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Published byDoreen Lawson Modified over 9 years ago
Annual Work Plan & Budget SSA-RTE 2013-14 (2013-14) Approval Project Approval Board Meeting 18 th March.2013 ANDAMAN & NICOBAR ISLANDS
Andaman and Nicobar Islands comprises of 03 Districts with 379944 Population (Male : 202330 & Female : 177614). The Literacy Rate in the Islands is 86.27 %. There are 07 Tehsil with 204 Revenue Village and 504 Census Villages. There are 09 Educational Zones within the Islands. Under SSA there are 09 BRCs and 37 CRCs throughout the Islands. UT: Profile
IndicatorGenderIndia A & N Islands Population Persons 121.01 Crores 3.79 Lakhs Male 62.37 Crores 1.92 Lakhs Female 58.64 Crores 1.63 Lakhs Decadal growth of population (%) -17.646.68 Annual Growth rate of population -1.93%0.66% Urban population -31.16%35.67% Sex Ratio (Males per 1000 Females) -940878 Density per square Km -38246 DEMOGRAPHIC PROFILE
YearMaleFemaleTotal 196142.4319.3733.63 197158.8238.2951.15 198167.3250.5160.25 199178.9965.4673.02 200186.0775.2981.18 201190.1181.8486.27 Literacy Rate
Education : A GLANCE
District Govt. Schools Central Govt. Pvt. Aided Pvt. unaided Local Body Total S/Andaman11922848215 N&M Andaman 16210224189 Nicobar53102258 Total3344210814462 NUMBER OF SCHOOLS
Opened Two Primary Schools Upgraded 14 EGS Centers into Primary Schools Upgraded One Primary to Upper Primary School In-Service Training provided to 2856 Teachers 263 Teachers appointed under SSA Exposure Visits outside State arranged for 200 Boys (100 ST and 100 Urban Deprived Boys) and 200 Girls (100 ST and 100 Rural Girls) District Level 05 Days Residential Camps orgnized for 300 Girls in 03 District.
Aids and Appliances supplied to 305 CWSN Children in collaboration with Alimco Hands on Training to 37 Clusters on Better Day to Day Life 100 Teachers have been sponsored for 90 Days Foundation Course of IGNOU on Inclusive Education Provision of Escort Allowance to 175 CWSNs Pub lic Awareness on RTE Through E-media viz. All India Radio, Doordarshan, Shiksha Ka Haq Abhiyan through Volunteers etc Training programme to 2741 SMCs Members
STATUS OF CIVIL WORKS Out of 449 un-commenced projects, 412 projects are fresh sanctions of 2012-13. Fund in respect of these works have been deposited to Govt. Construction Agency viz. APWD. It is anticipated that the work will commence in the month of April.2013. Remaining 37 un commenced projects are of Sanctions of Previous Years. Due to delay in acquiring land for undertaking construction, this works are lying pending. However, efforts are on to acquire land in consultation with the Revenue Authority. TargetsWork Completed Work under Progress Work Not Commenced 105853178449 51%7%42%
MAJOR PROPOSALS & ISSUES 2013-14 2013-14
1. Access a. Opening of 01 New Primary School Justification: 1.PS at Srinagar: Srinagar is a remotest Forest Habitation in the Island with 100 families & 30 Nos. of School Age Children. Presently these eligible children need to travel a distance of more than 4 KM for their Formal Education Facility. As such the UT Proposes to establish a New Primary School at Srinagar. Issues In compliance with the RTE Act.2009, it is mandatory for the UT to extend the Primary Education Facility to this Habitation i.e. Srinagar. PAB may like to approve the proposal.
