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Envirolyte-Conquest USA™

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1 Envirolyte-Conquest USA™
Leaders in the EcoWorld Electrolyzed Water Totally Green Cleaning, Sanitizing & Disinfecting Technology Presentation by Dr. Glynn Hopkins Scientific Advisor to Conquest International LLC R&DA Meeting, Tucson, Arizona 4 May 2010

2 Envirolyte Industries International Ltd
Tallinn, Estonia Envirolyte Industries International Ltd is the World Leader in Electrolyzed Aqua Solution Technology. The Phenomenon of Electro-Chemical Activation of Water was discovered in 1972 by a Russian Scientist, Dr. Vitold M. Bakhir. Electro-Chemical Activation Technology was perfected in Estonia by Envirolyte Industries International.

3 Conquest International LLC
Plainville, Kansas Conquest International LLC is a Master Distributor of Envirolyte Commercial Water Electrolyzers which WITHOUT QUESTION Will Revolutionize the Water, Food, Health, Medical & Veterinarian Industries. Conquest International has Exclusive Marketing Rights to the U.S. Military for Envirolyte Commercial Water Electrolyzer Systems.

4 Envirolyte Electro-Chemical Activation [ECA] Technology
Produces 3 Different Types of Electrolyzed Water: > Catholyte Electrolyzed Water Which is a Highly Alkaline Surfactant Detergent Cleaning Agent. > Neutral Anolyte Electrolyzed Water With The Ability To Kill ALL Types of Micro-Organisms [Bacteria, Viruses, Mold, Spores & Fungi] as The World’s Strongest and Most Powerful Electrolyzed Water Sanitizing and Disinfecting Agent. > High pH Alkaline Ionized Water Which is The World’s Healthiest Drinking Water for Human & Animal Consumption.

5 Electrolyzed Water Phenomenon in Nature
The Occurrence in Nature of Lightning Electrical Discharge Into The Ocean Illustrates The Same Process That Is Replicated In An Envirolyte Commercial Water Electrolyzer. The Process Involves Nothing But Electricity, Water & Salt With All Types of Envirolyte Electrolyzed Water Reverting Back Into Their Original State as Water, Other Compounds & Basic Elements as 100% BIO-DEGRADABLE, TRULY GREEN, ENVIRONMENTALLY FRIENDLY BY-PRODUCTS.

6 Envirolyte Electrolytic Reactors [Round Water Cells] Are Used in
The Electro-Chemical Activation Process That Begins By Injecting a Diluted Salt Brine Solution Into The Feed Water To Create Electrical Conductivity. The Water Cell Is Divided Into 2 Electrolysis Chambers – The Anode Chamber & The Cathode Chamber. Acidic Electrolyzed Water Is Produced In The Anode Chamber and Alkaline Electrolyzed Water Is Produced In The Cathode Chamber.

7 Catholyte High pH Alkaline Detergent Cleaning Agent
Primary Components in Catholyte Solution Hydrogen (H2) Hydroxyl Ion (OH-) from Sodium Hydroxide Small Amount of Hydrogen Peroxide (H2O2) Sodium Hydroxide (NaOH) pH 11.6 to 12.5 – High Alkalinity ORP/Redox -900 to Milli-Volts – Very Electro-Negative > Catholyte Electrolyzed Water is a Highly Alkaline Surfactant Detergent Which Serves As An Excellent Washing Liquid Which Removes Surface Oil & Grease and Heavy Metals From Water Through Precipitation. > Sodium Hydroxide is a Basic Ingredient in Soap & Detergent and is a Very Effective Grease Cutter.

8 Neutral Anolyte World’s Strongest Electrolyzed Water Disinfectant
Primary Components in Neutral Anolyte Hypochlorous Acid (HClO) Hypochlorite Ion (CIO-) Hydrochloric Acid (HCl) Chlorine (Cl2) Oxygen (O2) 500 – 700 ppm of Free Available Chlorine pH 7.5 to 8.5 ORP/Redox +700 to +900 Milli-Volts

9 Neutral Anolyte Electrolyzed Water Disinfectant
Envirolyte Neutral Anolyte Is The World’s Strongest Electrolyzed Water Disinfectant and IS TOTALLY EFFECTIVE Against All Bacteria, Viruses, Mold, Spores, Fungi & Algae – Even When Diluted In Water, Sprayed or Fogged Into The Air. Neutral Anolyte Electrolyzed Water Disinfectant Provides Full Spectrum Biocidal Sterilization & Disinfection Capabilities in Eliminating Human Pathogens & Spoilage Bacteria In Food. Testing of Neutral Anolyte Has Empirically Documented Its TOTAL EFFECTIVENESS IN THE ELIMINATION OF Salmonella spp, E.coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Legionella pneumophila, Anthrax Spores, Staphylococcus, Listeria, HIV, MRSA Infection, Influenza Virus & Norovirus.

