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Bullers Wood School Year 11 Examination Information Evening Wednesday 2nd November 2011.

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1 Bullers Wood School Year 11 Examination Information Evening Wednesday 2nd November 2011

2 She always leaves everything to the last minute – and it’s always when the printer is broken! She always says she has no work to do! I don’t understand all this course work, levels and modular exams – it’s completely different from when I was at school There are a million websites to help but how do you know which are any good?

3 Reports

4 Adult Literacy And Numeracy Numeracy Level 2 – 23 points Literacy Level 2 – 23 points Students achieving both Literacy and Numeracy is the equivalent to a B at GCSE ALAN

5 Mock Examinations

6 Targeted Intervention

7 SAM Learning Secondary

8 Login

9 Centre ID: BR7BW User ID: ddmmyyii Password: e.g.160796SB Login

10 Your Homepage

11 Revision Exercise -Maths

12 Topic Questions


14 Student Progress Report

15 Questions Please see Mrs. May at the end of the evening

16 1: 1.Reading non-fiction: understand / presentation / language 2. Be able to write to describe, persuade, inform – three different types of writing

17 Writing to describe – use all five senses: hearing, smell, taste, touch, feel. Using metaphors and similes to make your writing contain pictures (imagery)

18 Writing to inform Writing that is clear, factual, straightforward, non-biased Writing that answers the questions: who, what, when, where, how

19 Writing to argue/ persuade Emotional One sided biased


21 1.Make your sentences shorter: 12 words. 2.Make some much shorter: 3 – 5 words. 3.Use “and” less 4.Join some sentences with “that”, “who”, “which” 5.Write some 2 part sentences starting with “As …, …”, “Although …, …”, “When …, …”

22 1.Choose the right question: letters are most straightforward 2.Do a spider diagram of ideas, then number them 5-7 for paragraphing 3.Use: Vivid description Dialogue Questions Then & now – go from past tense into the present For & against

23 A small number of words make a big difference

24 There are 3 easy ways to improve your spelling

25 See

26 Hear

27 Memorise

28 1: Be-lie-ve

29 2: Bu-sin-ess

30 3: Se-para-te

31 4: Envi-ron-ment

32 Hear

33 5: Govern+ment

34 6: Feb-RU-ary

35 7: Happen+ed

36 8: Sur+prise

37 9: Interesting

38 10: Accommodation

39 11: Skilful

40 12: Necessary


42 How is the Maths Department helping your daughter to prepare for her maths exams? Revision materials have been sold including: Guides and workbooks Mathswatch CDs Practice papers – marked regularly by staff and discussed with students After school/lunchtime revision sessions may be offered

43 What maths resources are available? There are numerous revision websites available but especially:

44 Maths Watch The Maths Watch CD is an excellent revision resource that students can use at home We now also have Maths Watch on the VLE

45 Click on the Maths Watch link in the left hand corner Your daughter’s teacher will go over exactly how to access Maths Watch on the VLE in class.

46 The Maths area of school VLE has other resources specifically targeting D to C grade work

47 C if U can!


49 How can you help your daughter to prepare for these important exams? Make sure she has access to the appropriate revision materials – and encourage her to use them regularly Encourage her look up the things she doesn’t know and to ask her teacher for individual help Ensure that she is completing the practice papers to the best of her ability – and handing them in on time Check her contact book to ensure that she is completing the whole paper Make sure that she attends any specific revision sessions provided by her teacher

50 Other good sites include.....

51 When are the exams? All students are taking the LINEAR specification which comprises of TWO papers – one calculator and one non-calculator All students (except the early entry students) will be entered for the March exams

52 What happens after March? Set 1 will begin studying for the FSMQ in Additional Maths Students in Sets 5 and 6 (if they achieved grade C in the November exams) will transfer to Higher Tier and work towards a grade B or above in the June exams. All other students will continue to study maths and prepare for the June exams. Only once the results of the March exams have been issued, will discussions take place with individuals about possible resits or about using the time to concentrate on their other subjects.