b.Upgradation of 06Primary School to Upper Primary School 02 Primary Schools of South Andaman and 04 Primary Schools of North and Middle Andaman Districts of the Islands are proposed for upgradation to the Upper Primary Schools. Presently the pass outs of these Primary Schools are forced to travel 2 to 9 KMs daily so as to avail the Upper Primary School Facility. In order to mitigate this problem, the UT Mission Authority proposes to upgrade this Schools to Upper Primary level in conformity with the neighbourhood norms of the RTE Act.2009. These Schools are viz. 1. PS Tirur in South Andaman 2. PS Mathura in South Andaman 3. PS Laxmanpur in North and Middle Andaman 4. PS Mayabunder in North and Middle Andaman 5. PS Mohanpur-9 in North and Middle Andaman 6. PS Ramakrishnagram in North and Middle Andaman Issues: Since the Upgradation is justified, PAB may like to approve the proposal
a.Teachers Training Training Programme for 2995 In-Service Teachers & 175 BRC / CRC Coordinator. Proposed Outlay : Rs.93.35 Lakhs. Issues: In-Service Training for 175 BRP/CRP is not recommended whereas it is essential to update them with the modern changes in the Frame Work and the other activities proposed in the Plan. b. Grants: UT has proposed in the Plan of 2013-14, the School Grant, Maintenance Grant and Teachers Grant as applicable under the provision of SSA Frame work. Issues: Whereas the Appraisal Team has recommended only the School Grant but not the maintenance Grant and the Teachers Grant without assigning any reason there-off. PAB may please like to consider allot Maintenance Grant and Teachers Grant of 49.35 Lakhs. 2. BRC & CRC
A.Girls Education Rs.85.60 Lakhs has been proposed during 2013-14 for promoting activities towards Girls Education. During 2012-13, Rs.67.15 Lakhs has been incurred towards exposure visit of 100 Girls (Outside State), Shikshika Sammelan, Multipurpose Residential Camp for Girls, District Level Athletic Meet etc. This expenditure is upto Jan.2013, action on other activities are under process to achieve 100% within the financial year. Whereas the Appraisal team has not recommended any grant against the proposal of 85.60 Lakhs with lame excuses which is not logical and acceptable. Issues: In order to promote Girls Education, it is mandatory to conduct innovative activities under the Girls Education Programme. it is proposed that the PAB may like to sanction 85.60 Lakhs during 2013-14 for initiating these innovative activities. Reasons recorded by the Appraisal Team for denial is not correct as the outcomes are clearly indicated at Page No.52 of the Appraisal Report. 3. INNOVATIONS
B. Shikshika Sammelan Separate allocation was demanded for Shikshika Sammelan in 03 Districts. But the Appraisal Team recommends that the activity may be conducted out of the fund available under Community Mobilization. However, fund recommended under Community Mobilization is not adequate enough to carry out Community Activities like propagation of SSA activity through E-Media, Conduct of Street Play etc. Issues: As such, separate allocation may be provided for Shikshika Sammelan to the tune of 3.00 Lakhs under Girls Education. C. Urban Deprived Children Under the Intervention of Urban Deprived Children, Rs.9.00 lakhs was projected for 03 Districts whereas the Appraisal Team has not recommended any grant.
Issues: The statement of Appraisal Team of repetition of activities for the denial is not justifiable why because the activities are repeated every year for the benefit of new students as such it is not be treated as repetition. D. S T To provide facilities to the deprived ST Children, various activities are proposed to create interest and retain them towards the Educational Activities in the school and outside for a tune of 18.57 Lakhs. Issues: Appraisal Team did not recommend any of the proposed activities without any reason thereof. The PAB may like to consider the proposal in the interest of ST Children.
A. LEP PAB had sanctioned the proposal of introducing Computer Aided Classrooms in 292 Schools as proposed in the year 2012-13 under the intervention of Learning Enhancement Programme @ 90000/- Per School for providing Desktop Computers, LCD Projector with Screen and Other Accessories. Whereas due to typographical mistake in the PAB minutes, the actual amount of 262.80 Lakhs have been erroneously allotted as 26.28 Lakhs. Further, an amount of Rs.41.52 Lakhs was projected in the AWP&B 2013- 14, for creating Digital Classrooms. Issues: The Appraisal Team did not recommend any of the proposed activities with the simple reason that the money allotted in the year 2012-13 was not fully utilized. In this regard, it is informed that the tender processing for procurement of Desktops and other accessories is in the final stage of processing and would be effected immediately. The PAB may like to rectify the typographical error mentioned above and to revalidate the actual projection of 262.80 Lakhs for the year 2013-14 as spill over. 4. QUALITY
5. ECCE Under ECCE, it is proposed to provide Training to PPT / PTA, Play Materials, Toys, Learning Aid, First Aid Kit etc. besides the Mother’s Camp and Bal Mela. For this activities, PAB granted 25.50 Lakhs in the year 2012-13. However, except the training, other activities could not be materialized. Issues: The Appraisal Team totally rejected the proposal of 25.50 Lakhs without proper justification. If the proposal is not recommendable due to any constraints, the PAB may like to revalidate the unspent balance of Rs. 22.45 Lakhs of 2012-13 as spill over in order to implement one of the major mile stone of RTE Act.
