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What is Debate? A debater’s guide to the argumentative universe…

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Presentation on theme: "What is Debate? A debater’s guide to the argumentative universe…"— Presentation transcript:

1 What is Debate? A debater’s guide to the argumentative universe…

2 How do we define debate? Debate is:  An academic game  You need to know the rules  A rhetorical contest  Communication is essential  A strategic contest  The best placed argument and/or evidence will often rule the day…

3 Our two flavors of Debate  Policy Debate:  Comparison of policy systems  two-on-two debate  affirmative or negative position based on a set resolution  focus on research, policy analysis, and point-by-point refutation

4 Lincoln-Douglas Debate  Comparison of value systems  one-on-one debate  focus on persuasion, logic, spontaneous analysis…  the “big idea” debate

5 Policy Debate Structure  1AC - 8 minutes  C-X - 3 minutes (2N asks, 1A answers)  1NC - 8 minutes  C-X - 3 minutes (1A asks, 1N answers)  2AC - 8 minutes  C-X - 3 minutes (1N asks, 2A answers)  2NC – 8 minutes  C-X - 3 minutes (2A asks, 2N answers)  1NR - 5 minutes  1AR - 5 minutes  2NR - 5 minutes  2AR - 5 minutes

6 Lincoln-Douglas Structure AC - 6 minutes C-X - 3 minutes NC - 7 minutes C-X - 3 minutes 1AR - 4 minutes NR - 6 minutes 2AR - 3 minutes

7 2012 - 2013 Policy Debate Topics Resolved: The United States Federal Government should substantially increase its legal protection of economic migrants in the United States; Or Resolved : The United States Federal Government should guarantee universal health care for its citizens..

8 Initial Affirmative Burden  It is the obligation of the affirmative to define the terms in the resolution…  Common sense definitions will work, but official defs are best.

9 The Affirmative Burden Establish a Prima Facie case: Need: Establish a SIGNIFICANT reason to adopt the resolution.  Clearly point out the need for a new system…  Establish an INHERENT barrier to the adoption of the resolution…what the status quo cannot meet. Plan: Provide a WORKABLE alternative to the present system. Benefits: provide a plan that is free from relative DISADVANTAGES…and produces obvious and significant benefits.

10 1AC & 2AC Responsibilities 1AC:  State your team’s support for the resolution  Define key terms  Establish the Need to adopt the resolution 2AC:  Reaffirm support for the Resolution  Outline the Affirmative Team’s Plan  State the Benefits of the Aff. Plan  Allot time to rebut 1NC arguments against 1AC

11 Obligations of the Negative  Goal: To counter the Affirmative’s Prima Facie case…  The Affirmative lacks SIGNIFICANCE, or  The Affirmative lacks INHERENCY, or  The Affirmative plan is not WORKABLE, or  The Affirmative plan contains SIGNIFICANT disadvantages.  The Negative Team must be prepared to defend the Status Quo.  The SQ doesn’t have to be perfect, and minor “repairs” are allowed

12 First Negative Constructive 1NC  Time allotted: 8 minutes  The First Negative Constructive (1NC) is used to make specific arguments against the Affirmative case.  These are called Case Arguments  Focus on:  Disadvantages - Critiques (inherent flaws)  Topicality - Counter-plan  1NC needs to raise doubts in the judge’s mind that the Affirmative team has me (or is meeting) their burden)

13 2NC Responsibilities 2NC:  Reaffirm 1NC position that the Aff. has not bet the Burden of Proof  Rebut 2AC Plan and Benefits  If time, circle back and support 1AC Case Arguments

14 Cross Examination Goals of Cross-Ex:  Expose contradictions  Do not allow for extended responses  Paraphrase responses to help set the trap  Break the Causal Chain  If you remove an argument from A+B+C = D, then the argument is not valid  Expose gaps in evidence and claims.  Identify missing refutations  A good tactic for pointing out to the judge that your opponent has not proved your case unworthy

15 Don’t forget the Zen…  Be courteous  Use your opponent’s name  Don’t lose your cool  Respond to questions briefly and to the point. Don’t ramble…  Stay focused

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