MORE EFFECTIVE ANTI-MICROBIAL AGENT AGAINST E-coli 0157:H7 THAN CHLORINE, CHLORINE DIOXIDE OR OZONE. Neutral Anolyte May Be Applied As Liquid, Spray or Fog OR MOST IMPORTANTLY AS ICE In Applications Which Include Chilling of Sea Food, Poultry & Meat With Simultaneous Elimination of Human Pathogens & Food Spoilage Bacteria During Shipment and Storage. When Properly Stored, Neutral Anolyte Remains Sporicidal For Up To 6 Months & Up To 12 Months As a Biocide.

Water Purification & Disinfection Any Source of Contaminated Water Can Be Filtered and Then Purified By Adding Envirolyte Neutral Anolyte Disinfectant. In Military & Disaster Relief Field Conditions, Re-Purification and Disinfection of Re-Contaminated Stored Water Is Easily Accomplished by Dosing The Stored Water With Neutral Anolyte Which Kills All Types of Micro-Organisms. Neutral Anolyte Does Not Produce a Highly Caustic Smell or Bad Taste in Drinking Water, as Does Chlorine & Other Chemical Additives That Are Used To Purify Water. Neutral Anolyte Can Be Used to Disinfect Canteens, Other Water Storage Containers, Mess Kits & Kitchen Equipment.

For Disinfection in Food Preparation, Neutral Anolyte Should Be Used In Lieu of Tap Water That Contains Chlorine & Other Chemicals Which Discolor & Degrade The Appearance, Taste and Nutritional Value of Food & Beverages. Instead of Purchasing Chlorine & Adding It To Water To Prepare a Sterilization/Disinfecting Solution, Neutral Anolyte Can Be Generated On-Site, As-Needed As A Much Stronger, More Effective Agent Than The Use Of Chlorine By Itself. An Envirolyte Electrolyzer Can Produce Neutral Anolyte for a Few Pennies Per Gallon, Which Makes It Economically Practical To Use In Food Washing & Preparation, Sanitizing & Disinfecting Throughout a Food Service Facility.

For Total Floor to Ceiling – Wall to Wall Encapsulation of Disease Pathogens & Disinfection of Food Service Facilities, Neutral Anolyte Can Be Dispersed With A Fogging Or Spraying System. Hand Scrubbing is not required. Neutral Anolyte Is Harmless To People & Does Not Require Wash Down or Neutralization Following its Application. The Non-Toxic Neutral Anolyte Residue Can Simply Be Left To Dry – Or Can Be Wiped-Away If Desired. In Addition To Direct Application, Spraying & Fogging, Neutral Anolyte Is Used To Disinfect Floor Drains, Scuppers & Traps, Utensils, Pots, Pans & Other Food Preparation Items, Cutting Boards & Other Hard Surface Areas Throughout A Food Service Facility.

14 Uses of Neutral Anolyte Disinfectant In Medical Facilities Include:
USE OF NEUTRAL ANOLYTE DISINFECTANT IN MEDICAL FACILITIES Uses of Neutral Anolyte Disinfectant In Medical Facilities Include: > Surface Cleaning & Disinfection. > Production of Sterile Water. > Linen Disinfection When Washed In Electrolyzed Water. > Fogging Disinfection of Emergency Rooms, Patient Rooms and Wards, Operating Rooms, Laboratories, Physical Therapy Facilities, Food Service Facilities etc. > Cold Sterilization of Medical Instruments. As a Cold Sterilant & Disinfectant, Envirolyte Neutral Anolyte Has Proven To Be Greatly Superior To Alternatives Such As Glutaraldehyde.

Neutral Anolyte is a Non-Painful, Non-Irritating, Disinfecting & Healing Solution For Use On Wounds & Burns. Neutral Anolyte Is Especially Effective In Treating Chronic, Poorly Healing Wounds, Burns, Diabetic Ulcers, Varicose Ulcers, Decubitus Ulcers of Bed-Ridden Patients & Other Chronic Ulcer Forms As Shown In The Photo Of A Leg Wound That Was Treated With Neutral Anolyte Electrolyzed Water. All Previous Treatment Had Failed. A. Leg Wound At beginning of Treatment With Neutral Anolyte. B. Leg Wound After 2 weeks of Tissue Treatment with Neutral Anolyte. Note Granulation On Outer Margins. C. After Skin Graft. Note Further Granulation and Healing. D. Wound Completely Healed. 15

