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Use the ABCDE Strategy to build resilience. © Paul T. P. Wong Life Lesson 9: How do I overcome adversity?

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Presentation on theme: "Use the ABCDE Strategy to build resilience. © Paul T. P. Wong Life Lesson 9: How do I overcome adversity?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Use the ABCDE Strategy to build resilience. © Paul T. P. Wong Life Lesson 9: How do I overcome adversity?

2 Overview Life is full of suffering Need to develop a tragic sense of life Need realistic stress appraisal Need to understand the Resource- Congruence Model Frankl’s concept of Tragic Optimism The ABCDE Intervention

3 Have a Tragic Sense of Life “In this world you will have trouble.” - Jesus The first noble truth of Buddhism: Life is full of suffering Every life is touched by tragedy Having a tragic sense of life offers you the best preparation for the tragedies of life

4 A tragic sense of life is an effective inoculation against tragedies.

5 What matters most is how you react to adversity.

6 3 Common Responses to Adversity 1) Catastrophizing: Creating unnecessary anxieties & suffering 2) Trivializing: Ignoring the real danger & believing in delusions 3) Assessing it rationally: Appraising the situation realistically

7 Importance of Appraisal Primary appraisal – Is it neutral, beneficial, or harmful? Secondary appraisal – Is it controllable by self, by others or beyond human control? Reappraisal – Have I under- or over- estimated my ability to manage the situation? (As measured by Stress Appraisal Measure)

8 Resource-Congruence Model Do I have the needed resources (external & internal)? Do I have the appropriate coping responses? If the answer to both is affirmative, then we don’t experience stress

9 A Case of Exaggerated Appraisal: The Process of Catastrophizing

10 Coping with Real Trauma Religious coping Existential coping Re-telling the story Practicing tragic optimism

11 Components of Tragic Optimism (TO) Acceptance of the bleak reality Belief in the value and meaning of life Self-transcendence (altruism) Faith in God and others Courage to face adversity

12 The Power of Acceptance Accept what cannot be changed Accept responsibility not for what has happened but for how to cope Learn to let go in order to move forward

13 Self-transcendence enhances the well-being of both self and others.


15 Courage empowers you to expand your hope beyond the walls that confine you.

16 A Good Example of Tragic Optimism

17 ABCDE Intervention Accept and confront reality – the reality principle Believe that life is worth living – the faith principle Commit to goals and actions – the action principle Discover the meaning and significance of self and situations – the Aha! Principle Evaluate the above – the self-regulation principle

18 The Power of Acceptance


20 The Power of Belief


22 Commitment = Passion + Action + Persistence

23 The Joy of Self-Discovery Learning something new about the self and life Digging deeper, exploring further, and higher. Discovering one’s hidden talents and strength. Discovering the power of faith and spiritual resources. Grasping the complexities of life and people.

24 Enjoyment & Evaluation Savoring small successes and re-assessing one’s progress Feeling relief that the worst is over Monitoring progress Savoring the moments of small success Reflecting and reviewing one’s life Receiving feedback from others Conducting assessments and making adjustments

25 Growing Stronger through Struggle

26 Adversity provides a better foundation for life than prosperity.

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