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In the year 1895 cars were invented the people of the time thought they would only last a few years. Queen Victoria called them smelly old things that.

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3 In the year 1895 cars were invented the people of the time thought they would only last a few years. Queen Victoria called them smelly old things that she didn't like. After the horrors of the second world war cars became more popular. Humans were unaware of the horrors that cars would bring to this world...

4 What Would They Cause

5 The fuel that cars use is petrol. The fumes from the car that is created by the petrol can damage the health for people with asthma. The fumes can also spread deadly toxics that can poison people and put them in hospital.

6 The fumes can also lead to global warming,which can cause lots of natural disasters,which can have devastating effects on people. In 2011 there were some terrible floods in Australia which killed allot of people. The floods left thousand others homeless.

7 On the 11 March 2011 there was a massive earthquake and tsunami that rocked Japan. The cause was global warming spread by the fumes of cars. There were some shocking images and footage of the whole event. It was absolutely heart breaking for the families of the region. Thousands of people died.

8 So Why Keep Cars When They Are Ruining The Earth

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