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Jump to first page 09/03/97 Copyright R. Verspoor1997 Jump to first page Hahnemann’s Heilkünst Treating Disease Using Hahnemann’s.

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2 Jump to first page 09/03/97 Copyright R. Verspoor1997 Jump to first page Hahnemann’s Heilkünst Treating Disease Using Hahnemann’s Complete Medical System

3 Jump to first page Hahnemann’s Search for Ways to Remedy Disease (Heilen) n Started with rejection of allopathy and use of diet and regimen. n Discovery of principle of similar resonance (similia similibus curentur) based on provings and small doses. n Use of homeopathic approach to cure natural disease (acute). n Experience led to realisation that: u disease state got worse despite homeopathic rx u previous symptom state returned n Realised that remedy chosen on basis of pathology (symptoms of patient) was not sufficient for cure.

4 Jump to first page 09/03/97 Copyright R. Verspoor1997 Hahnemann’s Theory of Chronic Disease n Introduced importance of CAUSE in case analysis n Introduced importance of VALUING of symptoms n Introduced importance of LAYERS of disease states and symptoms Prescribing now becomes more complicated.

5 Jump to first page 09/03/97 Copyright R. Verspoor1997 Impact of Chronic Disease Theory n Now treat for INHERITED WEAKNESS where this is discernible or in family history n Now treat for CAUSES where this seems clear: “never been well since...” symptoms n Now recognise that certain weaknesses or stresses can BLOCK action of remedies

6 Jump to first page 09/03/97 Copyright R. Verspoor1997 Hahnemann’s 3 Insights n CURE is more than the removal of symptoms; there must be removal of cause(s) n Disease is due to a DESTABILISATION of the Life Force from stresses acting on inherited weaknesses n Disease exists as much in TIME as in space. Have we fully integrated these insights into homeopathy?

7 Jump to first page 09/03/97 Copyright R. Verspoor1997 Some Brief Examples n Person treated after deep trauma with well- indicated remedy; improvement, but there are still problems. Treated for specific shock, major improvement and resolution of grief. n Person treated with well-indicated remedy for 6 months with initial amelioration, then relapse. Remedy no longer works. Remedy for most recent trauma resolves crisis. n Person treated 5 years with same remedy with initial amelioration, maintained by repetition of dose, but no deeper improvement n Person treated for symptoms, most immediate and acute of which disappear; presented as cured case at conference

8 Jump to first page 09/03/97 Copyright R. Verspoor1997 QUESTIONS????? n Does the remedy chosen on the presenting symptoms really cure or only remove the symptoms? n Is the relapse after initial amelioration, with no response from remedy, a sign of incurability or of the healing process? n If the well-indicated remedy continues to act, but does not deepen the state of health, is this cure or palliation?

9 Jump to first page 09/03/97 Copyright R. Verspoor1997 PROTRACTED DISEASE AND CURE n Hahnemann taught 3 causes: u inheritance of susceptibility u imbalance of constitution from general stress (diet, lifestyle) u specific and abnormal stresses n Can we cure if we have not treated for all three causes? n Does the traditional remedy necessarily remove the causes, or only the symptoms?

10 Jump to first page 09/03/97 Copyright R. Verspoor1997 The Genesis of Disease nNnNutrigenic -- poor diet and regimen (Aphorism 150) nHnHomogenic -- injuries, damages, shocks (Introduction to Chronic Diseases) nInIatrogenic -- treatments (mineral baths) -- acridities - allopathic drugs, vaccinations nPnPathogenic -- poisons, micro-organisms - -- sequelae, miasms nInIdeogenic -- wrong/false thought/belief (core delusions) ; “highest diseases”(fn 17a)

11 Jump to first page Two Aspects of Life Principle n Lebens- Erhaltungskraft = that power which sustains organism in harmonious, vital operation; makes and maintains symptoms in a diseased effort to preserve life (back- action, after-action, counter-action). (Aphorism 63, footnote 205a) n Origin of healing. n Lebens- Erzeugenskraft = that power of the life force that generates life (conception) and is also involved in engendering disease; it is also that power that must be involved in curing disease. (Aphorism 64) n Origin of curing

12 Jump to first page 09/03/97 Copyright R. Verspoor1997 The Genesis of Disease/Nature of Life Force Affected n Nutrigenic -- poor diet and regimen Sustentive Power n Homogenic -- injuries, damages, shocks Sustentive Power n Iatrogenic -- treatments/acridities Sustentive Power n Pathogenic -- sequelae/miasms Generative Power n Ideogenic --false thought/belief Generative Power

13 Jump to first page Different Jurisdictions in Natural Law n Disease and cure are like human law - different jurisdictions n Local/State/National/International n Each level has its particular competence and principles n Disease is like a crime and Heilkunstler is like detective, prosecutor and judge in one.

14 Jump to first page Hahnemann’s Heilkünst n Nutrigenic n Homogenic n Iatrogenic n Pathogenic n Ideogenic resonance ofdiet/regimen resonance of action resonance of drug resonance of pathogen resonance of belief The different dimensions/jurisdictions of disease. Each has its corresponding resonance which is the basis for prescribing.

15 Jump to first page Factors to Consider in Determining Jurisdiction n Aphorism 3: “If the physician clearly realises what in diseases, that is, what in each particular case of disease,is to be remedied..” n Aphorism 5: for acute disease, the occasioning cause - for chronic disease, look also at: u discernible bodily constitution, u emotional and mental character, u occupations, lifestyle and habits, u civic and domestic relationships, u age and sexual function, etc.

16 Jump to first page Aphorism 6: The unprejudiced observer, even the most sharp- witted -- knowing the nullity of supersensible speculations which are not born out in experience -- sensibly perceives in each single disease nothing other than outwardly discernible alterations in the condition of the body and soul, disease signs, occurrents, symptoms; that is, deviations from the former healthy state of the now diseased patient, which the latter himself feels, the bystanders perceive and the physician observes. (Disease Gestalt) u

17 Jump to first page n Aphorism 7: Now, since one can perceive nothing else in a disease, from which there is no obvious occasioning or maintaining cause (Occasional Cause) to be removed other than the disease-signs, so also must it be only the symptoms, along with regard to any contingent miasm and with attention to the attendant circumstances (§5), through which the disease demands and can point to the same medicine appropriate for its in a word, must the totality of the symptoms be the most important thing, indeed the only thing for the Remedial Artist, that he has to discern and clear away in each disease case by his art, so that the disease be remedied and transmuted into health. See also Aphorism 18

18 Jump to first page n Aphorism 8: It is not to be thought, likewise not to be shown by any experience in the world, that, after the lifting of all disease symptoms and the entire complex of the perceptible occurrents, something other than health were left over or could be left over, so that the morbid alteration in the interior would be left unabolished. u See also Aphorism 17

19 Jump to first page Emphasis in Case Taking n Nutrigenic resonance of diet/regimen u FEELINGS n Homogenic resonance of action u IRRITANT ACTIONS n Iatrogenic resonance of drug u CONDITIONS (DROPSY) n Pathogenic resonance of pathogen u SIGNS n Ideogenic resonance of thought u BEHAVIOUR

20 Jump to first page Sequence for Treatment of Chronic Disease n §211: Treat the acute flare-up first (including allopathic treatment in emergencies). n §206: You must identify any venereal miasm or infection. n §207: Identify any allopathic medication taken and antidote if possible. n §208: Identify any other obstacles to cure (traumas) and remove. n §209: Once you have stripped all this away, sketch the disease image based on the characteristic symptoms; start treatment using an initial remedy (anti-psoric), and continue with remedies in sequence.

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