of a territory. 3. Settlement = to establish in one place. 4. Colonies = colonized territories or towns. 5. Alliance = pact 6. Conquerors = people that use physical force to control other people. 7. Estancias = farms or areas of land used for agriculture or mining. 8. Administrative council = a group of people in charge of an organization, such as a village. 9. Repartimiento = labor system in which every conquistador was assigned one or more caciques and Taínos to work. 10. Rebellion = to fight against a government or group.

5 Chapter 13: The Founding of Caparra  The Colonial Government Grows Strong In 1511 the Spaniards founded the village of San Germán Cristóbal de Sotomayor led the mining and farming operations of the village. Juan Ponce de León divided the island into two districts (partidos) Two districts: San Germán and San Juan Bautista de Puerto Rico

6 Repartimientos The Taínos were forced into a labor system known as repartimientos, in which every conquistador was assigned one or more caciques, and dozens of other Taínos to look for gold or work in farming or construction.

7 Taíno Society Collapses  The repartimientos had terrible consequences for the lives of the Taínos. They lost their freedom and had to work all day long They needed to look for gold and produce food for their masters Their culture was change (food, clothe) They were not allow to celebrate their rituals or other celebrations. They lost everything that united them as a people

8 Caparra  The precise location of the village of Caparra was discovered in 1917 during the construction of Road PR-2 in Guaynabo.  In 1935 Adolfo de Hostos organized archaeological excavations.  1n 1956 Ricardo Alegría continued with the excavations and they decided to remove and relocate the ruins of the village to the north of the road.

9 The Taíno Rebellion of 1511  The Spaniards took away the freedom and customs of the Taínos  Some Taínos learned the new language and converted to Catholicism; however, other Taínos organized attacks against the Spaniards.  The Spaniards attacked a lot of yucayeques that were not part of the rebellion and they enslaved the Taínos.  In 1511 a well organized rebellion took place led by Agüeybaná II.  The Spaniards surprised them and used their guns against them.  The military strength of the Spaniards, the disappearance of Taíno customs, the hard work, and European diseases decreased the Taíno population.


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