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Integrated Marketing Communications Jeremy Kees, Ph.D.

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Presentation on theme: "Integrated Marketing Communications Jeremy Kees, Ph.D."— Presentation transcript:

1 Integrated Marketing Communications Jeremy Kees, Ph.D.


3 So, what is the best way for marketers to reach you?? What resonates with you??

4 Integrated Marketing Communications The means by which firms attempt to inform, persuade, and remind consumers—directly or indirectly—about the products and brands they sell IMC includes all marketing communications

5 An example… Includes advertising, but is much broader… –Mastercard’s “priceless” campaign –Spots 1, 2, 3123 –Website – –Viral/WOM Marketing…

6 To understand and utilize IMC, we need to get back to the basics… The Basic Communication Process

7 Elements of the IMC “Promotional Mix” Advertising Sales Promotions Direct Marketing Product Placement Public Relations Publicity Event Marketing Interactive Marketing Personal Selling

8 Models of Communication Effectiveness

9 Process Identify the target audience Determine the objectives Design the communications Select the channels Establish the budget Decide on the media mix Measure the results Manage integrated marketing communications

10 Advertising

11 Some thoughts… “I know I’m wasting half of my ad spend….I just don’t know which half.” We’re in a advertising/promotions world…full of clutter…and it’s a vicious cycle”

12 General approaches… “Selling” –Targeted at our head –Cognitive appeals “Brand Building” –Targeted at our heart –Affective/Emotional appeals Video

13 Overview of Advertising… Paid and non-personal communication through various media by business firms, not-for-profit organizations, and individuals who are identified in the advertising message and who hope to inform or persuade members of a particular audience

14 Step 1: Setting Objectives Inform Persuade Remind Reinforce What is the goal? Heinz? Honda? CogCog Based on the PLC…

15 Developing an Ad Campaign Creative development and execution Message generation and execution Legal and social issues

16 Message Generation and Execution Comparative Advertising –PepsiPepsi

17 Message Generation and Execution Celebrity Testimonials Risks??

18 Message Generation and Execution Interactive Advertising –Wrigley'sWrigley's

19 Message Generation and Execution Message Appeals… Fear –Example 1Example 1 –Example 2Example 2 Sex –Example 1Example 1 –ExampleExample Humor –ExampleExample –Example 1Example 1 –Example 2Example 2 Emotion Evoking (sadness and humor) –ExampleExample

20 Creative Development and Execution Just as important as the ad itself Radio Newspapers

21 Creative Development and Execution Magazines Direct Mail Outdoor –Human Billboards Interactive Media Television

22 Creative Development and Execution Key considerations… –Reach –Frequency –Impact

23 Legal and Social Issues Common sense (e.g., don’t be false or misleading) Not-so-common sense (e.g., reaching your target market—and ONLY your target market) –Cigarettes/Alcohol –Norelco and other risqué ads

24 Legal and Social Issues The value in being proactive in spending ad/promo $$ on tangential social issues –Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) An example… –DoveDove

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