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Infopeople Webcast Series Technology Tuesday Series: Internet Filters Infopeople is supported by the U.S. Institute of Museum and Library Services under.

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Presentation on theme: "Infopeople Webcast Series Technology Tuesday Series: Internet Filters Infopeople is supported by the U.S. Institute of Museum and Library Services under."— Presentation transcript:

1 Infopeople Webcast Series Technology Tuesday Series: Internet Filters Infopeople is supported by the U.S. Institute of Museum and Library Services under the provisions of the Library Services and Technology Act, administered in California by the State Librarian. Any use of this material should credit the author and funding source.

2 Internet Filtering: Product Highlights and Lowlights Presenter: Lori Bowen Ayre 12:00pm-1:00pm February, 17 2004

3 HorizonLive Interface

4 Getting Help For technical problems, press Send a private message to HorizonHelp

5 Evaluation and Archive evaluation pops up during last few minutes of webcast; please fill it out webcast is being archived - will be available on Infopeople’s webcast pages tomorrow

6 Questions and Comments Type your questions into the Send a Message Box What you type is displayed in the Chat Box for all to see

7 Agenda for Today Which filters … are good for minimally blocking for CIPA compliance? are flexible enough to use for kids and adults…for large library systems? will work with other library programs like print and PAC management? are free? should be avoided? do you recommend?

8 what it has: 57 fields of info on each filter focuses on issues important to libraries special CIPA questions 18 filters currently listed what you can do: print single product summaries select features for all filters listed compare filters by features you select

9 Key Parts flexible override options customizable block page ability to manage categories reasonably accurate good reporting tools

10 Big Six Leave You Blindfolded Bess (N2H2) CyberPatrol SmartFilter Websense 8e6Technologies Symantec Web Security All hide the list of URLs in each category.

11 Free Filters

12 Dan’s Guardian installs on proxy servers -Squid and Oops! content filter very customizable block list viewable and text-based configurable for one user type

13 Squidgard installs on Squid proxy server URL filter but also used custom regular expression list very customizable configurable for multiple user types block list viewable and text-based

14 Open Source Library Resources Meadville Public Library Open Source Resources for Libraries Kanguard – Internet Filtering for Kansas Public Libraries Oss4lib mailing list

15 Filtering Just For CIPA Filters that will work for libraries who wish to minimally filter for CIPA only

16 Netsweeper software appliance based on Squid 50-user price Approx. $500 setup $1200/year block only images in select categories can view list of URLs


18 Iwannaknow – no images

19 IF-2K server based or client based available URL filter 50-user price $1222 one time fee no annual costs can view URL list focuses is on pornography and gambling sites

20 DynaComm i:Filter server-based 50-user price $1136 year one $227/year starting year two block only images in select categories no category to block for adults cannot view URL list

21 Filtering Everyone Differently Filters that will work for the library that wishes to filter adults and children differently but just using one filter

22 EngageIP server based 50-user price $1395 one time fee includes cache server software $900 annually uses Cerberian content filter can view URL list

23 Corporate Guardian server-based (runs on proxy server) 50-user price $406 one time fee $203 annually content filter, based on Dan’s Guardian can view URL list

24 CyberSetting network appliance 50-user price $1440 one time $645 annual URL filter can view URL list limit of 5 filter profiles

25 Netpure network appliance content filter pricing not available online can view URL list

26 Filters That Work with Other Library Programs Filters that come integrated with management programs for printing, public access computers, PC reservation systems, etc.

27 Surfcontrol server based URL filter 50-user price $1500 one time $750 annual URL list not viewable

28 Products Using Surfcontrol ScreenDoor – Internet filter eendoor/index.shtml eendoor/index.shtml eSafe – Internet filter 3M Public Access Management System 115/cerlRFW/view.jhtml 115/cerlRFW/view.jhtml

29 Smartfilter server based URL filter 50-user price $400 annual no additional one time fee URL list not viewable

30 Products Using SmartFilter Vericept View Filter Blue Coat Proxy Servers InstaGate SCM EnvisionWare LPT:One and PC Reservation

31 Comprise Technologies SAM – Smart Access Manager time, Internet, reservation and print manager uses library card, smart card, or patron ID filters available to use with SAM: Websense 8e6Technologies, Bess CyberPatrol

32 Enterprise Filters Filters that can be used to filter large library systems with multiple locations

33 Netsweeper software appliance based on Squid 50-user price Approx. $500 setup $1200/year block only images in select categories can view list of URLs distributed administration feature

34 iPrism network appliance URL filter price for 50 users One-time fee $1975 (includes hardware) Annual fee $1165 distributed administration feature URL list not viewable

35 Bess server-based URL filter Cost $1113/annually no one time fee distributed administration feature URL list not viewable

36 Websense server based URL filter price not available online reporting module separate URL list not viewable

37 Favorite Client- based Filters If you have to use a client-based filter, here are some good choices

38 EngageIP price per PC $8-$30/PC depending on total number no one-time fee uses Cerberian content filter can view URL list

39 NetNanny price per PC retail $39.95 but negotiable URL filter can view URL list

40 GetNetWise best source of information on filters for home use describes 65 filters plus ISPs that filter kid’s browsers kid’s search engines searchable great resources on Internet safety

41 Filters to Avoid Filters that might not work very well in a library environment …or anywhere!

42 Reasons A Filter is Not Suitable for A Library 1. not accurate enough poor technology bias 2. block page not customizable 3. cannot disable keyword filtering

43 Products with Accuracy Problems We-Blocker AFA Filter… Test for yourself!

44 Products WITHOUT Customizable Block Page Filtergate CyberSitter ContentProtect Surfpass 8e6Technologies (R3000)

45 Products Which Require Keyword Blocking Minesweeper DPsweeper Surfpass CyberSitter Congress shall make no law abridging the freedom of sXXXch, or the right of the people peaceably to XXXemble, and to peXXXion the government for a redress of grievances.

46 Lori’s Pick- Wait ‘n See!

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