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Main Findings and Challenges in Compiling the CRESS data in Ethiopia Presented at P21 Board Meeting 29 March 2012, Paris.

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Presentation on theme: "Main Findings and Challenges in Compiling the CRESS data in Ethiopia Presented at P21 Board Meeting 29 March 2012, Paris."— Presentation transcript:

1 Main Findings and Challenges in Compiling the CRESS data in Ethiopia Presented at P21 Board Meeting 29 March 2012, Paris

2 From PRESS to CRESS The CRESS is a country-led exercise to gather all data relating to the funding of the entire NSS whether deriving from national resources or donor support.

3 Objective of CRESS The ultimate objective is to improve efficiency of the NSS through a better co-ordination and better information sharing.

4 Scope of CRESS The CRESS exercise covers activities funded by the country’s own resources as well as activities funded by financial and technical partners (FTPs). i.e., Financing from national resources, budgetary or resources of NSS units Use of loan/credits Grants from FTPs (targeted budget support to a sector, aid projects, or statistical component of a program, for instance monitoring and evaluation)

5 Data collection for CRESS Covers all activities of the NSS, including: Recurring statistical production activities (e.g., administrative data collection); One of data collection activities (e.g., surveys and censuses); Dissemination and use of statistics

6 Experience of Ethiopia in piloting CRESS  CRESS is conducted and implemented by the Central Statistical Agency of Ethiopia  Period under consideration: 2009- 2011

7 Experience of Ethiopia in piloting CRESS 38 institutions have been indentified in the NSS to be involved in the CRESS Exercise After distributing the CRESS questionnaire to all NSS members, the CSA contacted the focal experts and observed the challenges in filling the questionnaires. An attempt was made to discuss in detail on each of the questions on the form by organizing a half day seminar with the financial support of P21.

8 Lessons Learned from the Pilot in Ethiopia The Challenge of getting the actual amount spent for statistical activities out of the total budget allotted to institutions i.e. the difficulty in identifying the statistical component in a given project be it national resource or FTPs project. In a Federal System like Ethiopia, local governments also allot budget for some statistical activities where the experts raised scope of the CRESS whether they should include districts of the sectors or not. We decided to restrict ourselves to the resources at Federal Level.

9 The Challenge of Compiling CRESS Data at National Level After retrieving the filled-in questionnaires from Development Partners and from all NSS including that of the CSA, the data was submitted to P21 consultant to help in compiling the data and to come up with the report. However, we realized this task should be done in the country by national consultant. Today’s presentation is limited to the Statistical Support to Central Statistical Agency as opposed to all NSS, or to the Country.

10 The loin share of the Country’s Statistical Support goes to the CSA That is because: The Central Statistical Agency (CSA) has two main mandates: Conduct censuses and surveys to collect, process, analyse and disseminate statistical data Provide technical guidance and assistance to government agencies and institutions in building administrative statistical systems and registers. The CSA is the key coordinating agency in the National Statistical System (NSS)

11 Human Resources of CSA Proportion of statistical staff versus administrative staff YearStatistical personnelOther personnelTotal Statistici ans (1) Rese arch ers (2) Technician s (3) TOTAL (1+2+3) Admin. Staff (5) Others (6) TOTAL (5+6) (1+2+3+5+6) 2010 272-672 994 342373 7151659 2011 267-651 918 386397 8031721 2012 348-645 993 419397 8161809

12 Human Resource Of CSA

13 Operating Cost of CSA description200920102011 Recurrent budgetUSD Wages and salaries 2,212,7861,915,8402,032,711 Goods and equipment 249,375276,013276,928 Infrastructure(b uildings) --834,670 Total running expenses 2,462,1612,191,8533,144,309

14 Capital Expenditure of CSA Due to periodic surveys such HCES, WMS and DHS in 2011, the disbursement of Development Partners have increased from 2.8% in 2009 to 50% in 2010 an 65% in 2011 SECTION200920102011remark Capital BudgetUSD Statistical surveys4,694,2244,405,7544,435,855Government Budget Disbursements of Development partners 136,8984,359,4118,162,019 Total spending4,831,1228,765,16512,597,874

15 Graph of distribution per section

16 Annual Surveys (Projects) by Domestic Resource Statistical surveys or projects that are conducted using domestic resources or national budget: Agriculture sample surveys, labor force, price, business statistics ( manufacturing industry and distributive trade surveys )… etc The resources are shown as follows: YearDisbursement Currency 20094,694,224USD 20104,405,754USD 20114,435,855USD

17 Major Donors Supported Statistical Projects (2009- 2011) Name of project Beneficiary institution Amount of financing Implementatio n time span Donors Protection of Basic Services (PBS) CSA2,000,0002008-12WB Support to food security information CSA,MOA,E MA 2,000,000 2008-2009EC/EU

18 Name of project Beneficia ry institutio n Amount of financing Implementa tion time span donorobjective Support to M&E PRSP &MDGS CSA 12,017,986 2004-12Development Assistant Group (pooled fund) Increased availability of population data CSA 13,040,500 2006-11UNFPA,DFID an others (Pooled fund) Living standard survey (LSMS) CSA 1,986,389 2011-2013WB/BILL GATES Improving Agricultural statistics methodolog y CSA, EMA, MOA 990,0002011-2012Bill Gates Foundation

19 Next Steps With the assistance of P21 financial support CSA will hire a National Consultant to come up with the CRESS report from this pilot exercise. Through this pilot exercise we feel the questionnaires could be improved for both the data collection and compilation. In doing so we expect to come up with a number of recommendations for future exercises.

20 Thank you for your attention

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