6. Management & MIS UT has proposed Rs.110.00 Lakhs under the intervention of “Project Management and MIS” within the limitation of 40 Lakhs per District. Whereas only 65.42 Lakhs has been recommended by the Appraisal Team. Issues: The UT has proposed 110 lacs only against the entitlement of 120 lacs, whereas in the appraisal only 65.42 Lacs is recommended which is too less and meager to manage the Project for the Whole Year. The less amount recommended may be for the reason of less expenditure upto Jan.2013 whereas expenditure is due for more than 30 Lakhs in the current plan. Further the procurement of equipments, consumable items are in the pipeline. The SSA Project can be Managed only if the PAB considers the enhancement of the EC recommended grant of 110 Lakhs for smooth functioning of SSA in the remotest UT of A&N Islands.
7. Civil Work s A) Addl. Classrooms As per U-DISE 2012-13, the overall ACR Gap is 112. Against this Gap, the UT proposes to add 25 Addl. Classrooms in 04 Schools whose ACR Gap is 78. Rs.355.42 Lakhs has been demanded for this purpose during 2013-14. The details of these Schools are: Name of SchoolsACR GapAvailable CR Proposal for 2013-14 GSSS Model Port Blair 531812 GSSS Bambooflat 17124 GSSS RBV 20106 GSSS Havelock 1183 Proposal is restricted to 50% of Total Outlay
B. Classrooms for Upgraded Schools For 06 Primary Schools which are proposed for upgradation to Upper Primary Schools, the UT has plans to construct 03 Classrooms each for these 06 Schools The financial implication for constructing these 18 Classrooms as per the State Schedule of Rate is 490.25 Lakhs C. Primary School Building for New Primary School For 01 Primary School proposed for opening during 2013-14, the PAB may approve a Primary School Building @ Rs.32.34 Lakhs. Issues: 1) To equip the schools in conformity with RTE Act.2009, it is mandatory to mitigate the gap in ACR and school building, As such, the PAB may like to approve the proposal of 25 ACR for 4 Schools 18 Classrooms for UPS and one Primary School Building.
Issues: 2) It is learnt that only 25% of the Total Cost of Construction will be released in respect of Fresh Sanctions of Civil Works of 2013-14. The UT Mission Authority feels that the total cost of construction should be released in one go. It should not be done in installments as this will create problem in future and it would not be appropriate to commence the work with meager allocated grant. PAB may like to reconsider this issue and ensure release of Total Cost of Construction of a Particular Unit of Work in one go and not in installments, as understood. If the work is assigned to SMC, it may be possible for us to release the Grant in installments viewing the phase of construction. But in our case, the works are executed through Govt. Construction Agency. It will be essential for us to release the entire cost of construction in one go. Else the construction agency will refuse to undertake the construction activities.
Issues: 3) During 2012-13, PAB has accorded sanction for construction of “24 Addl. Classrooms for Dilapidated Building of 05 Schools” of the Islands. However, while framing the costing sheets, it had wrongly been mentioned as “Dilapidated Building” instead of “Dilapidated Classroom”. In order to prevent complications in future, the UT proposes that, in the costing sheet of 2013-14, this particular item may be rectified as “Dilapidated Classrooms” instead of “Dilapidated Buildings”. PAB may like to approve the proposal to avoid complications / confusions in future. PAB may direct the Appraisal Team to ensure this rectification.
