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MTAT.03.229 Enterprise System Integration Lecture 7: Service Analysis & Design Marlon Dumas marlon. dumas ät ut. ee.

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Presentation on theme: "MTAT.03.229 Enterprise System Integration Lecture 7: Service Analysis & Design Marlon Dumas marlon. dumas ät ut. ee."— Presentation transcript:

1 MTAT.03.229 Enterprise System Integration Lecture 7: Service Analysis & Design Marlon Dumas marlon. dumas ät ut. ee

2 2 Service Analysis & Design Service Analysis. identification and definition of the business services that an organization provides or consumes, internally or externally.  Collection of business-level services, their context and their interactions Service (API) Design. identification and definition of technical services to support the delivery of business services.  Collection of service APIs (operations, inputs & outputs)

3 3 Decomposing Information Systems 1.Functional or capability-driven decomposition Which business functions, capabilities or specialization perform work in the organization (organizational chart) 2.Process-driven decomposition Which chains of activities create value to the organization? 3.Data-driven decomposition What information is stored & circulates in the organization?

4 4 Service Analysis and Design Methods Capability-driven methods Steve Jones: Enterprise SOA Adoption Strategies. InfoQ, 2005.Enterprise SOA Adoption Strategies Process-driven methods Thomas Erl: “Service-Oriented Architecture, Concepts, Technology, and Design”, Prentice Hall, 2005 Data-driven methods Petri Selonen: From Requirements to a RESTful Web Service. In REST: From Research to Practice, Springer, 2011From Requirements to a RESTful Web Service Hybrid methods Zimmermann et al. Elements of Service-Oriented Analysis and Design. IBM, 2004Elements of Service-Oriented Analysis and Design

5 5 Capability-driven Service Analysis Service –Sub-system where a collection of tasks are performed to achieve a goal. Actor –User or “external” system (application) that interacts with a given service Interaction –An encounter between two services or between an actor and a service to achieve a goal. –Includes: physical or electronic, manual or automatic

6 6 Capability-driven Service Analysis definition of the services scope: what the services are external actors driving or interacting with the services reasons of the service-to-service and service-to-actor interactions details of services to be delivered by the IT team Services Actors Interactions API Design (resources & operations) WHAT WHO WHY HOW

7 7 Capability-driven Analysis – Levels The framework is applied at increasingly finer levels of granularity Level 0. Definition of the core services to the business domain. Level 1. Decomposition of the Level 0 model into finer-grained services for each core service. Level 2+ Refinements of previous levels to identify support & shared services integrating & complementing the services already defined.

8 8 Pharmak example – sub-systems Sales contacts customer receives order from customer checks stock requests order to be shipped - if item(s) available Manufacture makes item(s) Requests order to be shipped - after manufacturing item(s) Logistics & Warehouse adds new item(s) into stock requests an external company, or internal logistics, to deliver an order to a customer receives supplies from suppliers Finance orders raw materials from suppliers receives invoice from suppliers prepares invoice for customer

9 9 Pharmak example – actors Customer organization which buys, and potentially distributes manufactured products Supplier manufacturer or wholesaler of components/raw materials Logistics Provider: provides storage and transport services

10 10 “Level 0” Context Diagram What Who Why Rule of thumb: 2-8 services at this level

11 11 “Level 1” Context Diagram (Manufacture) What Who Why

12 12 Process-Driven Service Design 1.Identify which process(es) need to be supported and their actors 2.Capture each process (e.g. as a process model) 3.Analyze tasks/events in process model to identify: –Atomic interactions (operations) that the process should provide –Atomic interactions (operations) that the process requires from other systems

13 13 Supplier Process-Driven Service Design Steps 1. Identifying Process & Actors Process we need to support Service Required by Process External Actor

14 14 Process-Driven Service Design 2. Capturing the Order Management Process

15 15 Step 3. Identify operations (Order Management Service) Provided operations (to customer) Receive RQF Receive order Required operations From inventory control –Check stock availability –Request order shipment Invoicing –Request invoicing From

16 16 Step 3. Identify Operations Order Management RFQ Place order Inventory Management Check stock availability Request shipment Invoicing Request invoicing Customer Receive RFQ response Receive invoice Receive shipment notification

