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Dec06-08 MotoFreedom Industrial Review Panel Presentation December 5 th 2006.

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Presentation on theme: "Dec06-08 MotoFreedom Industrial Review Panel Presentation December 5 th 2006."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dec06-08 MotoFreedom Industrial Review Panel Presentation December 5 th 2006

2 Dec 06-08  Faculty Advisor Dr. Sang W. Kim  Client Motorola  Team members Shariq Tehsin Siddiqui Andrew Charlet Ahad Mir Donghoo Kim

3 Acknowledgements  Motorola  Michael Pearce  Dr. Sang W. Kim

4 Outline  System Diagram  List of Definition  Project Overview  Project Activities  Project Definition  Research Activities  Design Activities  Implementation Activities  Testing Activities  Resource & Schedule  Closing Material  Conclusion  Demonstration  Questions

5 Basic System Diagram

6 List of Definitions  Alzheimer - A progressive form of presenile dementia that is similar to senile dementia except that it usually starts in the 40s or 50s; first symptoms are impaired memory which is followed by impaired thought and speech and finally complete helplessness  Application Programming Interface(API) - The interface that a computer system, library or application provides in order to allow requests for service to be made of it by other computer programs, and/or to allow data to be exchanged between them.  J2ME - Java Micro Edition (Java ME or as it used to be referred to J2ME), is a runtime and collection of Java APIs for the development of software for resource constrained devices such as PDAs, cell phones and other consumer appliances.  User Datagram Protocol (UDP) - is one of the core protocols of the Internet protocol suite. Using UDP, programs on networked computers can send short messages sometimes known as datagrams to one another.  Structured Query Language (SQL) - A popular computer language used to create, modify, retrieve and manipulate data from relational database management systems..

7 Project Overview

8 Problem Statement  Alzheimer’s disease currently affect a large population  Patient cannot be immediately placed in a care facility  A close family member stays in close contact in order to take care of them  Situation can become extremely stressful for the caregiver

9 Solution General Solution-Approach The proposed solution includes an easy to use specialized communication system consisting of :  A wall mounted home display unit for the patient  A caregiver’s mobile communication device  Helps the caregiver in carrying out normal routine work and take care of the patient at the same time

10 Operating Environment  Home display unit shall only be operated with in a room  Patient’s room shall have internet connectivity  Communication Device shall be within coverage area of the cellular service provider  Room Temperature for home display unit shall remain between 35 to 75 º F  Caregiver communication device shall be operated between 30 to 100 º F

11 Intended User and Uses Intended User  Moderate Alzheimer’s patients and Caregivers  Doctors  Elderly people  Handicapped people  Families  Business people Intended Uses  Communication between Alzheimer’s patient and caregiver  Communication device between doctor and his several patients  Replacing existing home phones  Providing message service  Can be used in offices

12 Assumptions  Low or Moderate level Alzheimer’s Patient  Caregiver has knowledge about basic cell phone usage  Caregiver has knowledge about basic computer usage  Caregiver communication device should be Java enabled to run J2ME software  Caregiver communication device should have data enabled cell phone plan (GPRS or Internet plan)  Home display unit should have touch screen capability

13 Limitations  Functionality vs. ease of use for Alzheimer’s patient  Skype account & required balance to make & receive calls  System designed primarily for GSM based networks

14 End Product  A communication system consisting of Home display unit Easy to Use GUI Push to talk Capability Caregiver Communication Device Push to talk Capability Communicate with Home Display Unit Remotely

15 Project Activities

16 Present Accomplishments Project Definition100% Fully Met Technology Consideration100% Fully Met End-Product Design100% Fully Met End-Product Implementation100% Fully Met End-Product Testing100% Fully Met End-Product Documentation100% Fully Met End-Product Demonstration100% Fully Met Project Reporting100% Fully Met

17 Approach Considered and Used (1/3)  VoIP for Home Unit  Cheap  Available everywhere with internet  Cell Phone for communication device  Common among people  Connection to internet always available  Communication Considered  CB Radio  Cell Phone  VoIP  Selected  VoIP and Cell Phone

18 Approach Considered and Used (2/3)  C++ for Home Unit  Easy to use Development Environment  Fast Language  Experience  J2ME for mobile device  Made for Cell Phones and mobile devices  Contains mobile specific API classes  Programming Languages  C++  Java  J2ME  Selected  C++ and J2ME

19 Approach Considered and Used (3/3)  Database  SQL used and only one considered  Known by team members  Well documented on the web  Works in Java

20 Project Definition

21 The Home Display Unit  Easy to use graphical user interface developed in Visual C ++.NET  Easy to read screen to display messages from caregiver  Uses Skype API functions for VoIP  Contains easy buttons with pictures to call care givers or family members  Appointment Calendar  Phone Dialer