MAJOR INTERVENTIONS 2012-13 (In Lakhs) 2013-14(Proposed)2013-14(Recommended) TARGETACHIEVEMENT 1 Teachers Salary 401.88246.35536.00400.50 2 Teachers Grant 15.2114.5515.150.00 3 Grant for BRC 196.92105.89211.32172.82 4 Grant for CRC 42.3930.7245.9939.70 5 Teachers Training 88.5888.5493.3523.96 6 Out of School Children 0.000.0045.060.00 7 Girls Education, ECCE, ST 167.23114.12139.470.00 8CWSN18.6513.5115.6010.40 9 Civil Work 1606.12736.351747.77873.82 10TLE4.804.203.801.10 FINANCIAL In Lakhs
MAJOR INTERVENTIONS 2012-13 (In Lakhs) 2013-14(Proposed)2013-14(Recommended) TARGETACHIEVEMENT 11 Maintenance Grant 33.5333.5334.200.00 12 School Grant 25.4925.4925.7625.76 13 REMS / Monitoring & Supervision 6.773.456.876.87 14 Management & LEP 150.0369.22157.5271.42 15 Innovation i/c CAL 131.320.00347.790.00 16 Community Training 27.118.349.035.94 17Library12.2011.9211.710.00 18 Transport Allowance 0.000.0015.000.00 Total2928.231506.183461.391632.39 FINANCIAL In Lakhs Remarks: The recommendation of Rs.1632.39 Lakhs includes the Spill over of Rs.869.22 Lakhs of 2012-13. As such, the Fresh recommended outlay for 2013-14 is Rs.763.17 Lakhs..
5. Other Activities 2.Under ECCE, it is proposed to provide Training to PPT / PTA, Play Materials, Toys, Learning Aid, First Aid Kit etc. besides the Mother’s Camp and Bal Mela. For this activities, PAB granted 25.50 Lakhs in the year 2012-13. However, except the training, other activities could not be materialized. Issues: The Appraisal Team totally rejected the proposal of 25.50 Lakhs without proper justification. If the proposal is not recommendable due to any constraints, the PAB may like to revalidate the unspent balance of Rs. 22.45 Lakhs of 2012-13.
5. Other Activities 3.To provide facilities to the deprived ST Children, various activities are proposed to create interest among them towards the Educational Activities for a tune of 18.57 Lakhs. Issues: Appraisal Team did not recommend any of the proposed activities without any reason thereof. The PAB may like to consider the proposal in the interest of ST Children. 4.CAL Programme PAB had sanctioned the proposal of introducing Computer Aided Classrooms in 292 Schools as proposed in the year 2012-13 under the intervention of Learning Enhancement Programme @ 90000/- Per School for providing Desktop Computers, LCD Projector with Screen and Other Accessories. Whereas due to typographical mistake in the PAB minutes, the actual amount of 262.80 Lakhs have been erroneously allotted as 26.28 Lakhs.
5. Other Activities Further, an amount of Rs.41.52 Lakhs was projected in the AWP&B 2013- 14, for creating Digital Classrooms. Issues: The Appraisal Team did not recommend any of the proposed activities with the simple reason that the money allotted in the year 2012-13 was not fully utilized. In this regard, it is informed that the tender processing for procurement of Desktops and other accessories is in the final stage of processing and would be effected immediately. The PAB may like to rectify the typographical error mentioned above and to revalidate the actual projection of 262.80 Lakhs for the year 2013-14 if there would be any constraint for considering the proposal of this year. issue: Out of the total claim of Rs. 30 lakh, an amount of Rs. 3.92 lakh meant for provision of educational kit to ST children of class VIII has been turned down. However, this measure has paid of well in terms of checking drop outs in the previous years. PAB may consider allocating additional grant of 3.92 Lakhs.
5. Other Activities 6.Grants: UT has proposed in the Plan of 2013-14, the School Grant, Maintenance Grant and Teachers Grant as applicable under the provision of SSA Frame work. Issues: Whereas the Appraisal Team has recommended only the School Grant but not the maintenance Grant and the Teachers Grant without assigning any reason there-off. PAB may please like to consider allot Maintenance Grant and Teachers Grant of 49.35 Lakhs. 7.Management Cost: UT has proposed Rs.110.00 Lakhs under the intervention of “Project Management and MIS” within the limitation of 40 Lakhs per District. Whereas only 65.42 Lakhs has been recommended by the Appraisal Team.
5. Other Activities Issues: 65.42 Lakhs is too less to manage the Project for Whole Year. Actually, the UT deserves for consideration of allotment of Rs.120 Lakhs as per the norms. The less amount recommended may be for the reason of less expenditure shown in the Plan. This expenditure is upto Jan.2013 whereas expenditure is due for more than 30 Lakhs. Further the procurement of equipments, consumable items are pending due to non finalization of Tender. The Project Management may be feasible if the PAB likes to consider enhancement of the recommended grant atleast upto 110 Lakhs.
