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Native Peoples of America, to 1500

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1 Native Peoples of America, to 1500
Chapter One Native Peoples of America, to 1500

2 Boyer, The Enduring Vision Chapter 1
Scientists’ current theory is that 1. the ancestors of Native Americans originated in the Western Hemisphere. 2. Native Americans first reached the Western Hemisphere on swift sailing ships from northern Europe and Iceland. 3. the Western Hemisphere was populated by multiple migrations from Asia across the Siberia-Alaska land bridge and by sea. 4. the ancestors of Native Americans crossed the Atlantic in giant outrigger canoes from the west coast of Africa.

3 Boyer, The Enduring Vision Chapter 1
Scientists’ current theory is that 3. the Western Hemisphere was populated by multiple migrations from Asia across the Siberia-Alaska land bridge and by sea. Hint: See page 2.

4 Boyer, The Enduring Vision Chapter 1
The densest Native American populations in what would later be the United States were found 1. in the Great Basin. 2. on the High Plains. 3. on the Pacific Coast. 4. in the northern forests.

5 Boyer, The Enduring Vision Chapter 1
The densest Native American populations in what would later be the United States were found 3. on the Pacific Coast. Hint: Climate and resources made this possible.

6 Boyer, The Enduring Vision Chapter 1
In which geographical region did the Hopewell Native Americans reside? 1. Arizona and New Mexico 2. the Midwest 3. the Mississippi River to the Atlantic Coast 4. Arizona

7 Boyer, The Enduring Vision Chapter 1
In which geographical region did the Hopewell Native Americans reside? 2. the Midwest Hint: Hopewell culture was associated with the Midwest.

8 Boyer, The Enduring Vision Chapter 1
Which one of these did not help to shape Native Americans’ social and cultural development before 1500? 1. geographical isolation 2. drastic climatic and geographical variations across America 3. contact with African cultures, from which Native Americans adopted many practices 4. long-term changes or cycles in weather, such as warming trends and extended droughts

9 Boyer, The Enduring Vision Chapter 1
Which one of these did not help to shape Native Americans’ social and cultural development before 1500? 3. contact with African cultures, from which Native Americans adopted many practices Hint: This did not help shape Native American development because there is no evidence of any contact before 1500.

10 Boyer, The Enduring Vision Chapter 1
The Aztecs, Mayans, and Incas had developed all of the following before the arrival of the Spanish except: 1. great cities in which thousands of people lived. 2. complex monotheistic religions based on belief in one god. 3. sophisticated irrigation systems which made possible extensive agricultural production. 4. advanced engineering knowledge that allowed them to build roads, bridges, and pyramids.

11 Boyer, The Enduring Vision Chapter 1
The Aztecs, Mayans, and Incas had developed all of the following before the arrival of the Spanish except: 2. complex monotheistic religions based on belief in one god. Hint: They worshipped many gods, not one. See pages 3–4.

12 Boyer, The Enduring Vision Chapter 1
About how many Native Americans lived on the continent north of present-day Mexico, at the time of Columbus’s first voyage to the New World? 1. 7 million to 10 million 2. 75 million 3. 50,000 to 100,000 4. 1 million to 2 million

13 Boyer, The Enduring Vision Chapter 1
About how many Native Americans lived on the continent north of present-day Mexico, at the time of Columbus’s first voyage to the New World? 1. 7 million to 10 million Hint: See page 8.

14 Boyer, The Enduring Vision Chapter 1
Which of the following statements about American Indians is correct? 1. There is no evidence of any people living in the Americas earlier than 15,000 years ago. 2. Indians did not know how to build irrigation systems for agriculture until they learned it from the Spanish conquistadores. 3. Indian society frowned on all competitive behavior. 4. New England tribes allowed women as well as men to serve as chiefs.

15 Boyer, The Enduring Vision Chapter 1
Which of the following statements about American Indians is correct? 4. New England tribes allowed women as well as men to serve as chiefs. Hint: See page 10.

16 Boyer, The Enduring Vision Chapter 1
In which region did Native American men and women both work at farming? 1. Northeast 2. Great Basin 3. Southwest 4. Mississippi Valley

17 Boyer, The Enduring Vision Chapter 1
In which region did Native American men and women both work at farming? 3. Southwest Hint: See pages 4 and 5.

18 Boyer, The Enduring Vision Chapter 1
The term Archaic peoples refers to 1. native North Americans from about 8000 to 1500 B.C. 2. the first nomadic hunters to reach North America. 3. the mound builders of the Mississippi Valley. 4. all Native Americans living here at the time of Columbus’s voyage.

19 Boyer, The Enduring Vision Chapter 1
The term Archaic peoples refers to 1. native North Americans from about 8000 to 1500 B.C. Hint: See page 3.

20 Boyer, The Enduring Vision Chapter 1
Agriculture was first practiced by the Indians of the 1. Pacific Northwest. 2. desert Southwest. 3. Midwestern heartland. 4. Atlantic Coast.

21 Boyer, The Enduring Vision Chapter 1
Agriculture was first practiced by the Indians of the 2. desert Southwest. Hint: Agriculture first spread to tribes in the Southwest from central Mexican tribes.

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