22 Server  The server will route data between home unit and care giver communication device.  The server shall uses SQL for database.  The server shall keep database for all message history and appointment calendar

23 Communication Device  Allows care giver to talk with home display unit.  Send text messages remotely to home display unit.  Send appointments remotely to home display unit  Synchronizes with database and ability to view appointments

24 Research Activities  Technological Research  Researched various options for the system  Programming Languages & Environments  J2ME  J2ME Polish (.XML, CSS)  Process  Team members created mini projects to learn the language

25 Design Activities

26 Communication device

27 Communication device program flow

28 Communication device flow chart

29 J2ME Polish  Used to enhance the visual element in the GUI for the communication device GUI before J2ME polish GUI after J2ME polish

30 The Home Display Unit GUI

31 CALL button  The purpose of the CALL buttons are for the patient to easily call caregiver  Runs the appropriate API function to make or receive call

32 Volume Control Button  The volume control is in the form of scroll bar on the GUI for ease of access  Has mute function

33 Options Button  Only for the care giver  Gives the flexibility to the caregiver to update the cell number and other contacts  Allows to change server used.

34 Server and Database Home Unit Cell Phone Server

35 Lay out

36 Database  Database will store the data between the home unit and cell phone  New user will put the information like username, password, name, phone number  Message – Sending and getting message will be saved in database  Log on, log off, get status

37 Logical Diagram Home Unit Cell Phone Server Database UsersMessageLog onLog offStatus

38 Implementation Activities

39 Home Unit Implementation  The GUI is just a windows forms application that uses event handlers to call members from the Skype.dll  Microsoft Provided Class for Skype API  Created in Visual Studio.NET 2005

40 Home Display Unit  Changes  GUI layout  Message Display Format  Capable of Video Messaging but removed  Added other functionality

41 Communication Device  Used J2ME for software development  Enhancements made with J2ME Polish  Enhanced functionality  View/Add appointments

42 Server  Coded in Java  Multi Threaded  Added GUI for style

43 Testing Activities

44 Testing Considerations  Communications device testing using emulator on PC  Home Unit testing by using its interface to communicate with team members personal mobile phones  Server testing by writing test code to act as home unit and communications device  Set up all applications on home unit, server, and communications device and use device interfaces to ensure functionality

45 Communications Device Testing  Wireless Toolkit Emulator  Test Phone software without in stalling software on the phone  Integration Testing  Team member used cell phone to communicate with Home Unit

46 Server Testing  Tested during testing of other units  Central point of data communication.

47 Home Display Unit Testing  Team member sits at Home Unit and pushes buttons  Verify Data communication via server and database lookups  Test GUI layout on others outside project

48 Resources and Schedules

49 Resources & Schedule  Personal Effort (hours) 268 278287 280

50 Other Resource Requirement Item Team Hours Other Hours Cost Parts and materials: Phones00Donated Tablet PC00Donated Cell Phone service20$100 Skype Service01$5 Poster162$25 Totals183$130

51 Financial Requirement NameHoursCost ($12.00 /hour) Shariq Siddiqui287$3,444 Ahad Mir280$3,360 Andrew Charlet278$3,336 Donghoo Kim268$3,216 Totals1118$13,356

52 Schedules 1/2

53 Schedules 2/2

54 Closing Materials

55 Project Evaluation Milestones Relative Importance Evaluation Score Resultant Score Problem definition10%90% 9% Research10%95%9.5% Technology selection5%85% 4.25% End-product design15% 95%13.75% Prototype implementation15% 95% 13.75% End-product testing10% 90%9% End-product documentation5% 95%4.25% Project reviews10% 90%9% Project reporting10%80% 8% End-product demonstration10%95% 9.5% Total Previously defined passing score = 70% 100% 80% of above

56 Commercialization  Nursing home facilities  Home care patients  Home phone replacement

57 Additional Work  Video Messaging  Spoken Alerts  Voice Commands  Headset Options

58 Lessons Learned 1/2  What went well  Found or were donated many of the parts  Project Implementation  What didn’t go well  Defining the project  Slow early development  Documentation

59 Lessons Learned 2/2  Technical knowledge gained  J2ME programming  Advanced Network Protocols  Learned allot about Cell Phone Coding  Server Management  Non-technical knowledge gained  Project management skills  Learned the importance of meeting deadlines

60 Risk Management  Anticipated risks  Delay of project design  Loss of code  Unanticipated risks encountered  Home Display Unit GUI machine dependent  Problem Integrating Server & the Cell Phone  Resultant changes due to risks encountered  Changes in project goals

61 Closing Summary The main goals of this project are to:  Design, implement, test, and document an inexpensive, easy-to-use communications system primarily for Alzheimer’s patients that employs a) A wall mounted home display unit for the patient b) A caregiver’s mobile communication device  Helps the caregiver in carrying out normal routine work and take care of the patient at the same time

62 Demonstration

63 Questions ???

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