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Capital Structure Arbitrage with a Non-Gaussian Pricing Model.

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Presentation on theme: "Capital Structure Arbitrage with a Non-Gaussian Pricing Model."— Presentation transcript:

1 Capital Structure Arbitrage with a Non-Gaussian Pricing Model

2 Market CDS Rates vs Our Model When markets differ from model predictions, will they converge? How do we profit from convergence?

3 Our Theoretical CDS Model: Theoretical CDS Rates via Options market: –Stock Default = -95% –q-Alpha model to obtain default probabilities → numerically differentiate deep OTM puts from the option price surface –Bootstrap CDS curve from implied default probabilities

4 Strategy 1: Basic Threshold Strategy If (theoretic – market) > α then go long $10M notional CDS and short a delta neutral call option hedge. If (theoretic – market) < α do the opposite Every day, check for daily convergence, and take profits if abs(theoretic – market) < ε Stop loss if the trade diverges by β In case of stop-loss, then flag the name and don’t trade again for T time. Our data set: 100 companies over 2 years

5 Strategy 1 (cumulative P/L) (.01,.02,90,.0025) trade trigger level =.01 $ stop loss level =.02 Kick-out period = 90 Convergence level =.0025 days (.02,.05,30,.005) most parameter combinations produced losses

6 Theoretical vs. Market CDS rates Some converge Eastman Kodak Halliburton Market Theoretic CDS spread Days

7 Theoretical vs. Market CDS rates Some diverge Dow Chemical Sprint Nextel Market Theoretic CDS spread Days

8 Theoretical vs. Market CDS rates Some discrepancies converge and reopen Tyco General Motors Market Theoretic CDS spread Days

9 Theoretical vs. Market CDS rates Some appear to be persistent American Electric Power International Paper Market Theoretic CDS spread Days

10 Caveats This is a convergence trading strategy Spread may widen further, producing losses Discrepancies may be from: - Model or parameter misspecification - Unperceived systematic risk factors - Inherent liquidity differences - “Genuine” mispricings NO guarantee that the difference will dissipate over a reasonable horizon

11 Strategy 1 Many parameter combinations produce losses Many discrepancies do not converge We take on all openings & too many bad trades. Stop-loss is the dominating trade Maybe the biggest discrepancies are more likely to have genuine mispricings which converge?

12 Strategy 2: Rank and Hold 1.Rebalancing period length = T. 2.At each T, trade the top 10% discrepancies. 3.Take profits daily 4.At the end of T close everything, go back to 1. → We only trade egregious differences → We capture partial convergence during each holding period

13 Strategy 2 (cumulative P/L) H = 30 Flat regions mean no trades 10^4 $ H = 60 Days 15 different combinations gave positive P/L

14 Strategy 3: Active Holding Period 1.Interval length = I, Holding period = H 2.In strategy 2, we are idle during the holding periods but here we form new portfolios at every I. 3.At each I, close out the positions from t-H and form a new portfolio. Take profits daily.

15 Strategy 3 (cumulative P/L) (interval, hold) = (15,45) 10^4 $ Days (10,120)

16 Strategy 3 (cumulative P/L) (50,150) 10^4 $ (40,160) Days For combs tried cum P/L was positive Results seem more Volatile in the interval Length than in H

17 Strategy 4: Capture the Momentum In previous strategies we saw that wide differences may become wider. Use a different ranking criteria: convergence momentum. Similar to strategy 3, but compute and rank the rates of spread convergence during a lookback/formation period for each company

18 Strategy 4 (cumulative P/L) (15,30,60) interval = 15 10^4 $ formation = 30 hold = 60 Days (15, 60,90)

19 Areas for Further Analysis 1.Margin effects. 2.Maximum draw-downs effect 3.Sharpe ratios analysis 4.Transaction costs 5.Out-of-sample testing 6.Leverage cycle strategies 7.Check constrained mean, long term time-averaged variance decay. Statistical arbitrage?

20 More of an instinct than science?

21 Appendix: Default Probabilities Monte Carlo is best, but too slow. Instead: We have formulas for option prices under q- alpha dynamics. The option surface implies the S distribution: dP/dK = exp(-rT)Q{S T <K} Default probabilities computed by numerically differentiating deep OTM puts.

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