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We’ll Be Right Back After These Messages displayed infomercial persuade effective convincing.

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2 We’ll Be Right Back After These Messages displayed infomercial persuade effective convincing

3 displayed “Use context clues” A well-known soft drink prominently displayed during a prime-time TV show is an advertisement. Games and dolls were displayed in the toy store window. Displayed - shown

4 infomercial Infomercials and music videos are, in fact, advertisements. Infomercials on television advertise things like exercise videos and car polish. Infomercial-extra-long television commercial “Use context clues”

5 persuade They’re all intended to persuade you to buy something. Ally tried to persuade me to go to the movies by offering to buy me popcorn. Persuade- talk into believing or doing something “Use context clues”

6 effective How effective are these kinds of ads at convincing you to buy their product? I coughed all night because my cough medicine wasn’t very effective. Effective- able to get results “Use context clues”

7 We’ll Be Right Back After These Messages displayed __ infomercial__ persuade __ effective __ convincing __ A.making someone believe something they didn’t necessarily believe earlier B.Able to get results C.Shown D.Extra-long television commercial E.Talk into believing or doing something

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