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A Basic UNIX System By Sandy G. Introduction One of the most common operating systems in existence is Unix. Unix exists in many different flavors, from.

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Presentation on theme: "A Basic UNIX System By Sandy G. Introduction One of the most common operating systems in existence is Unix. Unix exists in many different flavors, from."— Presentation transcript:

1 A Basic UNIX System By Sandy G

2 Introduction One of the most common operating systems in existence is Unix. Unix exists in many different flavors, from Berkeley BSD to AT&T System V to SunOS. Basic working knowledge of Unix is almost essential to a hacker, as it is the system a hacker is most likely to come across. If you intend to use the internet at all, or to do any serious exploration of Talent, the ability to navigate through Unix is a necessity.

3 UNIX Logins Most Unix logins look essentially the same. A general Unix login prompt looks something like this: connected to login: That first line is the system identifier. Although it's not at all essential to what you are doing, it's good to know what system you are attempting to log on to. The second line is what typically identifies the system you are on as Unix. Almost all Unix systems greet a user with the same prompt: login:.

4 Login process connected to login: root password: root invalid login login: The other possible passwords for root include 'sysadmin', 'sys', 'admin'... etc

5 Other Default passwords Sys sys Bin bin Daemon daemon rje setup uucp uucp/nuucp/anonymous nuucp uucp/nuucp/anonymous mountfsys

6 Commands A good thing to remember about Unix is that it's allot like DOS. The basic Unix directory navigation command is identical to DOS. To change the directory command is 'chdir', or 'cd'. ю cd / will take you to root. ю cd /*pathname* will take you to *pathname* ю cd home will take you to your home directory.

7 Files Unix is a case-sensitive operating system. Thus, the files ю Spleen ю spleen ю SPLEEN ю SpLeEn are all different. Files are not subject to the normal DOS 8 character limit.

8 Copy % cat [dir] Cat command is used to copy a file one source to another source. Another vastly important command is 'man'. In fact, man is probably one of the most important commands extant for a beginning user... it calls up the system's help files.

9 Thank you Unix Linux

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