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REGION defined: A region constitutes an area that shares similar characteristics – de Blij.

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Presentation on theme: "REGION defined: A region constitutes an area that shares similar characteristics – de Blij."— Presentation transcript:

1 REGION defined: A region constitutes an area that shares similar characteristics – de Blij

2  Regions are an artificial construct that geographers use to divide the world into sections to be compared or studied.


4 Formal or Uniform Region Can be defined by physical criteria, Governmental, or by cultural traits

5 Functional or Nodal Region  The product of interaction, of movement; not necessarily homogenous, rather the people of the region function together – politically, socially, or economically  Will operate around a node The surrounding area of a city A newspaper circulation area

6 Functional Region  Core area – it characterizing features are most clearly defined  Periphery – characteristics become less prominent toward the region’s margins

7 Newspaper circulation WYFF - Asheville WCNC- Charlotte WXII-Greensboro/Winston- Salem WNCN- Raleigh/Durham WECT- Wilmington NBC Viewing Areas


9 Perceptual or Vernacular  Primarily in the minds of people – how people think about regions

10 Kuby Activity  bcs/Books?action=resource&bcsId=5 266&itemId=0470484799&resourceId =20033&chapterId=53467 bcs/Books?action=resource&bcsId=5 266&itemId=0470484799&resourceId =20033&chapterId=53467



13 What are some other commonly perceived vernacular regions?  Midwest,  PA Dutch Country,  Rust belt,  Snow Belt,  Sun Belt,  neighborhood.

14 1.Nodes, or central points where activities are coordinated and directed, are a common characteristic of a  a. functional culture region  b. formal culture region  c. vernacular culture region  d. multiple-trait area 2.Clearly defined borders are a common feature of a  a. functional culture region  b. formal culture region  c. vernacular culture region  d. multiple-trait area

15 1. Newspaper delivery areas are an example of which type of region?  a. formalb. functional  c. perceptuald. graphical  e. vernacular 2. A vernacular culture region is often considered to be a region  a. clearly demarcated on a map  b. having strong functional and formal features  c. perceived to exist by its inhabitants  d. with traditional structural traits  e. none of the above

16 Little Italy Definitions- Baltimore, Md A “Web” definition


18 “Little Italy” Definition- Baltimore, Md Sergio’s definition

19 Sergio’s “Little Italy”

20 “Little Italy” Definitions--Baltimore, Md A “Web” definition Sergio’s definition

21 FRQ Practice – No Notes  Define & Give an example of Functional Region Vernacular Region Formal Region

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