On-Site, As-Needed Production of Electrolyzed Aqua Solutions With Elimination Of High Costs For Purchase, Transportation, Storage, Handling & Mixing of Detergents, Bleaches & Other Toxic, Hazardous Chemicals. Elimination of Health Hazards From Breathing Toxic Fumes & Damage To Human Skin With Reduced Costs For Health & Medical Insurance, Worker’s Compensation, Time Lost On The Job & Other Economical Savings. Time Savings In Elimination of Accountability For Regulated Chemicals. Elimination of Hazardous Materials Disposal Requirements. 16

Is FDA approved under 21 CFR for direct contact with processed foods.   FDA decision #692 allows for vegetable & fruit produce washing using Electrolyzed Water.  Is FDA approved for several indirect food contract applications under 21 CFR & 21 CFR   Is an FDA approved sanitizer that meets 21 CFR   17

Is exempt by the EPA under 40 CFR for washing raw foods that are to be consumed without processing. Is exempt by the EPA under 40 CFR provided that the Electrolyzed Water is applied on a semi-permanent or permanent food-contact surface with adequate draining before contact with food.  May be applied to food-contact surfaces in public eating places, dairy processing equipment, food-processing equipment and utensils. Is FDA approved under 21 CFR for spray and water treatment for processing of beef, poultry & pork. 18

Conquest International LLC Has Been Issued FDA Non-Objection Letter For The Use Of Envirolyte Electro-Chemical Activation [ECA] Technology In The Generation & Use of Anolyte For Food Processing Applications Where The Technology Is Used In A Manner Consistent With Current Good Manufacturing Practices. 19

In Developing the U.S. Military Market for Envirolyte Equipment, Conquest International WILL PROVIDE PRIORITY PURSUIT Of What We Consider Of Utmost Importance & Immediacy: FIELD SANITIZATION IN FOOD SERVICE & MEDICAL FACILITIES IN WAR ZONES! For Evaluation By Natick Labs, Conquest Will Make An Envirolyte Commercial Water Electrolyzer Available For Operational Test Evaluation Of The Generation, Uses & Effectiveness of Envirolyte Neutral Anolyte & Catholyte. Conquest Will Work With Manufacturers Of Military Field Kitchens To Design A Commercial Water Electrolyzer System WITH THE SMALLEST POSSIBLE FOOT-PRINT For Installation In Mobile Field Kitchens. 20

In Addition To Development Of The U.S. Military Market, Conquest International Will Aggressively Pursue The Use Of Electrolyzed Water Technology By All Other U.S. Government Agencies, As Well As In The Business, Commercial & Industrial Sectors and In Academic Research To Further Document The Effectiveness Of Envirolyte Activated Electrolyzed Aqua Solutions, and in Evolving Further Applications For Future Technology. There Is Great Need For Envirolyte Technology In Emergency Preparedness, Environmental Crises & Disaster Response In Which FEMA & Non-Government Organizations [NGO] Can Realize Better Cost-Effectiveness In Their Use Of Funds BY PRE-POSITIONING EQUIPMENT & SUPPLIES AT KEY STRATEGIC LOCATIONS WORLDWIDE For Quick Reaction Deployment In Response To Natural & Man-Made Disasters. 21

IN DISASTER RELIEF SITUATIONS, Envirolyte Neutral Anolyte Has Applications In Both Water Purification & Field Medical Treatment. In Addition To General Sanitization Needs, Neutral Anolyte Can Be Used To Disinfect Garbage, Human & Animal Body Waste and Stagnant Water. Neutral Anolyte Has Proven Effective In Killing Red Spider Mites. On This Basis, We Believe That Neutral Anolyte Will Also Prove To Be Effective In Killing Malaria Larvae, Plasmodium falciparum, Plasmodium vivax & Other Forms Of Malaria-Causing Parasites. Research Is Welcome In This Regard & Other Scientific Research Projects. 22

ECO ELA-900 ELA ELA-6000 Upper & Lower Compartments Left Side: Electrical & Electronics With Supporting Stand Right Side: Hydraulics Production Capacity: 31 Gallons per Hour to 1056 Gallons per Hour 23

24 Our Literature & Business Cards Have Been Distributed.
We Are Available To Talk With You & Welcome Your Questions & Suggestions. We Will Cooperate & Serve You In Any Way We Can. Please Leave Your Business Card & Any Literature or Other Information You May Want Us To Have. THANK YOU VERY MUCH FOR YOUR KIND ATTENTION! 24

25 Conquest International LLC
1108 SW 8th Street Plainville, Kansas 67663 Tel: or Fax: Internet: 25

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