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Shock waves; Supernova remnant evolution
ISM Lecture 9 Shock waves; Supernova remnant evolution
9.1 Shock waves A shock wave is a pressure-driven compressive disturbance propagating faster than “signal speed” Shock waves produce an irreversible change in the state of the fluid Literature: Landau & Lifshitz, Fluid mechanics, Ch. IV Dyson & Williams 1997, Ch Tielens, Ch. 11
Sound speed and Mach number
P = Kργ with γ = 5/3 for adiabatic flow, γ = 1 for isothermal flow C 1/3 for adiabatic flow sound speed larger in denser gas for isothermal gas in ISM Mach number: M ratio of velocity w.r.t. sound speed, M v/C
Steepening of non-linear acoustic wave
Speed is larger in denser gas Speed of crest is larger than speed of trough Crests “catch up” with troughs Steepening of waveform Steepening halted by viscous forces Development of shock speed of crest speed of trough
“Signal speed” in ISM In the absence of magnetic fields, information travels with sound speed M < 1 subsonic M > 1 supersonic shocks If magnetic field is present, disturbances will travel along B at Alfvén speed vA: Interstellar magnetic field (empirical): for 10 < nH<106 cm-3
Examples of shock waves in the ISM
Cloud-cloud collisions Expansion of H II regions Fast stellar winds (“interstellar bubbles”) Supernova blast waves Accretion and outflows during star formation Spiral shocks in Galactic disk
Cloud-cloud collisions
shock front v0 Δv = 2 v0 shocked gas v0 5-10 km/s vs v0
Expansion of H II region
compressed neutral gas (cold, high density) H II region ambient neutral gas (cold, medium density) (hot, low density) vs 10 km/s
Fast stellar wind (“Interstellar Bubble”)
inner shock outer shock contact discontinuity (wind meets ISM) unshocked wind material shocked wind material shocked cloud material unshocked cloud material
Terminal velocity of wind from hot stars
Supernova blast wave Early: Mswept < Mejecta like stellar wind
Late: Mswept >> Mejecta ignore Mejecta shock front unshocked ISM hot interior shocked ISM (cool shell) shocked ISM (did not cool radiatively)
Star formation: infall and outflow
shock front hot, shocked accreted matter infalling ambient cold material (low pressure, free fall)
Spiral shocks in Galactic disk
flow shock front compressed material forms spiral arm material expands and leaves spiral arm
9.2 Shock jump conditions Adopt frame in which shock is stationary
Consider plane-parallel shock: fluid properties depend only on distance x from shock; Neglect viscosity, except in shock transition zone: large v-gradient viscous dissipation transform bulk kinetic energy into heat irreversible change (entropy increases)
Shock profile (shock frame)
Shock jump conditions (cont’d)
Thickness of shock transition mean free path of particles This is always << thickness of radiative zone (need collisions to get radiative cooling) Regard shock thickness as 0 discontinuity Find physical conditions at 2 (immediately behind shock) or 3 (in post-radiative zone) given those at 1 (pre-shock) and shock velocity vs
Schematic depiction of a radiative shock
zone radiative zone Undisturbed pre-shock material Immediate post-shock conditions Cold post-radiative conditions
Mass conservation across shock
Steady plane-parallel shock: Integrate across shock:
Momentum conservation across shock
Note: no change in gradient of gravitational potential F =>
Energy conservation across shock
Same procedure as before Heat conduction Heating Cooling ~0 if 1 and 2 are close
Magnetic field equation
The electric field vanishes in the fluid frame Under this condition the Maxwell Equations can be simplified to give The last term describes diffusion of the magnetic field and vanishes if the conductivity (ideal MHD)
Special (often used) case: simplifying assumptions
Planar shock: No heat conduction: No net heating / cooling: No gravitational force: Internal energy density: with g=cP/cV B-field flow velocity: :
Rankine-Hugoniot equations for shock jump conditions
Follow general practice and write vx=u1(=vS) Mass conservation: Momentum conservation: Energy conservation: Flux conservation:
Solution of shock jump equations
These are the jump conditions: 4 eqs. in 4 unknowns: r2, u2, P2, B2 Define Now we have two equations for P2 and x (cubics in x): Define Mach number M by M2=u12/vms2 , where vms is the magnetosonic speed given by
Solution of shock jump equations (cont’d)
The trivial solution 1 = 2 always exists A second solution exists for M > 1 Strong shock: M >> 1
Some properties of strong shocks
Compression ratio x = 4 If 16B12/8p<<r1u12 and P1<< r1u12 , then momentum conservation gives P23/4 r1u12=3/4 . ram pressure B2 = 4 B1 magnetic pressure increases by factor 16 Post-shock flow is at P constant, and subsonic:
Adiabatic vs. radiative shocks
So far considered shocks without radiative cooling: “adiabatic shocks” This is a bad terminology, since shocks are abrupt and irreversible The term ‘adiabatic’ refers to the fact that no heat is removed during shock If post-shock gas radiates lines cools down “radiative shock” If temperature in region 3 is the same as in region 1 “isothermal shock” This is also a bad terminology since T always rises at shock front
Isothermal shock structure
Solve jump conditions with T3 = T1 => r3>>r1 B = 0: compression factor can become much larger than 4! B 0: where typical compression factor 100!