17 17 Step 3. Identify Operations Less obvious provided operations of order management service –Cancel order/request order cancellation –Modify order/request order modification –Check order status –…

18 18 Step 3. Identify operations Less obvious required operations To prepare quote –Retrieve price list –Retrieve customer data (contractual terms) To prepare shipment order –Retrieve customer delivery data To prepare invoice request –Retrieve customer invoicing data

19 19 Step 3. Identify Operations Order Management RFQ Place order Request order cancel. Check order status … Inventory Management Check stock availability Request shipment Invoicing Request invoicing Customer Receive RFQ response Receive invoice Receive shipment notification Catalogue (Price List) Retrieve price CRM Retrieve contract terms? Retrieve invoicing address Retrieve shipment address..

20 20 Process-Driven Design Drawbacks and Limitations Some services remain coarse-grained –Cf. for example order management service or CRM service – lots of operations, can we break down? How complete is the design? –Did we forget something in the order management service? How do we check completeness? Evolution –Processes change frequently, so service design has to follow up

21 21 Data-Driven Service Design Suitable particularly for RESTful service design Starts from a data model Key entities in model become “resources” CRUD framework used to identify operations One possible method (you must read it!): –Petri Selonen: From Requirements to a RESTful Web Service. In REST: From Research to Practice, Springer, 2011From Requirements to a RESTful Web Service

22 22 Data-Driven Service Design 1.Capture domain model –High-level data model 2.Refine domain model into resource model –Identify resources of different types and hypermedia relations 3.Derive REST API –Use CRUD (or SCRUD) framework

23 23 Example: Domain Model © P. Selonen, 2011

24 24 Deriving Resource Model: Principles 1.“Main entity” (or entities) becomes a > resource 2.By default classes map to a an > resource with a URI and a representation. 3.Attributes of classes map to attributes of respective > resources and form part of the resource representation. Identifiers are designated with > 4.By default, associations become > associations between resources that appear as links in the representations. Bidirectional associations are represented as two directed > associations. © P. Selonen, 2011

25 25 Deriving Resource Model: Principles 5.Associations representing collections become > resources containing > resources. 6.Composite associations become > associations between a > and an > 7.Queries (e.g. filters) become > over container resources 8.Constraints may be added in the resource model, e.g. >,, > © P. Selonen, 2011

26 26 Example: Resource Model (top-level) © P. Selonen, 2011

27 27 Example: Resource Model (zoomed) © P. Selonen, 2011

28 28 Eliciting Operations: SCRUD Framework What operation(s) allow us to: –Search instances in a container –Create an item –Read the data of an item –Update an item or container –Delete an item Output of capability-driven analysis or process- driven analysis helps us to determine which operations are business-relevant

29 29 Example: REST API © P. Selonen, 2011

30 30 Container Projections © P. Selonen, 2011

31 31 Example REST API (projections) © P. Selonen, 2011

32 32 Beyond Resource Models: Resource State Diagrams Resource models focus on data When a resource has a non-trivial lifecycle (e.g. a PO), it may be useful to model its behavior as a state diagram where transitions correspond to operations (URI + HTTP verb)

33 33 Example: State Diagram of PO

34 34 API of POs MethodURI templateRelationCurrent state New stateComments POST/poscreatePOPending confirmation Submit partial representation POST/pos/{}/acceptacceptPOPending confirmation OpenUse empty body DELETE/pos/{}/acceptrejectPOPending confirmation Rejected PUT/pos/{}updatePORejectedPending confirmation Submit new full representation DELETE/pos/{}closePOOpenClosed POST/pos/{}/updatesrequestPOUpdateOpenPending update Submit new end date POST/pos/{}/updates/{up.i d}/accept acceptPOUpdatePending update OpenUse empty body DELETE/pos/{}/updates/{up.i d}/accept rejectPOUpdatePending update Open

35 35 PO Resource State Diagram

36 36 Summary Service analysis & design methods allow us to go from business models to service APIs We have seen three methods: –capability-driven method (high-level  context diagrams) –process-driven method (intermediate level  coarse- grained service API) –data-driven method (low-level  resource-based API)

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