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Material Wellbeing.

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1 Material Wellbeing

2 What is material well-being?
A developing/poor country has a low material well-being. Material well-being in Australia is high as we have allot of things e.g. Cars, houses, buildings etc. In developing countries they don’t have much as money as richer countries Advanced economies (Blue)  Emerging and developing economies (Orange) Emerging economies (Red)

3 A list of developing/emerging countries
 Central African Republic  Chad  Chile  China  Colombia  Comoros  Democratic Republic of the Congo  Republic of the Congo  Costa Rica  Côte d'Ivoire  Croatia  Djibouti  Dominica  Dominican Republic  Ecuador  Egypt  El Salvador  Equatorial Guinea  Eritrea  Estonia  Ethiopia  Fiji  Gabon  The Gambia  Georgia  Ghana  Grenada  Guatemala  Guinea  Guinea-Bissau  Guyana  Haiti  Honduras  Hungary Outlook Report, April 2010.  Afghanistan  Albania  Algeria  Angola  Antigua and Barbuda  Argentina  Armenia  Azerbaijan  The Bahamas  Bahrain  Bangladesh  Barbados  Belarus  Belize  Benin  Bhutan  Bolivia  Botswana  Bosnia and Herzegovina  Brazil  Bulgaria  Burkina Faso  Burma  Burundi  Cameroon  Cape Verde  Indonesia  India  Iran  Iraq  Jamaica  Jordan  Kazakhstan  Kenya  Kiribati  Kuwait  Kyrgyzstan  Laos  Latvia  Lebanon  Lesotho  Liberia  Libya  Lithuania  Macedonia

4 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Samoa São Tomé and Príncipe Senegal
Madagascar  Malawi  Malaysia  Maldives  Mali  Marshall Islands  Mauritania  Mauritius  Mexico  Federated States of Micronesia  Moldova  Mongolia  Montenegro  Morocco  Mozambique  Namibia  Nauru  Nepal  Nicaragua  Niger  Nigeria  Oman Pakistan  Palau  Panama  Papua New Guinea  Paraguay  Peru  Philippines  Poland  Qatar  Romania  Russia   Rwanda Saudi Arabia  Saint Vincent and the Grenadines  Samoa  São Tomé and Príncipe  Senegal  Serbia  Seychelles  Sierra Leone Solomon Islands  South Africa  Somalia  Sri Lanka  Thailand  Timor-Leste  Togo  Tonga  Trinidad and Tobago  Tunisia  Turkey  Turkmenistan  Tuvalu  Uganda  Ukraine  United Arab Emirates  Uruguay  Uzbekistan  Vanuatu  Venezuela  Vietnam  Yemen  Zambia  Zimbabwe

5 How would you remember it?
I remember it because it has a similar meaning to things you own and I have allot.

6 What is Material Wellbeing
Things you own Developing countries The amount of things countries have Things you want to have.

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