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Be not afeared (command) The isle is full of noises (excite) Sounds and sweet airs (soothe) That give delight and hurt not (reassure)

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Presentation on theme: "Be not afeared (command) The isle is full of noises (excite) Sounds and sweet airs (soothe) That give delight and hurt not (reassure)"— Presentation transcript:


2 Be not afeared (command) The isle is full of noises (excite) Sounds and sweet airs (soothe) That give delight and hurt not (reassure)

3 Informational v. Persuasive Speaking Your First Primer

4 Two Things Everyone Should Know: Your subject Your audience

5 Three Things to Insure a Great Speech Preparation

6 What’s the Difference? Informational PersuasiveHumorous


8 Got Butterflies? Know the subject Know the audience Know the room Relax Visualize Realize people want you to succeed Don’t apologize Concentrate on Message, not medium Turn nervousness into positive energy Gain experience

9 Speaking to Inform: Judging Criteria Is the information communicated accurately? Is the information communicated clearly? Is the information made meaningful and interesting to the audience?


11 Speaking to Persuade The most complex and challenging kind of public speaking

12 Persuasive Speaking Is designed to: – change or reinforce the audience’s –beliefs or actions

13 Persuasive Speaking Tailor your message to the values, attitudes and beliefs of your audience Engage in a one-sided “mental dialogue” with your audience High credibility is important – it portrays competence and character

14 Persuasive Speaking Topics can include: –Questions of fact Did Lee Harvey Oswald act alone? Was there really a race to the moon between the Americans and the Russians?

15 Persuasive Speaking Topics can include: –Questions of value George W. Bush is the worst president since, well, George Bush. Should we clone humans?

16 Persuasive Speaking Topics can include: Questions of policy Should VT’s civil union law be changed? Should we cull the VT deer herd by extending the hunting season?

17 Persuasive Speech Structure Describe the problem –Discuss the nature of the problem –Show how the problem affects your audience

18 Persuasive Speech Structure Next, describe the solution –Show how your plan will work –Discuss the advantages of your plan. Hint: use mental dialogue

19 Persuasive Speech Structure Finally, describe the desired audience action –Explain exactly what the audience should do –Describe the benefits of the response you are seeking

20 Persuasive Speech Structure In Summary… –Describe the problem –Describe the solution –Describe the desired audience action


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