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Midwest Product Stewardship Council GLPPR/Great Plains P2 Conference Chicago, IL March 14, 2007.

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Presentation on theme: "Midwest Product Stewardship Council GLPPR/Great Plains P2 Conference Chicago, IL March 14, 2007."— Presentation transcript:

1 Midwest Product Stewardship Council GLPPR/Great Plains P2 Conference Chicago, IL March 14, 2007

2 2 Product Stewardship  Product stewardship means that all parties involved in designing, manufacturing, selling and using a product take responsibility for environmental impacts at every stage of that product's life.  Address local government management costs, promote design changes  Individual company initiatives, regulated or voluntary activities  Collective vs. individual responsibility, various funding mechanisms  Foundation of EU Community Waste Strategy WEEE, ELV, Packaging and Battery DirectivesWEEE, ELV, Packaging and Battery Directives  Canadian provincial programs: E-waste, Blue-box materials, paint, pharmaceuticals, tires, HHW  US: E-waste, thermostats, carpet, mercury switches, batteries, paint

3 3 Why Regional Collaboration?  Global design, manufacturing and sales product chain  Broader base of support  Improve program implementation Reduce administrative and compliance costs Reduce administrative and compliance costs Economies of scale Economies of scale

4 4 Mission and Purpose   NWPSC: The Northwest Product Stewardship Council is a group of government organizations that works with businesses and nonprofit groups to integrate product stewardship principles into the policy and economic structures of the Pacific Northwest.   CPSC: To shift California’s product waste management system from one focused on government funded and ratepayer financed waste diversion to one that relies on producer responsibility in order to reduce public costs and drive improvements in product design.

5 5 Previous Regional Efforts  Midwest E-waste Policy Initiative MPCA, WI DNR, MI DEQ, IL EPA, IA DNR MPCA, WI DNR, MI DEQ, IL EPA, IA DNR  Midwestern Workgroup on Carpet Recycling WI DNR, IA DNR, MPCA WI DNR, IA DNR, MPCA Workgroup led to National Carpet Recycling Agreement Workgroup led to National Carpet Recycling Agreement  Mercury Containing Products  Great Lakes cooperation

6 6 Existing Stewardship Councils  Northwest Product Stewardship Council Local governments Local governments WA Dept of Ecology WA Dept of Ecology US EPA Region 9 US EPA Region 9 OR Dept of Environmental Quality OR Dept of Environmental Quality  California Product Stewardship Council Local governments Local governments CIWMB and EPA TBD CIWMB and EPA TBD  British Columbia Product Stewardship Council

7 7 Potential Activities  Policy development Focus on specific products Focus on specific products EPR resolutions/recent CIWMB strategic direction EPR resolutions/recent CIWMB strategic direction  Demonstration/pilot projects NWPSC pharmaceutical collection effort NWPSC pharmaceutical collection effort  EPP activities to support stewardship  Education/outreach to build awareness and support Canadian provincial programs Canadian provincial programs  Research and data collection

8 8 Issues for Consideration  Structure  Governance  Funding  Mission and strategies  Staff time and organizational resources  Relationship to existing organizations PSI, MACRO, PPI PSI, MACRO, PPI

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