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St. Louis - Midwest Supersite Project Overview, February/March 2000 St. Louis - Midwest Particulate Matter Supersite Project Overview February/March 2000.

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Presentation on theme: "St. Louis - Midwest Supersite Project Overview, February/March 2000 St. Louis - Midwest Particulate Matter Supersite Project Overview February/March 2000."— Presentation transcript:

1 St. Louis - Midwest Supersite Project Overview, February/March 2000 St. Louis - Midwest Particulate Matter Supersite Project Overview February/March 2000 Update

2 St. Louis - Midwest Supersite Project Overview, February/March 2000 St. Louis - Midwest Supersite: An Overview USEPA Particulate Matter Supersites Program –Phase I Supersites Atlanta, GA Fresno, CA –Phase II Supersites New York City, NY Baltimore, MD Pittsburgh, PA St. Louis, MO Houston, TX Fresno, CA Los Angeles, CA

3 St. Louis - Midwest Supersite Project Overview, February/March 2000 St. Louis - Midwest Supersite Consortium Washington University –J. Turner (PI), W. White* (Co-PI), E. Macias, B. Schichtel Desert Research Institute –J. Chow* (Co-PI), J. Watson Electric Power Research Institute –T. Bahadori Harvard University School of Public Health –P. Koutrakis* (Co-PI), G. Allen University of Maryland –J. Ondov (Co-PI) University of Minnesota –P. McMurry* (Co-PI) University of Wisconsin –J. Schauer *denotes Executive Management Team

4 St. Louis - Midwest Supersite Project Overview, February/March 2000 St. Louis Supersite Project Objectives USEPA identified three overarching objectives which each Supersite must address… (1) improved understanding of source-receptor relationships to support SIP development –St. Louis is an urban island, broadly representative of the urban Midwest (2) support health effects and exposure studies –integration with three large health effects programs (3) evaluation of emerging sampling methods –battery of advanced measurements for aerosol physical properties and chemical composition –emphasis on methods with demonstrated or potential ability to operate reliably for extended periods with limited attendance

5 St. Louis - Midwest Supersite Project Overview, February/March 2000 St. Louis Supersite: Monitoring Strategy sustained measurements for a full year, CY 2001 emphasis on temporal resolution of aerosol physical and chemical properties –core site, located in north St. Louis City urban residential neighborhood full suite of measurements –movable platform rotating between three satellite sites visit each site for 3-4 weeks each quarter during CY 2001 implement a subset of the core site measurement suite at the satellite sites

6 St. Louis - Midwest Supersite Project Overview, February/March 2000 Monitor Sites St. Louis City St. Louis County CBD core site (fixed platform) plus three satellite sites, each visited by a movable platform for 3-4 weeks per quarter (locations TBD)

7 St. Louis - Midwest Supersite Project Overview, February/March 2000 St. Louis Supersite: Sampling & Measurements in situ methods… aerosol size dist. (3nm-10mm) / 5 min integral moments (number, light scat., elec. charge) / 2 sec aethalometer / 5 min fine mass (CAMMS) / 1 hr substrate methods… PM 1, PM 2.5, PM 10 mass by various samplers / 24 hr in situ methods… sulfate / 10 min nitrate / 10 min EC/OC / 1 hr substrate methods… ions & precursor gases (HEADS) / 24 hr EC/OC / 24 hr fine/coarse metals / 24 hr selected elements retrospectively / 1 hr organic compounds retrospectively / 24 hr tox. sampling / 1 wk airborne bioallergens / 24 hr meteorological parameters (10m & 30 m), 5 min criteria gas pollutants / 1 hr (nominal) aerosol physical properties aerosol chemical properties other measurements

8 St. Louis - Midwest Supersite Project Overview, February/March 2000 St. Louis Supersite: Integration with Exposure & Health Effects Studies measurement of personal and indoor exposures –H. Suh & P. Koutrakis (EPRI Exposure Studies) cardiac vulnerability in potentially susceptible subjects –F. Speizer (NIEHS Program Project) implantable defribrillators detected arrhythmias –D. Dockery (NIEHS Program Project) conditions in elderly which predispose towards acute adverse effect of particulate exposure –J. Schwartz (EPA PM Center) chronic effects of particulate exposure –D. Dockery (EPA PM Center) in vitro toxicity of St. Louis particulate matter –L. Kobzik & P. Koutrakis (EPA PM Center)

9 St. Louis - Midwest Supersite Project Overview, February/March 2000 St. Louis Supersite: Other Features & Timeline Other Features –collaboration with USEPA researchers currently being formalized –integration with EPA Region VII St. Louis community based air toxics initiative (risk based air screening) –provide a platform attractive for single-particle analysis measurements (e.g., testing, calibration) –historical context using data from previous studies (e.g., RAPS/RAMS, Harvard Six Cities) Schedule –CY2000: planning, installation and shake-down –CY2001: full year of sustained measurements (1/1/01 through 12/21/01) –CY2002: sample analysis, data analysis –CY2003: data analysis and reporting

10 St. Louis - Midwest Supersite Project Overview, February/March 2000 St. Louis - Midwest Supersite for more information… St. Louis - Midwest Supersite on the WWW at - (to be activated circa March 1, 2000) contact information... Jay R. Turner Department of Chemical Engineering Campus Box 1198 Washington University One Brookings Drive St. Louis, MO 63130-4899 tel: 314-935-5480 fax: 314-935-5464 email: JRTURNER@SEAS.WUSTL.EDU

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