J vs. C shocks: MHD effects
So far considered only single-fluid shocks (“J-shocks”) Normally interstellar gas consists of 3 fluids: (i) neutral particles, (ii) ions, (iii) electrons Fluids can develop different flow velocities and temperatures For B 0 information travels by MHD waves Perpendicular to B the propagation speed is the magnetosonic speed
Magnetic Precursors: C-shocks
Alfvén speed for decoupled ion-electron plasma can be much larger than Alfvén speed for coupled neutral-ion-electron fluid In many cases: CS<vA,n < vs < vA,ie Ion-electron plasma sends information ahead of disturbance to “inform” pre-shock plasma that compression is coming: magnetic precursor Compression is sub-sonic and transition is smooth and continuous “C-shock” Ions couple by collisions to neutrals
Comparison of J-shocks and C-shocks
J (“jump”)-shocks: vS50 km/s Shock abrupt Neutrals and ions tied into single fluid T high: T40 (vS/km s-1)2 Most of radiation in ultraviolet C (“continuous”)-shocks: vS50 km/s Gas variables (T, ρ, v) change continuously Ions ahead of neutrals; drag modifies neutral flow Ti Tn; both much lower than in J-shocks Most of radiation in infrared
Schematic structure of J- and C-shocks
C-shock structure Draine & Katz 1986
Post-shock temperature structure of fast J-shock
Three regions: Hot, UV production Recombination, Lyα absorption Molecule formation Grains are weakly coupled to gas, so that Tgr << Tgas
Computed fine structure line intensities for J-shock
Computed H2 near-IR line intensities for J-shock
9.3 Single point explosion in uniform cold medium
Idealized treatment of SN explosion due to Sedov (1959) and Taylor See also Chevalier (1974) Equally applicable to atomic bombs Assumptions: E conserved no radiative cooling no charateristic tcool Fluid treatment adequate (mean free path << R) Neglect viscosity, heat conduction Ambient pressure small Then there is only 1 characteristic Length: R=size SNR Time: t=age Velocity: R/t
Self-similar solution of blast-wave problem
Three characteristic quantities: Explosion energy E Ambient density ρ0 Time since explosion t Self-similar solution: the space-time evolution of all relevant quantities (ρ, v, T) can be described by universal functions that depend only on one dimensionless parameter v(r,t) = R/t fv(r/R) ρ(r,t) = ρ0 fρ (r/R) T(r,t)=m/k (R/t)2 fT(r/R)
Dimensional analysis Use dimensional analysis to determine dependence of R(t) on E, ρ0, t: =>
Calculation of A Expect A~1. To calculate, put in physics
Assume ‘adiabatic’: E=Ekin+Ethermal=const=E0 Assume ‘self-similar’: Ekin/Ethermal=const Behind shock:
More detailed calculation of A
Assume most of mass concentrated just behind shock (O.K. from detailed solution) Ekin~Ethermal for entire SNR Ekin~1/2MvS2, M= 4/3pR3r0 Then E0=2Ekin=2.1/2. 4/3pR3r0.vS2 R=cst.ta =>vS=a.cst.ta-1 => E0=4/3pr0(cst)5a2t5a-2=const. => a=2/5 => (cst)5=3/(4p)(5/2)2(E0/r0) => (cst)=1.083 (E0/r0)1/5 => A=1.083 Exact: A= for g=5/3
Sedov solution 50% of mass in outer 6% of radius
T P/ρ drops from center towards edge
9.4 Evolution of SNR in homogeneous ISM 1. Early phase
Early: Mswept < Mejecta (‘Free expansion’) RS=vSt vSv0=ejecta velocity=(2E0/Mejecta)1/2 =10000 km/s (E0/1051 erg)1/2 (Msun/Mejecta)1/2 Phase ends at t=tM when Mswept=Mejecta For density r0, Mejecta=Mswept=r04/3p(v0tM)3 =>
2. Sedov phase Mejecta<Mswept and t<trad
Cooling at end of Sedov phase
shock front cool dense shell hot, low density, pressure pi radiative cooling negligible
Estimate of trad Estimate t=trad when cooling becomes important and Sedov phase ends Most cooling just behind shock where r highest and T lowest Define trad when 50% of Ethermal radiated almost constant!
3. Post-Sedov or ‘radiative’ phase
Cold dense shell slows down due to sweeping of ISM; momentum is conserved Naïve snowplow (neglect Pi): Rt1/4
Radiative phase (cont’d)
Pressure-modified snowplow (Oort snowplow): Pi drops due to adiabatic expansion:
4. Merging phase SNR fades away when expansion velocity = velocity dispersion ambient gas (~10 km/s) Use Oort snowplow:
Summary phases of supernova shell expansion
Early phase (mswept < mejecta): Free expansion, Rs = vs t Sedov phase (mswept > mejecta and t < trad): Energy conservation, R t2/5 Radiative “snowplow” phase (t > trad): Momentum conservation, R t1/4 or R t2/7 Merging phase: vs drops below velocity dispersion of ambient ISM
Overview of SNR evolution
Overview of SNR evolution
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