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Dense O cean floor N etwork system for E arthquakes and T sunamis ( DONET) Yoshiyuki KANEDA DONET GROUP Department of Oceanfloor Network System Development.

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Presentation on theme: "Dense O cean floor N etwork system for E arthquakes and T sunamis ( DONET) Yoshiyuki KANEDA DONET GROUP Department of Oceanfloor Network System Development."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dense O cean floor N etwork system for E arthquakes and T sunamis ( DONET) Yoshiyuki KANEDA DONET GROUP Department of Oceanfloor Network System Development for Earthquakes and Tsunamis DONET Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science ant Technology JAMSTEC

2 Previous research in the Nankai trough NANKAI TROUGH KII peninsula year age ABC 1605 KEICHO 1707 HOUEI 1854 ANSEI 1944 SYOWA 1946 SYOWA Historical EQs. in the Nankai trough A;Nankai EQ. B;Tonankai EQ. C;Tokai EQ. ? PSP

3 Distribution of significant deep structures along the Nankai Trough

4 TonankaiTokaiNankai 111 years 7days 103 years 97days ① ② ③ 103years 97days TonankaiNankai ③ 111 years 7days Tonankai + Tokai Nankai② Tonankai + Nankai ① The results of mega-thrust EQ. recurrencecycle simulation in the Nankai trough

5 Advanced Ocean Floor Cable System Outline & Concept Image

6 Ocean floor cable network system as MEXT project Sensors over20Seismometers 20 Pressure gauges

7 Outline of ocean floor cable system Landing Station Backbone cable system Brunch unit Sensor system Seismometers, Pressure gauge ・ Extendable Advanced Sensor System ・ Replaceable Observatory Node ・ High Reliability Backbone Cable System System Concept

8 Seismometer Pressure gauge Other Broadband seismometer Strong motion accelerometer Sensors

9 9 Seismometer evaluation based on the frequency bands

10 Case 1 Case 2 Case 3 Installations of Sensors

11 ・ Speedy evaluation and notification for earthquakes and tsunamis. ・ Provide observed data such as ocean floor deformation derived from pressure gauges to improve the simulation and modeling researches about the mega- thrust earthquakes. (Data assimilation) ・ Understanding of the interaction between the crust and upper mantle around subduction zone. Data Application

12 Maintenance systems of JAMSTEC 3000m Class ROV 「 HYPER-DOLPHIN 」 7000m class deep sea ROV 「 KAIKO7000 」 Deep Sea Cruising AUV 「 URASHIMA 」

13 Technology development Cable extension system development

14 Network Array Planning Advanced Ocean Floor Cable System

15 Network array planning Kii Peninsula Tonankai Seisomogenic Zone Nankai Seisomogenic Zone sensor node Back bone cable

16 Advanced Ocean Floor Cable System Image

17 The resolution test of hypocenter determination using oceanfloor network Network Array Good resolution!!

18 ▲ : Land GPS and Pressure gauge Resolution ・ Land GPS : horizontal; 1mm vertical; 3mm ・ Pressure gauges: 10mm Ocean network system(36 pressure gauges)+ Land GPS The checker board test for offshore geodetic data analyses Land GPSModel 40 km square checker board Slip rate : ±1m Good resolution!! Around network array

19 Advanced Ocean Floor Cable System Sensors 1) Multi seismometers for ・ Broad band phenomena ・ Strong Motion ・ Micro EQs. 2) Precise pressure gauges for ・ Tsunami ・ Ocean floor deformation 3) Data s t o rage function at the trouble Under development * Precise ocean floor deformation monitoring system * Advanced in lined sensor cable system

20 Provide the estimated results before arriving seismic wave in populated area Observe seismic wave by network ・ Magnitude ・ Focal mechanism ・ Asperity area Synthetic waveform Research on real time estimation of source elements using network data (regional analysis) K-net Ocean floor network Tonankai Eq. Analyze with theoretical data Database ① ② ③ Gather data ④⑤ Construct source model and pre-estimate Tsunami waveform Analyze ③ Structure model by JAMSTEC

21 Data assimilation : using pressure gauge data as ocean floor deformation monitoring Keyword: Long term observatory Improve the simulation model

22 Observation data Data assimilation Predict 2 Predict (n) Time range for data assimilation Optimization time Long-term predict using predict (n) time Without improvement Improvement Improvement Simulation model

23 Network data flow Network Land Station JAMSTEC Data center JMA Others analyses

24 Advanced Ocean Floor Cable System Image

25 Sensors ・ over20 Seismometers ・ 20 Pressure gauges Project ・ FY2006-FY2009 4 years

26 System Concept ・ Redundancy, Extension and advanced maintenance system using the looped cable system, junction boxes and the ROV/AUV etc. ・ Speedy evaluation and notification for earthquakes and tsunamis. ・ Provide observed data such as ocean floor deformation derived from pressure gauges to improve the simulation and modeling researches about the mega-thrust earthquakes. ・ Understanding of the interaction between the crust and upper mantle around subduction zone. Data Application Keywords: Landing both cable end, Node, Brunch unit

27 Park et al. (2002) Philippine sea plate Seismogenic zone Nankai trough Target point Future Plan Borehole observatory will be connected with Ocean Floor Network System

28 Future Network for Geosciences Now we are here!!

29 29 Future Plan Buoy systems AUV Ocean floor network systems Satellite systems Aero systems

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