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1 1 Safeguarding Animal Health Midwest Regional EDEN Animal Agro-Security Conference Federal Panel Barry N. Pittman, DVM, MPH, DACVPM Area Emergency Coordinator.

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Presentation on theme: "1 1 Safeguarding Animal Health Midwest Regional EDEN Animal Agro-Security Conference Federal Panel Barry N. Pittman, DVM, MPH, DACVPM Area Emergency Coordinator."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 1 Safeguarding Animal Health Midwest Regional EDEN Animal Agro-Security Conference Federal Panel Barry N. Pittman, DVM, MPH, DACVPM Area Emergency Coordinator USDA APHIS Veterinary Services Barry N. Pittman, DVM, MPH, DACVPM Area Emergency Coordinator USDA APHIS Veterinary Services

2 2 2 Safeguarding Animal Health How does United States Department of Agriculture fit into preparing for, responding to, and recovering from an animal agro- security incident?

3 3 3 Safeguarding Animal Health Background HistoryHistory 1979 FEMA created 1979 FEMA created 1988 Stafford Act directs FEMA to create FRP 1988 Stafford Act directs FEMA to create FRP 2001 DHS absorbed FEMA 2001 DHS absorbed FEMA 2002 DHS creates NRP 2002 DHS creates NRP 30 Aug 2005 NRP 1 st invoked 30 Aug 2005 NRP 1 st invoked 2005 – 2007 NRP undergoes several updates 2005 – 2007 NRP undergoes several updates 2008 DHS creates NRF 2008 DHS creates NRF National, State & Local Level Emergency ManagementNational, State & Local Level Emergency Management …currently using the NRF! FEMA = Federal Emergency Management Agency DHS = Department of Homeland Security FRP/NRP/NRF = Federal / National / Response / Plan / Framework

4 Doctrine, organization, roles and responsibilities, response actions and planning requirements that guide national response How the Framework is Organized 4 Core Document IncidentAnnexes Incident-specific applications of the Framework SupportAnnexes Essential supporting aspects of the Federal response common to all incidents Emergency Support Function Annexes Mechanisms to group and provide Federal resources and capabilities to support State and local responders Partner Guides Next level of detail in response actions tailored to the actionable entity

5 5 5 Safeguarding Animal Health 5 What Has Changed  A Framework … not a Plan  Written for two audiences  Senior elected and appointed officials  Emergency Management practitioners  Emphasizes roles of the local governments, States, NGOs, individuals and the private sector  Establishes Response Doctrine Engaged partnershipEngaged partnership Tiered responseTiered response Scalable, flexible, and adaptable operational capabilitiesScalable, flexible, and adaptable operational capabilities Unity of effort through unified commandUnity of effort through unified command Readiness to actReadiness to act  Establishes planning as a critical element of effective response NRF State & Tribal Governments LocalGovernments FederalGovernment Private Sector Private Sector & NGO

6 6 6 Safeguarding Animal Health -Nutrition assistance (Food & Nutrition Service) -Animal and plant disease and pest response (Animal & Plant Health Inspection Service) -Food safety and security (Food Safety & Inspection Service) (Food Safety & Inspection Service) -Natural and cultural resources and historic properties protection (Department of the Interior) -Safety and well-being of household pets (Animal & Plant Health Inspection Service) Emergency Support Function #11 – Agriculture and Natural Resources

7 Plant Protection and Quarantine New Coordination Role within the Service… Emergency Operations Center

8 8 8 Safeguarding Animal Health New Coordination Role for ESF #11

9 9 9 Safeguarding Animal Health New Staff Emergency Program Specialist (EPS)Emergency Program Specialist (EPS) –ESF #11 coordinator in each FEMA Region (10) Regional Emergency Response Program Manager (REPM)Regional Emergency Response Program Manager (REPM) –ESF #11 coordinators in each APHIS Region (2) APHIS Program Liaison Officer (LNO)APHIS Program Liaison Officer (LNO) –ESF #11 Liaison Officer in 3 of APHIS HQ Program Offices National Coordinator (NC)National Coordinator (NC) –ESF #11 coordinator in APHIS HQ Note: 6 Resource Ordering and Status System (ROSS) Dispatchers also hired and divided among various APHIS program offices