MAJOR INTERVENTIONS 2012-13 (In Lakhs) 2013-14(Proposed)2013-14(Recommended) TARGETACHIEVEMENT 1 Teachers Salary 401.88246.35536.00400.50 2 Teachers Grant 15.2114.5515.150.00 3 Grant for BRC 196.92105.89211.32172.82 4 Grant for CRC 42.3930.7245.9939.70 5 Teachers Training 88.5888.5493.3523.96 6 Out of School Children 0.000.0045.060.00 7 Girls Education, ECCE, ST 167.23114.12139.470.00 8CWSN18.6513.5115.6010.40 9 Civil Work 1606.12736.351747.77873.82 10TLE4.804.203.801.10 FINANCIAL In Lakhs
MAJOR INTERVENTIONS 2012-13 (In Lakhs) 2013-14(Proposed)2013-14(Recommended) TARGETACHIEVEMENT 11 Maintenance Grant 33.5333.5334.200.00 12 School Grant 25.4925.4925.7625.76 13 REMS / Monitoring & Supervision 6.773.456.876.87 14LEP45.197.8741.520.00 15 Community Mobilization 11.808.706.006.00 16Management93.0452.65110.0065.42 17 Innovation i/c CAL 131.320.00347.790.00 18 Community Training 27.118.349.035.94 19Library12.2011.9211.710.00 20 Transport Allowance 0.000.0015.000.00 Total2928.231506.183461.391632.39 FINANCIAL In Lakhs Remarks: The recommendation of Rs.1632.39 Lakhs includes the Spill over of Rs.869.22 Lakhs of 2012-13. As such, the Fresh recommended outlay for 2013-14 is Rs.763.17 Lakhs..
Issues on which PAB decision is needed 1.Opening of One PS may be approved by PAB as Appraisal Team has not recommended the same. 2.Against the upgradation proposal of 06 Primary School, Appraisal Team recommended only one. PAB may approve Upgradation of 06 Primary Schools to Upper Primary Level 3.Appraisal Team has recommended construction of one Classroom for the upgraded one Primary School out of 03 rooms required. Therefore, PAB may accord approval for sanctioning 03 Classrooms. Further, Total Cost of Construction may be released instead of release of 25% of total cost. 4. Item No.22.11 of Costing Sheet of 2013-14 may be rectified as “Dilapidated Classrooms” instead of “Dilapidated Building (Pri)”. PAB may issue directions in this regard.
Issues on which PAB decision is needed 5.During 2012-13, PAB accorded sanction for providing computer assisted Classrooms under LEP in 292 Schools @ Rs.90000/- Per School. The financial implication for this programme was Rs.262.80 Lakhs. However, in the PAB Minutes, this amount has wrongly been indicated as 26.28 Lakhs. Due to this typographical error, the UT preferred not to utilize the grant for the reason of getting competitive lesser rate on bulk procurement. As the Tendering processing are at the final stage, PAB may revalidate Rs.292.80 Lakhs under LEP for the year 2013-14. 6.Separate allocation was demanded for Shikshika Sammelan in 03 Districts. But the Appraisal Team recommends that the activity may be conducted out of the fund available under Community Mobilization. However, fund recommended under Community Mobilization is not adequate enough to carry out Community Activities like propagation of SSA activity through E-Media, Conduct of Street Play etc. As such, separate allocation may be provided for Shikshika Sammelan to the tune of 3.00 Lakhs under Girls Education.
Issues on which PAB decision is needed 7.The Appraisal has not recommended the Proposal of 85.60 Lakhs under Girls Education for no reason. In order to promote Girls Education, it is mandatory to conduct innovative activities under the Girls Education Programme. it is proposed that the PAB may like to sanction 85.60 Lakhs during 2013-14 for initiating these innovative activities. Reasons recorded by the Appraisal Team for denial is out of truth as against the outcomes shared in Page No.52 of the Appraisal Report. 7.Appraisal Team recommends that since the activity proposed under the Head “Urban Deprived Children” is repetitive in nature, the proposal of the UT cannot be considered. In this regard, it is submitted that all the scope of intervention may be repetitive in nature but the beneficiaries covered are not the same every year. As such, it may not be treated as repetitive in nature. 8.The UT has proposed 25.50 Lakhs under ECCE whereas nothing is recommended. The PAB may at least revalidate the unspent balance of 22.45 Lakhs. 9.The un recommended Maintenance Grant and Teachers Grant may also be considered for allocation by PAB.
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