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Source Code Analysis Tools Philippe CHARMAN Last update: 07-02-2013.

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1 Source Code Analysis Tools Philippe CHARMAN Last update: 07-02-2013

2 Source Code Analysis Tools Dynamic Source Code Analysis Tools –Memory Debugger –Profiler –Code coverage Static Source Code Analysis Tools –Code Metrics –Coding Guidelines –Formal methods

3 Dynamic Source Code Analysis Definition: Analysis of computer software that is performed by executing programs For dynamic program analysis to be effective, the target program must be executed with sufficient test inputs to produce interesting behavior Main types: –Memory debugger –Code coverage –Profiler

4 C++/Java Memory Debugger Memory errors are hard to debug When to use memory debuggers –When bugs are not always reproductible –When the application crash and there’s too few information from the call stack to be able to debug –When the memory consumption increases too much or too fast How do they work –Most of them instrument the object code or the source code –In some rare cases, the instrumentation can have unexpected side effects on the code execution or can be done at all What are the risks –Memory errors are the most commonly used means by which attackers attempt to gain control over an application

5 Bugs found by C++/Java Memory Debuggers Memory corruption (C++) –Reading/writing outside the bounds of an array –Reading a null pointer –Trying to free non-allocated memory Memory unitialized (C++) Memory allocator/deallocator mismatch (C++) Memory leaks (C++ mainly) –Allocated memory not freed Be careful on the false positives Good practice: use at least 2 memory debuggers to collect more bugs

6 Some memory errors Writing overflow memory char z[10]; strcpy (z, "A simple test"); Null pointer read char buf[BUFSIZ]; char *p = fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), stdin); printf("p[0] is %d\n",p[0]); Function mismatch char *a; a = new char; free(a); Uninitialized memory read int x; int y = x*x +1;

7 Code Coverage Tools Compute the metrics for estimating the degree to which the source code of a program has been tested Two main coverage metrics : –Function coverage –Line coverage Other less used coverage metrics –Decision coverage –Condition coverage –Path coverage –etc. White Box Testing Code coverage is one consideration in the safety certification of avionics equipment.

8 Code Coverage int f(int x, int y) { if (x < 0) { a = 1; } else { a = 2; } if (y < 0) { b = 1; } else { b = 2; } return a*b; }

9 Line Code Coverage int f(int x, int y) { if (x < 0) { a = 1; } else { a = 2; } if (y < 0) { b = 1; } else { b = 2; } return a*b; } f(1, 2); f(1, -1); f(0, 0); 6 lines covered 1 line uncovered 86% lines covered

10 Path Code Coverage int f(int x, int y) { if (x < 0) { a = 1; } else { a = 2; } if (y < 0) { b = 1; } else { b = 2; } return a*b; } f(1, 2); f(1, -1); f(0, 0); 2 paths covered 2 paths uncovered 50% path covered

11 Code Coverage Tools Good practice: code coverage from the low levels of code Rather costly activity especially for large systems The trend of the coverage level is more important than the level itself

12 Code Coverage Report From Clover

13 Performance Analysis Tools Goals: –improve performance –detect bottleneck White box testing (finer analysis) Results can be displayed as –Flat: list of functions/methods –Detailed: all information related to a specific function/method –Call graph results

14 Flat Results

15 Detailed Results

16 Call Graph Results

17 Dynamic Code Analysis Tools for C++ and Java Usually comes with a suite of tools –Memory debugger –Code coverage –Perfomance analysis

18 Some Dynamic Code Analysis Tools for C++ IBM Rational PurifyPlus 7.0 –First version in early 90’s –Available on Windows, AIX, Linux, Solaris, HP-UX –Can be integrated in Visual Studio –Instrument the object code

19 Some Dynamic Code Analysis Tools for C++ MicroFocus DevPartner Studio –Available on Windows only –Support x64 architecture –Can instrument the object or the source code

20 BoundsChecker Report BullseyeCoverage

21 Some Dynamic Code Analysis Tools for C++ Valgrind –Available on Linux and Mac OS X but not yet on Windows –Open source project

