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Invasion and Conquest and the Period of the Judges The Geography of Canaan.

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Presentation on theme: "Invasion and Conquest and the Period of the Judges The Geography of Canaan."— Presentation transcript:

1 Invasion and Conquest and the Period of the Judges The Geography of Canaan

2 Overview of Invasion & Conquest Central Campaign Southern Campaign Northern Campaign Division of the Land Eastern Tribes Return home

3 Overview of Joshua 5-8 Central Campaign 9-10 Southern Campaign 11 Northern Campaign 12 List of conquered Kings 13-19 Division of the land 20-21 Cities of Refuge 22 Eastern tribes sent home 23 Joshua’s farewell 24 Covenant is renewed at Shechem

4 Helping Students Relate If you have access to a globe, use it! – Point out Alabama, the United States, and Canaan! – This shows that these stories are very REAL and that we are learning about a real place Discuss the size of the land, compared to the local geography – Most students K and above will have been to Birmingham – From the Sea of Galilee to the Dead Sea is 80 miles

5 Helping Students Relate Most students will have seen a river Most students will have seen a mountain Some students may not have seen the ocean or a gulf, but many will have Most students will not have seen a desert, but will have an idea of what a desert is like Most will have seen farmland and livestock

6 Using Maps USE MAPS!!! – Especially with children Use blank maps that the students can label Allow the younger students to color the maps Use the whiteboard Use handouts Don’t just do one class on geography! – Integrate geography into many of your lessons – Review geography

7 The Condition of the Land The land of Canaan has not always been as barren as it is today It was a fertile land during the time that we are studying! – Num. 13:27; Deut 11:10-11, 14-15, 17 – We should know why the land is barren now! (Deut 29:22-28)

8 Boundaries North – Mt Lebanon & Mt. Hermon South – Negev East – Arabian Desert West – Mediterranean Sea

9 Zones The land divides itself into four distinct parallel zones running north and south From west to east these zones are: – The Coastal Plain – The Hill Country – The Jordan Valley – The Trans-Jordan Plateau

10 Looking North

11 Looking West, Mountans




15 Key Locations Shephelah Mount Lebanon (Lebanons) Mount Hermon (Anti-Lebanons) Dan Lake Huleh Sea of Galilee Dead Sea Jordan River Negev(b)

16 Key Locations Zered Arnon Jabbok Yarmuk Mt. Ebal Mt. Gerizim Shechem

17 Key Locations Mt. Carmel Valley of Jezreel Hebron Jerusalem Mt. Of Olives Kadesh Barnea

18 Key Locations Philistia Plain of Sharon Phoenicia Arabah Arabian Desert Ammon Bashan Edom Gilead

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