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CONCEPT Emissions Model: Expanding Transparency, Improving Flexibility, Improving science Mark Janssen – LADCO CMAS CONFERENCE October 6-8, 2008 Chapel.

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Presentation on theme: "CONCEPT Emissions Model: Expanding Transparency, Improving Flexibility, Improving science Mark Janssen – LADCO CMAS CONFERENCE October 6-8, 2008 Chapel."— Presentation transcript:

1 CONCEPT Emissions Model: Expanding Transparency, Improving Flexibility, Improving science Mark Janssen – LADCO CMAS CONFERENCE October 6-8, 2008 Chapel Hill, North Carolina

2 What is CONCEPT? Open Source PostgreSQL based chemical transport emissions model Integrated GIS(postgis), fully spatially enabled Data and code transparency is a critical element to understand how data will be processed.

3 CONCEPT Emissions Model Foundation of development community Point and Area - Improved Temporal Nonroad – Runs day specific met/Temporal Link Level Onroad Mobile Process Based Ammonia Internal GIS for visualization, spatial allocation. Spatial processing just happens.

4 Recent CONCEPT Developments Process Based Ammonia Model Biogenics and MEGAN Link based onroad QA. Google Earth implementation Base “N” 2005 inventory beyond RPO’s

5 Focus of Improvements Data Transparency, Can we understand the data we are using: Google Earth, Onroad QA, Updated Science: Megan, Process based NH3 model Improved Performance: NH3 Model Development and use of model in components that are most different from existing tools.

6 UC Davis/Riverside Process Based Agricultural Ammonia Consider and analyze all physical, chemical and biochemical processes and reactions that take place and influence ammonia emission rate, Employ processed based mechanistic and empirical models Keep mass balances for the flow of nitrogen through each component of an animal waste management system. New work to create C++ version of the model that is fast enough to build national inventory.



9 Why High Resolution NH3 Wintertime PM2.5 nitrate peak critical to northern 24 hour PM. Early modeling seem to indicate NH3 is the limiting pollutant. Ambient data and processed based model indicate 4x higher emissions on these days.

10 CONCEPT Onroad Link based onroad inventory Enhanced temporal allocation. T3 tool translates from common Travel Demand Models. Slow to run, but able to resolve many interesting things. 40% drop in NOX in Detroit on weekends due to HDDV changes. Not happening in Chicago.

11 Interstate Vehicle Mix by State and Urban/Rural

12 How Link Level Data Changes QA Current HPMS county level inventories are hard to test against reality. New methods result in ability to ask “What are the attributes of a link at a specific hour.” Example Boreman Expressway +50% HDDV congested to 20mph at 3AM MOBILE6 inputs in database/GIS so easier to ask difficult questions. Example, fleet age distributions of.

13 Motor Vehicles

14 MEGAN Biogenics Model Implement MEGAN biogenics code into CONCEPT. Must match photochemical model species with MEGAN species. Must parse 54 Organic Species to CAMx SOA Species –TOLA, XYLA, ISP, CG3, SQT, TRP

15 Comparing MEGAN and BIOME Emissions Comparison of MEGAN and EMS/BIOME (BEIS3soa) isoprene (July 1, 2002 day)  MEGAN predicts similar total daily tons over the modeling domain as BIOME MEGAN estimates more isoprene in the central U.S.

16 Base K Base J Base M2Base M1

17 Google Earth In CONCEPT CONCEPT has an integrated full feature GIS. Integrated means all tables are spatially enabled. CYID  map Google earth cannot handle large data sets. 24 hours of 12km data set for regional grid is too much. Must dissolve cell boundaries for similar cells. Project from RPO Lambert to Google Earth(Geo) Mostly for non-modeler inventory folks as a QA tool.




21 Future of Google Earth in CONCEPT Export diagnostic reports as Google earth input, IE. Large sources with problematic coordinates Export link level characteristics for onroad and rail traffic. Mostly for non-modelers to QA inventory problem with tools publicly available. People take ownership of inventory when they can look at it at the neighborhood level.

22 Base “N” First LADCO inventory that will use CONCEPT for all sectors. Remaining sectors are those most similar to existing models SMOKE/EMS. (Point,Area). SIP timing requires that all inventory science and model development done by June 1 st 2010

23 Beyond RPO’s ERTAC, Group of eastern states with a goal of improving inventories for regional analysis. Work will be done by states/regional groups Marine and Rail Inventories Area Source Comparability Agricultural NH3 2005 Modeling Inventory EGU temporalization methods from CEM Canadian emissions (2005/2008) Evaluation of IPM Primary OC from onroad Wildfires/Prescribed burns Temporal modeling profiles.

24 The People That Did the Work Biogenics –Jim Wilkinson- Alpine Geophysics –Kirk Baker – LADCO Onroad –Allison Pollack et al Environ Google Earth –Jim Wilkinson – Alpine Geophysics Ammonia Model –Zion Wang – UC Riverside –Ruhong Zhang – UC Davis

25 Model This!!

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