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New Spain After Columbus reached the West Indies in 1492, the Spanish settled and explored other islands in the Caribbean and South America. By 1540, Spain.

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Presentation on theme: "New Spain After Columbus reached the West Indies in 1492, the Spanish settled and explored other islands in the Caribbean and South America. By 1540, Spain."— Presentation transcript:

1 New Spain After Columbus reached the West Indies in 1492, the Spanish settled and explored other islands in the Caribbean and South America. By 1540, Spain had conquered most present day Mexico, Central and South America.

2 New Spain - 1550

3 New Spain  Spain establishes colonies in the “New World.”  Colonies will give the mother country gold, glory and spread Christianity.  Spain sends conquistadors (conquerors) who wanted to “serve god, their king and get wealthy.”

4 Conquest of Aztecs & Incas 1518 – Spanish begin to explore Mexico in search for gold. (Hernando Cortez)  Cortez finds Aztec civilization & stories of gold.  With 600 men & 16 horses, Cortez will destroy Aztecs.

5 Conquest of the Aztec & Incas

6 Conquest of Incas and Aztecs 1111535 – Francisco Pizzaro will destroy the Incan civilization with 300 men and horses.

7 Conquest of Aztec & Incas  How did the conquistadors, with only a handful of men and horses, manage to conquer two vast empires ?  Technology (Metal swords, armor, guns & cannon).  Indian Allies (Many hate Inca & Aztec).  Disease (smallpox, measles, influenza).

8 Setting Up a Government Viceroys – officials who rule an areas in the name of a king.  Laws of the Indies called for 3 settlements:  Pueblos – towns that were centers of trade.

9 Setting Up a Government  Presidios – military forts with high adobe walls.  Missions – religious settlements that were run by Catholic priests and nuns.




13 A Class System  Laws of the Indies also called for people in the colonies to be divided into 4 social classes.  Peninsulares – People born in Spain that moved to the colonies (viceroys & officials).  Creoles – people who were 100% Spanish, but born in the colonies (landowners)

14 A Class System  Lowest Classes:  Mestizos – People of mixed Indian and Spanish heritage (workers).  Indians & Africans – Lowest class (slaves).

15 A Class System  The colonists who came to the New Spain needed workers for their ranches and farms.  Encomiendas – the right to demand labor or taxes from Native Americans living on the land.  Plantation– large estates that used slave labor to grow sugar and tobacco.

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