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From 1066 on... History and Literature! pp. 50,51,52,53,54.

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2 From 1066 on... History and Literature! pp. 50,51,52,53,54

3 The French conquest!  In 1066 at the Battle of Hastings, the Normans (Norse people who had settled in the north of France) defeated the English and started a centuries-long conquest of England  These Normans were leaded by William the Conqueror

4 The Bayeux tapestry

5 Main effects of the Norman conquest  Introduction of the Feudal system  French becomes official language of politics and power and exerts enormous influence on Old English  England begins unifying under a French political system. The king of France was also the King of England.

6 Feudal Society  Barons (owners of the lands, loyal to the king)  Knights  Peasants (bound to the land and the lord of the land)

7 The Domesday Book  To acquire knowledge of his new possessions, William encouraged a survey: properties, lands, animals and people = CENSUS (censimento)! Unique for that time! why?  For fiscal, economical reasons!!!

8 The Plantagenets: Henry II (1154-1189)  He ruled over England and a large portion of France +  He married Eleanor of Aquitaine (more french territories!)  Interested in improving the system of justice

9 Henry II  Constitutions of Clarendon: clergy judged also by the king’s court.  Assassination of Thomas Becket.  Common Law.

10 Richard I & John Lackland  Richard I - The Lionheart- (1189-1199) interested in personal glory and military expeditions (Third Crusade). He died in France defending the English lands.  John Lackland (1199-1216), his brother. He oppressed the people with excessive taxes. He was forced by the barons to sign the Magna Charta.

11 1215 Magna Charta  Very important document.  Proposed by the noble barons: The King could not impose new taxes without the barons’ permission.  First step towards a less absolute monarchy!

12 From Anglo-Norman to Middle English Literature evolution pp. 68, 70

13 Changes...  Changes in Language > Changes in Literature.  French: language of the upper-classes for diplomacy, politics and literature (latin too).  Old English > language for laboureres and servants (illiterate). DUALISTIC LINGUISTICAL SITUATION

14 Changes in Poetry  Metrical system based on alliteration to  metrical system based on regular lines with a precise number of syllables rhymes  New literary taste based on the French fashion: Romances, Chansons de Geste,

15 Middle English  After a period where literary works were composed in French or Latin, a new national production arose.  It was written in Middle English, the evolution of Old English + French influences + Latin.  Middle English is more similar to contemporary English than Old English

16 Geoffrey Chaucer (1340-1400) pp. 80,81,82,84,85,86

17 Life:  Born in London.  Son of a wine merchant.  He worked as a diplomat at court.  He travelled a lot (France, Italy), both during the Hundred Years’ war and after it.  He’s buried in Westminster Abbey.

18 Literary Production  Chaucer’s Literary production is generally divided into 3 different period.  1 French period.  2 Italian period.  3 ENGLISH period

19 The Canterbury Tales  One of the first work in Middle English: original English production, no influences from other literatures!!!  It could be undestood and listened by a large portion of people.

20 What is it?  A collection of stories, contained by a frame (crf. Decameron).  Pilgrimage London - Canterbury  29 Pilgrims  Each pilgrim tells a story in order to make the pilgrimage less boring.

21 The Pilgrims  Feudal world: (knight, esquire etc)  Religious world: (nun, priests, friar, prioress)  third group = various (merchants of all kinds, plowman etc)  Chaucer (the poet) is one of them => Chaucer autor/character

22 The Pilgrims 2  The Canterbury Tales are important because they give a vivid portrait of the 14th century MIDDLE CLASS or BORGEOISIE.  A new social status which was gaining importance in that period.  Each character is carefully described.

23 Literary Elements  The Canterbury Tales are written in poetry  Meter: iambic pentameter (unstressed/stressed)  Structure: couplets  Stories: fabliaux, novellas, courtly love,

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