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Regional Roundtable on Irregular Migration by Sea in the Asia-Pacific Region Presented by: Peter Elms Immigration New Zealand.

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Presentation on theme: "Regional Roundtable on Irregular Migration by Sea in the Asia-Pacific Region Presented by: Peter Elms Immigration New Zealand."— Presentation transcript:

1 Regional Roundtable on Irregular Migration by Sea in the Asia-Pacific Region Presented by: Peter Elms Immigration New Zealand

2 Two broad concerns: Responding efficiently and humanely to an irregular migration event Preventing such events happening in the first place. Other panellists will address the former; this presentation is on the latter. Focus on Prevention

3 What can we do, individually and collectively, to prevent irregular movements by sea? To do so we must reduce the role of people smugglers in our region By reducing the demand for the services of the smugglers it follows that the supply will reduce The question therefore for economies is how do we address our own push / pull factors that incentivise people to use people smugglers Supply & Demand

4 Addressing the environmental factors that push people to place their lives in the hands of smugglers Ensure refugee protection and determination processes are in place and working efficiently Provide refugee re-settlement opportunities to incentivise the use of legitimate processes Maintain effective immigration policies and border controls to deal effectively with illegal migration Influencing Push / Pull Factors

5 Criminalisation Ratification of the UNTOC and its protocols on trafficking in person Smuggling of migrants National legislation that makes people smuggling illegal Critical first steps Influencing Push / Pull Factors continued

6 National authorities properly trained and resourced to pursue people smuggling syndicates Intelligence agencies willing and able to focus on people smuggling ventures Sharing intelligence both domestically and internationally Investigation / Intelligence

7 To persuade people not to use the service of people smugglers Many lessons learned: ­ Some messages work better than others ­ Some methods of delivery work better ­ Need to tailor to the audience ­ Need to pool information develop best practice Public Awareness - Information Campaigns

8 International agreements on combined prevention, disruption and deterrence measures Both national and international ­ Share information ­ Share expertise ­ Capacity building Cooperation

9 Bali Process is already contributing on all these fronts: ­ International cooperation, including the RSO ­ Also with UNHCR, IOM, UNODC ­ Sharing information (including UNODC Voluntary Reporting System) ­ Workshop on UNTOC protocols How working on policy guides for national implementation ­ Training on investigation/prosecution New links forming between RSO and JCLEC and other regional institutions ­ Intelligence : Forum hosted by New Zealand ­ Information campaigns : some work in 2009; RSO interested in developing a project Good News !

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