10 EPS REPM APHIS Regional Board of Directors & Program Emergency Managers EMLC-Emergency Management Leadership Council OEMHS-Office of Emergency Management and Homeland Security NC-National ESF-11 Coordinator REPM-Regional Emergency Program Manager – APHIS ESF-11 coordinator EPS-Emergency Program Specialist – APHIS ESF-11 coordinator at the FEMA region ESF-11 Partners, e.g. FNS, FSIS and DOI Figure 1. APHIS ESF-11 Positions EPSEPSEPS EPS APHIS Regional Board of Directors & Program Emergency Managers REPM EPS EPS EPSEPS EPS ESF-11 Partners, e.g. FNS, FSIS and DOI APHIS State Managers (e.g. AVIC, SPHD) and Responders NC APHISEMLC OEMHS Department of Homeland Security Federal Emergency Management Agency APHIS State Managers (e.g. AVIC, SPHD) and Responders PPQACVS

11 11 11 Safeguarding Animal Health Emergency Program Specialist… Do the hard work of helping the FEMA region prepare for an activation of ESF #11 and the subsequent activities that may take place for any of the 8 programs (VS, PPQ, WS, AC, IES, FNS, FSIS, or DOI)Do the hard work of helping the FEMA region prepare for an activation of ESF #11 and the subsequent activities that may take place for any of the 8 programs (VS, PPQ, WS, AC, IES, FNS, FSIS, or DOI) Serve as the ESF #11 Desk Officer in the FEMA Regional Response Coordination CenterServe as the ESF #11 Desk Officer in the FEMA Regional Response Coordination Center Provide field information to the Regional Emergency Response Program ManagerProvide field information to the Regional Emergency Response Program Manager

12 12 12 Safeguarding Animal Health What resources do we bring to an event?

13 13 13 Safeguarding Animal Health Other Aspects of Our Emergency Response Structure APHIS Emergency Management Leadership CouncilAPHIS Emergency Management Leadership Council APHIS Office of Emergency Management and Homeland SecurityAPHIS Office of Emergency Management and Homeland Security APHIS Veterinary Services Emergency Management & DiagnosticsAPHIS Veterinary Services Emergency Management & Diagnostics - National Center for Animal Health Emergency Management Area Emergency CoordinatorsArea Emergency Coordinators National Incident Management TeamsNational Incident Management Teams

14 14 14 Safeguarding Animal Health National Center for Animal Health Emergency Management Augment state and local resources with critical veterinary supplies, equipment, and servicesAugment state and local resources with critical veterinary supplies, equipment, and services Provide safety emphasis and leadershipProvide safety emphasis and leadership Provide national guidance on disease surveillance and eradication strategyProvide national guidance on disease surveillance and eradication strategy Support the acquisition of resourcesSupport the acquisition of resources Resolve administrative, financial, legal, legislative, and disease control issuesResolve administrative, financial, legal, legislative, and disease control issues Coordinate and disseminate information.Coordinate and disseminate information.

15 15 15 Safeguarding Animal Health National Incident Management Teams Type II – Type III teamsType II – Type III teams Currently Command & General Staff “Short” Teams – “long” teams in the worksCurrently Command & General Staff “Short” Teams – “long” teams in the works 16 positions on each team16 positions on each team 6 Veterinary Services teams6 Veterinary Services teams 4 Plant Protection & Quarantine teams4 Plant Protection & Quarantine teams Most members trained up and through S-420 Command & General Staff ICSMost members trained up and through S-420 Command & General Staff ICS Currently deploying for TB outbreak in CACurrently deploying for TB outbreak in CA

16 16 16 Safeguarding Animal Health

17 17 17 Safeguarding Animal Health Other Resources National Veterinary StockpileNational Veterinary Stockpile Emergency Management Response SystemEmergency Management Response System

18 18 18 Safeguarding Animal Health National Veterinary Stockpile

19 19 19 Safeguarding Animal Health Emergency Management Response System A fully Web based system that can be accessed from any computer running Internet Explorer 5.5 or greater.A fully Web based system that can be accessed from any computer running Internet Explorer 5.5 or greater. Can run on local servers to allow massive data entry.Can run on local servers to allow massive data entry. Is integrated with the National Prem ID allocation system.Is integrated with the National Prem ID allocation system. Has the ability to track all disease control activities on thousands of premises in multiple states.Has the ability to track all disease control activities on thousands of premises in multiple states. Has the ability to track personnel orders and tours of duty and work assignments.Has the ability to track personnel orders and tours of duty and work assignments. Can manage inventory and track all assignments of vehicles and equipment in multiple locations.Can manage inventory and track all assignments of vehicles and equipment in multiple locations. Task Tracking and Financial ledger capabilities.Task Tracking and Financial ledger capabilities.

20 20 20 Safeguarding Animal Health QUESTIONS? BARRY N. PITTMAN

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