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Safeguarding and Charging for Information on the Internet Hector Garcia-Molina, Steven P. Ketchpel, Narayanan Shivakumar Stanford University Presented.

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Presentation on theme: "Safeguarding and Charging for Information on the Internet Hector Garcia-Molina, Steven P. Ketchpel, Narayanan Shivakumar Stanford University Presented."— Presentation transcript:

1 Safeguarding and Charging for Information on the Internet Hector Garcia-Molina, Steven P. Ketchpel, Narayanan Shivakumar Stanford University Presented by: Min Ren

2 Outline Introduction E-Commerce Components Safeguarding Information Conclusion

3 Introduction With the rapid expansion of the Internet Population, publishers are tempted to publish on the Internet to cut down on printing and distribution costs. They need an e- commerce infrastructure! With the documents transmitted electronically, one concern is how to safeguard the information. This article addresses this problem by providing possible solutions.

4 E-Commerce Components Shopping Systems These mechanisms enable a customer to search for a product and select goods for purchase. Payment Systems These mechanisms enable a customer to make the payment. Delivery Systems These mechanisms deliver goods to customers. Special safeguards are required for e-contents.

5 Risks of e-content Delivery when the information is transmitted electronically, provider runs the risk of the content being copied and made available to everyone through the World Wide Web.

6 Possible Solutions Copy-protection strategies (prevention) 1. Physical isolation (e.g. on CD-ROMs accessible only through special-purpose systems) 2. Special-purpose hardware for authorization. 3. IBM’s Cryptolopes (content is encrypted; users are given a decryption key after their payment; users view the content through a “trusted viewer”).

7 Possible Solutions 1.Watermarks (detect additional information in distributed copies) 2. Copy Detection (detect exact copies by comparison to originals) Watermarks and Copy Detection (detection):

8 CDS (Copy Detection System) Registration Repository a database to keep registered documents, which are checked with the query documents to find possible copies. Crawler a mechanism to crawl through the WWW and present a stream of documents and images to the CDS. Similarity Matcher a mechanism to compare the query object to objects in the database, if they are match, the owner is notified.

9 SCAM SCAM (Stanford Copy Analysis Mechanism) This is a “proof-of-concept” CDS system implemented by Stanford for text documents. Example Given a document that may have a copy at one of several databases B1,….,Bi. How can we find this copy?

10 SCAM ― Registration  The publisher registers the document at the Registration Server.  “Chunking” is a method used to break documents into smaller primitives.  The document is chunked and the primitives are stored in the database. ― Crawling How to choose a Bi for finer testing? Firstly, to generate a detection query based on important words in the document, submit it to each database, choose the database with high number of documents; Secondly, generate an extraction query to extract the documents that may be copied.

11 Implementation of CDS ― Similarity Matching  Chunking  The query object is chunked and compared with the document registered in the database;  The same rules of chunking in registration step is applied here.  Filtering Expensive Tests  “ false negatives” (fail to detect documents that did overlap significantly).  “false positives” (indicate two documents overlap when they do not).  We can compose these tests to obtain better accuracy and performance.

12 Conclusion This paper addressed some problems in building a good commerce infrastructure. The measures of how to efficiently safeguard illegal copies are discussed.

13 Questions?? What is the relationship between watermarks and CDS?

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