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The Effect of Group Behaviour and Social Influence.

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Presentation on theme: "The Effect of Group Behaviour and Social Influence."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Effect of Group Behaviour and Social Influence

2 What You Should Know Social facilitation. -Increased performance in competitive situations. De-individuation. -Loss of personal identity in a group leading to diminished restraints on behaviour. Internalisation is the changing of beliefs as a result of persuasion. Identification is the changing of beliefs to be like an admired influencing source.

3 Social Groups We all belong to at least one social group e.g. family, sports team, guides, supporter’s club, religious group, work committee etc… They provide us with a feeling of belonging and of being accepted They are held together by rules and symbols e.g. uniform To belong to a group the individual must conform to the rules and behave in the same way as other members

4 Social Facilitation This is increased performance in a competitive situation E.g. Athletes who train with other athletes do better that if they train alone However if a person is trying to learn something new (something that is unfamiliar) and it is in a competitive situation they do not perform as well Also, very competitive situations have the opposite effect and performance can actually drop

5 Training or competing with others has increased performance in the individual.

6 Deindividuation This is the loss of personal identity in a group situation It can often lead to anti-social behaviour e.g. mindless acts of vandalism as they are anonymous members of a large crowd Members of a group will also take bigger risks e.g. playing chicken across a railway Members will conform because they want to be like others in the group, desire the personal gain or want to be popular

7 Influences That Change Beliefs Internalisation – changing beliefs as a result of persuasion Identification – changing beliefs to be like an admired influencing source

8 Internalisation Party political broadcasts aim to persuade us to vote for them Stop smoking posters aim to persuade people to alter their behaviour


10 Identification One person can exert a strong influence over the other and so that person changes his/her beliefs to be more like the person they admire We often identify with celebrities and this is used in advertising

11 Why do H & M use David Beckham in their advertising campaign? Why have his name associated with boy ’ s clothes?

12 What do you associate with George Clooney that Nescafe think will make people want to drink their product? Advertisement

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