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Instructor Name- Dr. Vee CE220-02

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1 Instructor Name- Dr. Vee CE220-02
CE220 Unit 6: The Healthy Child: Disease Prevention and Medication Regimen Instructor Name- Dr. Vee CE220-02

2 Thought for the day…. “That is what learning is. You suddenly understand something you've understood all your life, but in a new way.” -Doris Lessing

3 Weekly Reminders Complete Readings Read Web Resources
Complete the learning activities Discussion Board: Post detailed responses to discussion question (100 words or more) Share detailed feedback with at least 2 classmates Post response to Seminar Option 2 IF you do not attend seminar Complete Project

4 Unit 6 Project 1) You are going to be create an advertisement using the flyer in Doc Sharing that makes a healthy snack look exciting. *Please feel free to be as creative as possible, but make sure to cite your sources. If you use clip art, using the pictures from Microsoft Word is the best choice **If you click on the circles on the top of the flyer, you can add clip art to make the flyer more attractive.

5 Unit 6 Project cont. 2) You'll finish creating a 5-day menu for the age group of your choice. Your menu will include alternative choices for children with wheat and nut allergies and for vegetarian children. The menu you create will be based on the USDA Food Guide Pyramid for children. Your menu will be created by filling out the form provided and submitting the form by the end of Unit 6. Read Chapter 19 of your text, pp , for information on creating your own original menu. You also may visit these sites for help: USDA Resource List: Food allergies: Vegetarian/vegan diets:

6 Communicable Illness “an illness that can be transmitted or spread from one person or animal to another” 3 factors necessary for this to occur: Pathogen (disease causing agent) Susceptible host Method of transmission Which of these factors is an ECP most able to control? (Marotz, p. 130)

7 Forms of Transmission Airborne Fecal-oral Body fluids
Occurs from coughing, sneezing, talking Examples: influenza, colds, meningitis, tuberculosis, chickenpox Fecal-oral Transferred to mouth by hands contaminated with fecal matter Examples: pinworms, hepatitis A, salmonella Body fluids Transferred by fluids such as blood or mucus Examples: ringworm, hepatitis B, pink eye (Marotz, p. 131)

8 Control Measures Observation Policies Immunization
Environmental Control Education (Marotz, p )

9 Case Study p. 146 Laura comes to daycare with runny nose and cough. Her mother said it was just allergies and left quickly. Laura’s mother is a single-parent who works part-time and goes to a community college. Shortly after being dropped off, teachers realize Laura has a fever, red throat, and swollen glands.

10 Case Study, cont. How should the teachers handle Laura's immediate situation? Should she be allowed to stay or should an attempt be made to contact Laura's mother? If Laura is allowed to stay at the center, what measures can be taken to limit the risk of spreading the illness to other children? If this is a repeated occurrence, what steps can be taken to make sure Laura's mother complies with the center's policies? How can the center help Laura's mother avoid similar situations in the future?

11 Wrap-up quote…. “Instruction begins when you, the teacher, learn from the learner; put yourself in his place so that you may understand… what he learns and the way he understands it”. Kierkegaard

12 References Marotz, Lynn (2009). Health, Safety, and Nutrition for the Young Child. Clifton Park: Thomson Delmar Learning.

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