22 Some Dynamic Code Analysis Tools for C++ Others: –Parasoft Insure++ –AQTime –Intel VTune Performance analyzer (profiler only)

23 Demo of IBM Rational Purify Simple C++ code: #include using namespace std; int main() { int i; size_t length; char *string1 = "Hello, Windows"; char *string2 = (char*) malloc(10); length = strlen(string2); for (i = 0; string1[i] != '\0'; i++) { string2[i] = string1[i]; } length = strlen(string2); cout << string2 << endl; return 0; }

24 Some Dynamic Code Analysis Tools for Java –JProbe –Optimize It –Atlassian Clover (code coverage only) –MicroFocus DevPartner Java Edition –IBM Rational PurifyPlus for Java

25 Static Code Analysis Tools Definition: analysis of source code that is performed without executing it What can they do –Compute code metrics SLOC, cyclomatic complexity, etc. –Check coding rules Misra C/C++, JSF, etc. –Find bugs or security vulnerabilities

26 Code Volume Metrics Basic metrics Number of lines of source code Number of lines containing executable source code Number of lines of comments Number of functions, methods, classes Number of files etc. Derived metrics Average number of lines per function, method Comment to code ratio Test code lines to source code lines ratio etc.

27 Code Complexity Metrics Basic complexity metrics Cyclomatic complexity for each method/function Nesting level of control constructs Maximum depth of class in inheritance tree Derived metrics Maximum cyclomatic complexity Average cyclomatic complexity Maximum nesting level of control constructs Correlation to number of bugs

28 How To Use Code Metrics Specific uses –Variation of SLOC between versions –Variation of SLOC between the code freeze and the release –Variation of test code lines to source code lines ratio between versions Common mistakes –Metrics driven strategy –Focusing only on the code coverage level –Trying to estimate a developer productivity wrt his SLOC

29 Coding Rules Potential bugs: –Test equality for floating point –Virtual Function Call In Constructor/Destructor –Switch Has Default –etc. Unused code: –Unused Functions –Unused Local Variables –Unused Static Globals Cosmetic layout

30 Coding Rules Best pratices: –Functions Too Long –Overly Complex Functions –Variables should be commented –Do not use #define to specify types –Use const whenever possible –Definitions in Header Files –Scope Hiding –Inline Functions have more than X LOC –Etc.

31 Some Coding Guidelines Tools CheckStyle (Java) IBM Rational Software Analyser (C++, Java) Understand (Ada, C/C++, C#, Cobol, Fortran, Java, Pascal, etc) Parasoft C++ test (C++) and Parasoft JTest (Java) etc.

32 PC-lint and FlexeLint for C/C++ First version in 1985 Code analysis dedicated to finding bugs Not a coding rule tool Demo at: http://www.gimpel-

33 Bug Found by PC-lint This program is likely to crash: const char *flowers[] = { "rose", "tulip", "daisy" "petunia", "orchid", "lily" }; int main() { int i; int choice; for( i = 0; i < 25; i++ ) { choice = rand() % 6; printf( "%s\n", flowers[choice] ); } return 0; }

34 Bug Found by PC-lint This code displays: 20/4 == 20 int quotient(int *q, int *p) { if(*p) return *q/*p /* compute ratio */ ; else return *q; } int main() { int n = 20, m = 4; int q = quotient( &n, &m ); printf( "%d/%d == %d\n", n, m, q ); return 0; }

35 Bug Found by PC-lint This program displays: The triangular sum is 12 int a[3][3] = { {1,2,3}, {4,5,6}, {7,8,9} }; int sum( int a[3][3] ) { int i=0, j=0, k=0; for ( i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) { k += a[i][j]; } return k; } int main() { printf( "The triangular sum is %d\n", sum(a) ); return 0; }

36 Formal Methods Tools Used rather for embedded systems (car, planes, missiles, medical devices etc.) More efficient on small/medium volume of code

37 Polyspace

38 Formal Methods Tools Commercial tool: –Polyspace Some open source tools: –ARCHER (ARray CHeckER) –BOON, –Splint –UNO Comparison of formal method tools: – ora/KratkiewiczThesis.pdf

39 Further reading

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