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By: Lavosha Williams Persuasive Writing is… A writing technique used to persuade a particular audience to believe what the writer believes.

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2 By: Lavosha Williams


4 Persuasive Writing is… A writing technique used to persuade a particular audience to believe what the writer believes.


6 This genre of writing is important because: Gives us a voice Helps us to raise awareness Helps us to create change


8 Persuasive writing Styles: Essay style- this style resembles a typical essay style; however, for the essay to be considered a persuasive essay, the writer must take a clear stance on the issue and write in a persuasive manner Letter style- this style resembles a typical letter format; however, for this letter to be considered a persuasive letter, the writer must take a position and try to persuade the reader to believe them.

9 Some Persuasive Writing sample topics are: The legal drinking age should be 18 (persuade for or against) Students should be required to wear uniforms (persuade for or against) Teachers should get paid more (persuade for or against) Children under the age of 16 should not have a face book page (persuade for or against) Children under the age of 12 should not own a cell phone (persuade for or against)


11 Now, lets take a look at some Persuasive appeals!

12 Persuasive Writing in a Nutshell: A genre of writing, either in letter or essay form, that is used to persuade a particular audience for or against an idea. Through the use of specific characteristics (that we will discuss later) and different styles of appeals, this genres will allow us to have a voice, raise an awareness, and possibly create change.

13 The End

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