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External Funding Resources for Graduate Students Office of Fellowships & Community Engagement Graduate College Admin. 322 The University of Arizona.

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Presentation on theme: "External Funding Resources for Graduate Students Office of Fellowships & Community Engagement Graduate College Admin. 322 The University of Arizona."— Presentation transcript:

1 External Funding Resources for Graduate Students Office of Fellowships & Community Engagement Graduate College Admin. 322 The University of Arizona

2 Average Grad & First Professional Student Debt at Graduation 11-12 AZ Resident - $61,681 Non-resident - $43,644 All Students - $56,469 Source: Arizona Board of Regents, 2012 Financial Aid Report, pg. 55. Cumulative US student debt is up 25% from 2008 to 2011 in sharp contrast to declining debt in other consumer sectors. Source: NY Federal Reserve in the NY Times/Aug. 2011

3 Don’t be like Brad & Marissa. Apply for external funding!

4 World of Grad Funding 1. Federal Financial Aid - loans, grants, work study, tuition remissions 2. Internal Support - Assistantships, research $, donors, UA scholarships 3. Employer assisted educational benefits (UA Qualified Tuition Reduction) 4. External Funding –scholarships, fellowships, travel awards, research awards from funders outside the UA

5 WHERE TO FIND FUNDING Where’s the Money?

6 Types of Grad Student Awards Study and training - 1-3 year fellowships Travel Awards – archives, conferences, language learning, presenting Internship, externship, coop, workshops Special Projects, Service & Outreach Dissertation Research - thesis or dissertation Post-doctoral Research


8 Campus Resources Grad College Funding site Office of Nationally Competitive Scholarships – Honors College College & Departmental Resources SBSRI – Social & Behavioral Sciences Scholarships & Financial Aid Career Services (internships) Join your professional society as a student!

9 Searchable Databases Pivot – Pivot Grant Forward - GRAPES – Grad Scholarships at UCLA – Federal government portal Foundation Center – Pima Main Library Sign up for Alert Services through Pivot and Grant Forward!

10 Tips for Using Pivot Sign up as a new user using your UA email and affiliate with UA Alerts - carry out a search, save your query, click on receive weekly updates. Pivot Support Documents Pivot Training Videos on YouTube

11 Scholarship Databases UA’s Scholarship Universe – Scholarships & Financial Aid plash/splash.aspx plash/splash.aspx Fin Aid - Fast Web -

12 Graduate College Support GradFunding newsletter & advice Workshops Fellowship Application Support Programs NSF GRFP Support Program Grad College Funding Resources

13 GradFunding News & Advice To subscribe, email In the subject line type: "subscribe gradfunding Firstname Lastname" Leave the message body blank and delete any automatic signature. More info on subscribing @ lists/help/subscribe lists/help/subscribe

14 Application Support Programs NSF GRFP, GROW, DDIG & EAPSI DAAD Priority Research Candidate Fulbright-Hays Doctoral Dissertation Research Abroad Inter-American Foundation Grassroots Development P.E.O. Scholar Award

15 UA NSF Grad Research Fellowship Support Program Review your eligibility first Register for the UA Grad College Support Program at:

16 Favorite Opportunities NSF Grad Research Fellowship Fulbright (IIE) Foreign Language & Area Studies (FLAS) National Labs Internships Natl. Defense Science & Engineering Graduate Fellowship EPA STAR DAAD, Ford, Mellon, Tinker, Marshall, and Spencer NIH R-31 Dissertation/Ruth Kirschstein

17 A Brief Example The National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship

18 To help ensure the vitality and diversity of the scientific and engineering workforce in the U.S. It recognizes and supports outstanding graduate students pursuing research-based master’s and doctoral degrees in fields within NSF’s mission. NSF Graduate Research Fellowship

19 Five Year Award – $132,000 Three years of support $32,000 Stipend per year $12,000 Educational allowance to institution International research opportunities Access to XSEDE cyberinfrastructure resources NSF GRFP Key Elements

20 Chemistry Computer and Information Science and Engineering Engineering Geosciences Life Sciences Materials Research Mathematical Sciences Physics and Astronomy Psychology Social Sciences Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics Education (research- focused) GRFP Supported Disciplines

21 Via NSF FastLane Personal Statement, Relevant Background and Future Goals Graduate Research Statement Transcripts Three letters of reference Additional information required for some candidates See Solicitation at NSF GRF Application

22 Advice from experienced grant writers.

23 Grantwriters Checklist Set goals Note timing Read guidelines carefully. Develop ideas Cultivate references Write regularly Keep on applying! Prepare yourself Get a variety of experiences, including travel, service & research Network with faculty & peers Publish & present

24 Where Do You See Yourself Going? What do you want from your education? Develop a map of life goals Plan ahead with focused attention Develop a mix of funding strategies Be flexible

25 Timing Matters Apply in fall of 1 st & 2 nd yr for fellowships Note deadlines – allow 6-12 months! Allot time to adequately prepare Use summers and classes to write Advance to candidacy & have your topic approved in time for deadlines File the FAFSA in Jan./Feb. each year

26 Make Connections Network – Faculty/Staff/Peers Cultivate 4 solid recommenders Develop affiliations and contacts at other institutions, research sites and conferences

27 Travel & Enjoy Interesting Experiences Conferences Internships Research Short term study Workshops Service/Outreach

28 Learn by Doing - Practice Classes/Workshops Offer to read or help on someone’s grant Use courses to prepare background research Learn to self-edit Take a grant-writing class Form a writing group

29 Stay Focused Each page of an application that you write may be worth thousands of dollars. Make a plan & stay on track. Write every day!

30 Value the Process Regardless of Results Advance thinking & quality of research Get valuable feedback Strengthen writing skills Valuable skill for future Independence Valuable skill for the future.

31 Graduate College Contacts Georgia Ehlers, Director Shelley Hawthorne Smith, Asst. Director Katie Silvester – NSF GRF Program

32 APPENDICES More Opportunities for Graduate Students

33 Training Grants/UA Selects Education - FLAS, GAANN NASA Grad. Student Research Program & Space Grant Fellowships NSF IGERT, VIGRE, CESUM NIH Training Grants USDA National Needs

34 Student Applies Directly NSF Grad Research Fellowship National Defense Science & Engineering DOE Climate Change EPA STAR National Laboratories and Observatories National Park Service NIH R-31 Dissertation Presidential Management Fellowship Smithsonian

35 UA Applies on Behalf of Student Fulbright (IIE) NSEP David Boren Fulbright-Hays Doctoral Dissertation Research Abroad NSF Dissertation Improvement (DDIG) DAAD

36 Foundations Supporting Graduate Education AAUW Beinecke Jack Kent Cooke DAAD Ford Gates Hertz Inter-American Japan Kellogg Lindbergh Mellon/ACLS Charlotte W. Newcombe P.E.O. Rockefeller Sloan Social Science Research Council Spencer Tinker Whitaker Woodrow Wilson Zonta – Amelia Earhart

37 Awards through Other Universities & Libraries FLAS (San Diego State, U Wisconsin) Dartmouth – Thurgood Marshall/Cesar Chavez Harvard Travel Award U Texas Harry Ransom Library Library of Congress, Rockefeller Archives, Newberry

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