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Hull Girder Response - Quasi-Static Analysis

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1 Hull Girder Response - Quasi-Static Analysis

2 Basic Relationships Model the hull as a Free-Free box beam.
Beam on an elastic foundation Must maintain overall Static Equilibrium. Force of Buoyancy = Weight of the Ship LCB must be in line with the LCG

3 Basic Relationships From Beam Theory – governing equation for bending moment: Beam is experiencing bending due to the differences between the Weight and Buoyancy distributions Where f(x) is a distributed vertical load. Net Load Buoyancy rg a(x) Weight g m(x)

4 net load curve - f(x) = b(x) - w(x)
Basic Relationships buoyancy curve - b(x) weight curve - w(x) net load curve - f(x) = b(x) - w(x) Sign Convention Positive Upwards + f

5 Basic Relationships The solution for M(x) requires two integrations:
The first integration yields the transverse shear force distribution, Q(x) Impose static equilibrium on a differential element f M Q Q + dQ M + dM dx But ships are “Free-Free” Beams - No shear at ends! Q(0) = 0 and Q(L) = 0, so C = 0

6 Finding Shear Distribution
Net Load - f Sign Convention Positive Upwards + f : Shear Force - Q + Q Positive Clockwise + Q : - Q

7 Basic Relationships The second integration yields the longitudinal bending moment distribution, M(x): Sum of the moments about the right hand side = 0 f M Q Q + dQ M + dM dx Again, ships are “Free-Free” Beams - No moment at ends! M(0) = 0 and M(L) = 0, so D = 0

8 Finding Bending Moment Distribution
Shear Force - Q Sign Convention + Q Positive Clockwise + Q : - Q Bending Moment - M Positive Sagging + M : - M

9 Shear & Moment Curve Characteristics
Zero shear and bending moments at the ends. Points of zero net load correspond to points of minimum or maximum shear. Points of zero shear correspond to points of minimum or maximum bending moment. Points of minimum or maximum shear correspond to inflection points on bending moment curve. On ships, there is no shear or bending moments at the forward or aft ends.

10 Still Water Condition Static Analysis - No Waves Present
Most Warships tend to Sag in this Condition Putting Deck in Compression Putting Bottom in Tension

11 Quasi-Static Analysis
Simplified way to treat dynamic effect of waves on hull girder bending Attempts to choose two “worst case”conditions and analyze them. Hogging Wave Condition Wave with crest at bow, trough at midships, crest at stern. Sagging Wave Condition Wave with a trough at bow, crest at midships, trough at stern. Wave height chosen to represent a “reasonable extreme” Typically: Ship is “balanced” on the wave and a static analysis is done.

12 Wave Elevation Profiles
The wave usually chosen for this analysis is a Trochoidal wave. It has a steeper crest and flatter trough. Chosen because it gives a better representation of an actual sea wave than a sinusoidal wave. Some use a cnoidal wave for shallow water as it has even steeper crests.

13 Trochoidal vs. Sine Wave

14 Excess Weight Amidships - Excess Buoyancy on the Ends
Sagging Wave Excess Weight Amidships Excess Buoyancy on the Ends Compression Tension

15 Excess Buoyancy Amidships - Excess Weight on the Ends
Hogging Wave Excess Buoyancy Amidships Excess Weight on the Ends Tension Compression

16 Weight Curve Generation
The weight curve can be generated by numerous methods: Distinct Items (same method as for LCG) Parabolic approximation Trapezoidal approximation Biles Method (similar to trapezoidal) They all give similar results for shear and bending moment calculations. Select based on the easiest in your situation.

17 Distinct Item Method Each component is located by its l, t and v position and weight Can be misleading for long components

18 Example Weight Curve

19 Weight Item Information
For each weight item, need W, lcg, fwd and aft W fwd lcg aft FP

20 Trapezoid Method Models weight item as a trapezoid
Best used for semi-concentrated weight items Need the following information: Item weight – W (or mass, M) Location of weight centroid wrt FP - lcg Forward boundary wrt FP - fwd Aft boundary wrt FP - aft lcg must be in middle 1/3 of trapezoid

21 Trapezoid Method Find l and x
Solve for wf and wa so trapezoid’s area equals W and the centroid is at the lcg FP lcg x wa G wf fwd l/2 l aft

22 Biles Method Used for weight items which are nearly continuous over the length of the ship. Assumes that weight decreases near bow & stern. Assumes that there is a significant amount of parallel middle body. Models the material with two trapezoids and a rectangle.

23 Biles Method lcg x G 1.2h wa wf aft FP

24 The Three Types of Structure
Characteristics Primary Structure Secondary Structure Tertiary Structure In-plane rigidity Quasi-infinite Finite Small Loading In-plane Normal Stresses Tension, Compression and Shear Bending and Shear Bending, Shear and Membrane Examples Hull shell, deck, blkhd, tank top Stiffeners on blkhd, shell Unstiffened shell Boundaries Undetermined Primary structure

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