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Better food for a better life Research unit of the project: “Healthy aging: Activating resources for sustainable lifestyles”

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1 Better food for a better life Research unit of the project: “Healthy aging: Activating resources for sustainable lifestyles”

2 Project Communication on the possible risks and benefits of food choices plays an important role in maintaining health and psycho-physical well-being among the elderly. Such communication can be effective when there is a balanced combination between contents, how they are presented and the characteristics of the chosen target. Our research project consists of a series of experimental studies in which elderly participants are presented with different types of messages on the influence of nutrition on health and well-being. The effectiveness of these messages is then evaluated through various measures.

3 Aims 1.To highlight the best communicative strategies to persuade the elderly to adopt preventive healthy eating behaviors. 1.To analyze the individual characteristics of potential recipients that might support or hinder the effectiveness of health-promoting com- munication. 1.To investigate how cognitive, social and contextual factors influence the actual enactment of the recommended healthy eating behaviors.

4 Applications Promoting lifestyles and healthy eating habits, in line with the topics of Expo 2015. Providing guidelines for the creation of effective communication campaigns to enhance nutritional competences and preventive behaviors among the elderly. Supporting the promotion of well-being among the elderly.

5 Research group: Prof. Patrizia Catellani Full professor of Social Psychology (coordinator) Dr. Mauro Bertolotti Dr. Giorgia Chirchiglia Dr. Lara Previ

6 Contacts Further information available at: email: Department of Psychology Catholic University of the Sacred Heart Largo Gemelli, 1 20123 Milan research/reasearch- interests/81-effetti-di- framing-politiche-alimentari.html

7 Publications and conferences Bertolotti, M., Chirchiglia, G. & Catellani, P. (2015). The effects of message framing and temporal perspective in promoting healthy eating habits: Differences between younger and older adults. “The 14th European Congress of Psychology”, Milan, 7-10 July. Bertolotti, M., Chirchiglia, G. & Catellani, P. (2015). The effects of message framing in promoting healthy eating behaviours among young and elderly consumers. “143rd joint EAAE-AAEA seminar”, Naples, 25-27 March. Catellani, P. & Bertolotti, M. (2014). Identity, values, and food. In F. Botturi & R. Zoboli (Eds.), Convivium: Representation, meaning, exclusion, sustainability. Milan: Vita & Pensiero. Antonietti, A., Balconi, B., Catellani, P, & Marchetti, A. (2014). Empowering skills for active ageing and healthy living. In G. Riva, P. Ajmone Marsan & C. Grassi (Eds.), Active ageing and healthy living. Amsterdam: IOS Press, 157-171.

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