53 How do you know how well your daughter progressing? Ask your daughter to show you the practice papers she completes and the marks/comments she receives. Help her to improve her performance on these papers by encouraging her to look up things she has forgotten and by testing her on key facts Make sure she completes as much of the paper as she can and hands it in on time!

54 How will you know how well your daughter is progressing? All students will be taking Mock GCSE Maths exams during Mock Exam week which is from 28 November to 3 December Students will be taking past GCSE exam papers and so the results of these will give you an up-to- date picture of your daughter’s achievement in Maths in terms of a current GCSE grade.

55 Is there anything else can you do to support your daughter? Please make sure they have all the necessary resources to support the learning - including their own calculator and suitable maths equipment

56 Additional Science 2012 When are the exams? January or June (most students) depending on group.

57 Number of Papers 3 exam papers at Foundation or Higher 1 x 45 minute Biology 1 x 45 minute Chemistry 1 x 45 minute Physics ISA done in school

58 What we are doing in school? Working through the syllabus in Biology, Chemistry and Physics. Doing lots of past paper questions. Doing ISAs. Setting homework regularly.

59 Topics BiologyChemistryPhysics Cells Plants Food Chains Waste Enzymes Bodies Inheritance Atoms Structures Properties Rates Energy Useful chemistry Movement Energy Momentum Static Electricity Circuits Mains Electricity Power Nuclear Reactions

60 This label was taken from a cola drink. Great Taste! Ingredients Carbonated Water Sugar Colouring Phosphoric acid Preservative Flavouring The pH of this drink is 2.5 Which one of the ingredients in the cola drink causes the low pH? (1 mark) Draw a ring around the name of the ion that gives the cola drink its low pH. chloride hydrogen hydroxide sodium (1 mark)

61 Read the article about the use of nanoparticles in sun creams. Sun creams Many sun creams use nanoparticles. These sun creams are very good at absorbing radiation, especially ultraviolet radiation. Owing to the particle size, the sun creams spread more easily, cover better and save money because you use less. The new sun creams are also transparent, unlike traditional sun creams which are white. The use of nanoparticles is so successful that they are now used in more than 300 sun cream products. Some sun creams contain nanoparticles of titanium oxide. Normal-sized particles of titanium oxide are safe to put on the skin. It is thought that nanoparticles can pass through the skin and travel around the body more easily than normal-sized particles. It is also thought that nanoparticles might be toxic to some types of cell, such as skin, bone, brain and liver cells.

62 How is the size of nanoparticles different from normal-sized particles of titanium oxide? (1 mark) Suggest how the size of nanoparticles might help them to enter the body more easily. (1 mark) Give two advantages of using nanoparticles in sun creams. (2 marks) Why might nanoparticles be dangerous inside the body? (3 marks) THINK - EXAM TECHNIQUE!

63 What you can do at home Take an interest. Encourage. Support us if we ring home. Make sure she brings work to lessons. Calculator to exams, etc.

64 Helping with Mock Preparation Preparation for mocks: Organisation. Use of revision guide (£3.50). Bitesize / SAM Learning. AQA Website past questions.

65 Core Science Module Resits Many students have core Science module resits on Tuesday 15 th November. Saturday Science School 12 th November. 8.50-1.00 Very successful in the past.

66 Revision Classes

67 Revisin Classes

68 Revision Classes

69 Easter Holidays

70 Attendance, Punctuality & Behaviour Empirical research shows that students with between 95 - 100% attendance are more likely to achieve 5+A*-C Grades at GCSE

71 Structured Revision Sessions

72 4 at AS Level 3/4 at A2 Level General Studies

73 Students need to gain at five A*-C grades at GCSE including English, and Mathematics……….. …..and a grade B in the chosen subject

74 5 GCSEs at Grade A*–C including English


76 Year 11 Parents’ Evening Thursday 12 th January 2012 Sixth form Open Evening Tuesday 8 th November 2011

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